
Problem #1:  The fisherman doesn't have a CFEC card or they lost their CFEC card, or they are getting an error with the CFEC card.

Use the agency desktop eLandings Agency Web and look up the CFEC card for them. Go to Search...Permits > CFEC Permits. Confirm their identity first.
If that doesn't work, have them use the interim CFEC permit number. This number is located on the blue laminated ADF&G eLandings code sheet.
Here is the interim CFEC permit: 9998 00098A 0000W, select management program OA.
Remind them that they will need to replace the interim values used in the report as soon as possible.

If the user does not have a CFEC card this is a state violation and the fishermen and they enforcement should be notified.

Problem #2I don't know my user name.

Use agency web https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/  - Admin > Operations > search for their operation > click on the operation ID to view their operation and give them their user ID after confirming their identity.

Alternatively in the Agency Web go to Admin > Processor User and search by name or email. 

Problem #3I don't know my password (but I know my user name)

Go to the login page: https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/Login. Direct the caller to enter their user ID and email address and click on the "email my password" button.  
If the user submits their data through seaLandings, they can still use this feature to recover their password. If they have tried the Forgot Password function and have not received an email, direct them to contact eLandings support. 

Problem #4I am doing grading and pricing and I am getting errors about the itemized catch weight being different from the pricing and grading weight.

Since the fish ticket is done and the landing is documented, pricing and grading can wait until business hours. Contact eLandings User Support elandings@alaska.gov.  If you have time, you could also ask them to compare the weights listed in the itemized catch lines and the grading and pricing lines, and see if any weights in the pricing and grading lines are more than weights in the itemized catch lines (or if the sum of the weights add up to more than the itemized weights). The weights in the pricing and grading lines cannot be more than the weights as listed in the itemized catch lines.

Problem #5I can't figure this out. I don't know how to use the system.

Direct the caller to use the interim fish ticket. The link to this is on the main elandings page: http://elandings.alaska.gov/; Go down to the section that says, "Temporarily disconnected from the internet?" And click on the non-IFQ instructions. Here is the link: http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/elandings/temp_disconnect_nonIFQ.pdf. Fill out all the information. Get an imprint of the fisherman's CFEC card. And get the fisherman's signature.  During business hours, processors should contact eLandings support at elandings@alaska.gov or local ADFG and get help.  Once the user's internet connection is restored, ask them to enter the landing in eLandings.

Problem #6: SeaLandings users -I sent my transmission file several hours ago and I haven't received my receipt yet.

You'll get this question from at-sea vessels that are trying to submit production or landings reports, potentially even logbooks. The best response is to ask them to transmit the same report once again and cc' your email address (this will not cause double reporting) and wait at least 20 minutes to see if they receive a receipt. You can also direct these calls to eLandings support at elandings@alaska.gov.  If you have time, you could confirm whether their report (make sure to ask for the report #) made it in to the agency web by going to Reports and searching for their report.

Problem #7:  What management program should I list on my report?

Direct the caller to go to the Codes link at the top of their report menu, then choose Management Program Codes for a list of available management program codes. If they are still unsure, direct the caller to contact eLandings@alaska.gov for more information about the use of specific management program codes.

Problem #8:  Deleting reports.

All users should contact eLandings support staff at elandings@alaska.gov if they wish to delete submitted reports from eLandings or seaLandings. Staff will pass the request along to State and/or NMFS programmers. 

If an eLandings user wishes to delete an unsubmitted report, they can login to the web interface and click on the Delete Unsubmitted Report link at the top of the Reports Menu.

Information should then be entered about the report they wish to delete and the user should then click on the Delete button.

For at-sea processors using seaLandings, if they want to delete a unsubmitted report direct them to eLandings support staff at eLandings@alaska.gov

Problem #9: "I am trying to edit a report and am getting an error that it is past the 90 day limit to edit. What do I do?"

Direct the caller to contact eLandings support staff at elandings@alaska.gov, they will unlock the report for editing or send a courtesy email and cc the user with the request. Make sure to include the report number and the reason why the report needs to be deleted.

Problem #10:  My internet/email connection is down.

If a processor is attempting to transmit production reports, direct them to contact eLandings support at eLandings@alaska.gov.

For IFQ reports, have the processor complete and submit an MLR, and then have them complete a fish ticket in eLandings when their internet returns. For prolonged outages lasting two or more days, paper fish tickets can be completed and mailed to ADF&G

Problem #11:  CFEC card not accepted because the user is trying to enter the "D" at the end of a duplicate CFEC card.

Instruct the user to omit the D as part of the permit number. A "D" at the end of the permit number indicates that the CFEC card is a duplicate.

Problem #12: "I am trying to use a mag stripe reader and getting an error"

This link https://elandings.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/doc/pages/10427595/How+To+Enter+CFEC+Permit+Information+With+The+Magnetic+Stripe+Card+Reader will take the user to the How to Enter CFEC Information with the Mag Stripe Reader instruction sheet.

Problem #13:  How do I submit my check-in or check-out report in eLandings?

Currently processors are not able to submit check-in/out reports in eLandings. Check-in/out reports should be submitted by fax to 907-586-7131 or emailed to elandings@alaska.gov.

Problem #14:  How do I submit my product transfer reports (PTRs) in eLandings?

Currently processors are not able to submit product transfer reports in eLandings. PTRs should be faxed to 907-586-7313 or emailed to enf.dataclerk@noaa.gov.

Problem #15: "Where do I add a comment on an overage?"

Once they have entered the overage in the line item and saved, they can click on the Add/Edit Comments button and use the drop-down button to select a code that qualifies the overage. Click on save.

Problem #16: "I am using the seaLandings consolidated report feature and it's telling me I need to add a comment on an "other retained product". What do I do?"

Its best to direct seaLandings users to eLandings staff who have extensive experience with seaLandings. Users can contact eLandings support staff at eLandings@alaska.gov

If eLandings support staff is unavailable, you can provide the following instructions to users: The user will need to highlight the actual line item in the consolidated report that used code 97 by clicking on it. Then they will need to click on the Open button which will open an "Itemized Catch" window. There will be a "Comment" field with two lines they can enter information in. The top line has a drop down arrow to the right where they need to select "97 Condition Description Required". The field below that is where they would enter what type of product they retained, for example "turbot tails". Once all comments are entered where disposition code 97 was used, they can save and submit their reports as normal.

*Problem #17: "I need to make edits to my landing/production report" *

If the report has been locked for editing, that means 90 days have passed since they submitted their report and it is not a time sensitive issue so the user can wait until business working hours and contact eLandings@alaska,gov.
