Business Context, Transaction Types and Volume

National Marine Fisheries Service issues permits to fishing industry individuals and corporations and also to individual recreational fishers.  states have fish ticket programs (actually 26 of them) were developed for revenue purposes

examples: whiting in wa, salmon in ca

info flows into pacfin

state and pacfin program

dave is dev e reporting that emulates state programs, take current state systems and turn into e format with no change in management approach etc.

want to demonstrate utility of program and e format, but give states flexibility and time to adopt at their schedule

under whiting efp great deal of interest to track bycatch on near or real-time basis

propsed require shoreside catch under efp (in addition to state paper system) also report under the e-reporting 

demo speed of reconciling, near real-time tracking of bycatch, dual reporting

under ammendment 10, which replaces efp program, will continue to require e-reporting, just for whiting

to the extent that states may want to use e reporting for black cod or other fisheries, we want to allow that

current whiting fishery fish ticket volume, 40 boats, 20 days of fishing, 15 landings per vessel times 40 boats

higher end of range would approach total fish tickets on west coast

More.... legislative or other policy mandates
