Per 50 CFR part 660.303 operators of Pacific Whiting vessels delivering whiting during the primary season, and buyers of Pacific Whiting, are required to report their deliveries on state fish tickets and along with the first receiver make . In addition the buyer submits an electronic fish ticket submission of for that delivery. To include as part of each electronic fish ticket submission, the actual scale weight for each groundfish species as specifies by requirements at 66.373 (j)(2)(i) and the Pacific whiting shoreside vessel identification numbers. Along with the The first receiver , submit submits a completed electronic fishticket for every landing that includes whiting no later than 24 hours after the date the fish are received, unless a waiver of this requirement has been granted.
The original purpose of the state paper fishticket program(s) were to record catch for the purposes of imposing and collecting an excise tax on the landed product. As fisheries management matured, the landing data began to be used for fisheries management purposes. Currently, all landing data generated under this system is house housed in the PSFMC PACFIN data base, which is the primary tool for managing commercially caught fish on the West Coast.