
A wide range of permit types are issued. Some representative examples are :
More...the AFA Inshore Cooperative Permit, which permits fishing for Pollock in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands under section 1 of the Fisherman's Collective Marketing Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 521), and the Federal Processor Permit, required for a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor (SFP) under 50 CFR 679.4.

At any given time, and depending on how they are counted, NMFS manages approximately 125,000 active commercial fishing permits and registrations, and another 17,000 subsistence permits.  (For more detail see NPS Leadership Council Subgroup July 2008.ppt)


Permit holders range from large multinational corporations to small family businesses. But generally fishing and processing permit holders are technologically sophisticated, as the fishing industry is competitive and participants have strong incentives to leverage available technology. However, fishing is frequently a lifestyle choice of action-oriented individualists, and most of the participants would rather be on deck fishing than in the wheelhouse complying with record-keeping and report requirements. It is probably safe to assume that technology that makes record-keeping and reporting compliance less burdensome will be well accepted, while any technology that increases the burden would be unacceptable.

Data sensitivity and security


In general these permit applications do not contain highly sensitive information. However, information collected pursuant to requirements of the MSA, including permit application information, is protected by its confidentiality
provisions at § 402 and under its implementing regulations at 50 CFR Part 600 Subpart E, including NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-100. Additional protections of the Privacy Act and FOIA apply to such data as well as those
collected under the Halibut Act. Most permit applications contain some personally identifying information (PII) and some few applications may contain proprietary business information.
