Users may be better served by using getFishTicketNumbers001() or getFishTicketNumbers002().
Reserves and returns one or more fish ticket numbers in the database for your user. Other users will not be given these numbers in their requests as they are reserved for your use. This is provided to help preserve id uniqueness of these fish ticket numbers.
All eLandings landings reports have one or more fish_ticket_numbers associated. There is one fish_ticket_number per CFEC permit holder on the landing report. Before assigning a fish_ticket_number to a new report, eLandings and all third-party users need to verify that the fish_ticket_numbers that they assign are not already in use. Otherwise, previous report data will be lost and new report data may be corrupted. There is a risk in using this method, that previously assigned tickets can be reused. It is recommended for this reason that you use getFishTicketNumbers001() or getFishTicketNumbers002()
For example:
A landing report is created by userid=Bob and the landing report is assigned fish_ticket_number = 1000
A landing report is created by userid=Joe and the landing report is assigned fish_ticket_number =1000