Tasks specific to this particular release:


Items to consider when preparing for a release:

|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|[Staging\|1 Staging New Build to Deployment Servers] ahead so that the build which has been tested is deployed|
|F|M|F|          |          | |Deployment to Training|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: Stop JBoss|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [DB Synchronization\|DB Synchronization for Development, Test, Training and Production]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: Check the DB Synchronization twice|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [Web Application and Web Services\|2 Web Application and Web Services Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [Agency Workstation\|3 Agency Workstation Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [Processor Workstation\|4 Processor Workstation Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [emailIf\|5 Mail Processor Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: [Periodic Server Maintenance\|7 Periodic Server Maintenance]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: reboot (to ensure that we are bootable)|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: Smoke Test|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: Check Smoke Test results in RAM JBoss log|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: email Brant, cc Ty and Kurt re web services for Vessel info|
|F|M|F|          |          | |Deployment to Production|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|Notification to processors and agency staff|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Training: grep the log and review exceptions|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: Stop production at appointed time|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: [DB Synchronization\|DB Synchronization for Development, Test, Training and Production]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: Check the DB Synchronization twice|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: [Web Application and Web Services\|2 Web Application and Web Services Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: [Agency Workstation\|3 Agency Workstation Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: [Processor Workstation\|4 Processor Workstation Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: [emailIf\|5 Mail Processor Build and Deployment]|
|F|M|F|          |          | |-- Production: [Periodic Server Maintenance\|7 Periodic Server Maintenance]|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: reboot (to ensure that we are bootable)|
|F|M|F|          |          |ltalley|-- Production: Smoke Test|
|F|M|F|1236277509480|          |ltalley|Increment release number on the build server|