- Enter information for the Processor and Catcher Vessel.
Required fields are indicated with the Red (i).
- Catcher Vessel Information:
ADF&G No.: enter the ADF&G number for the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your vessel.
- Operation: Select your Operation.
Gear: This is the two digit numeric code used to identify the gear used by the catcher vessel to harvest the catch.
Crew Size: Enter the crew size of the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your vessel.
Partial Delivery: Not applicable for motherships; leave unchecked.
Observers Onboard: Enter the number of observers on-board the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your vessel.
Discard Report: Choose whichever option is appropriate.
Tender ADF&G#: Leave blank if not applicable.
Date Fishing Began: The date when the catcher vessel deployed their gear in the water to begin fishing (MMDDYYYY).
- Date of Landing: The date when the landing was completed.
- Days Fished: The number of days when the gear was used to fish. This number does not include traveling to and from the fishing grounds, or weather delays (MMDDYYYY).