Note that the NPS project has their own development resources and timeline. The decision to approve or reject this proposal should not effect the NPS project significantly. However, this proposal will develop an eSignature design for eLogbook initiatives. It is also the intent of this proposal to leverage all NMFS eSignature efforts, generalize the approaches to the extent possible, and provide model designs and approval documents to make it reasonably easy to address future eSignature applications as they are identified.
Note also that this project is all about a planning, design, and plan approval exercise, and this project does not specify a complete development process resulting in implemented production systems. Of course a development process (and/or procurement) is eventually intended, but it will be considered separately. (An NPS eSignature implementation is already funded within the NPS project. Plans for implementation of further eSignature components will be easier to make once design and approval documents are complete.)
<Briefly describe objectives for establishing the project. How does this project directly relate to the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the FIS Program? Why is the project important? What are the benefits and intended outcomes?>