The following presents a schedule of major tasks, activities, and milestones for the project. Table 3: (Based on detailed project outline.)
Project Schedule - Major Tasks and Milestones*
ID | Activity Description | Planned Start | Planned Finish | Predecessor |
1 | Task 1: Analyze existing esignature policy | MM/DD/YY | MM/DD/YY |
2 | Activity 1.1: Identify requirements |
3 | Activity 1.2: Evaluate implications for esignature, user enrollment, authentication |
4 | Task 2: Review existing approaches to implementing esignature |
5 | Task 3: Establish draft esignature approach for electronic reporting |
6 | Deliverable: Draft ER Esignature Approach |
| 5 |
7 | Task 4: Review and approve esignature approach |
8 | Activity 4.1: Conduct legal, PRA review |
9 | Activity 4.2: Conduct IT security, other reviews |
10 | Task 5: Publish approved esignature approach |
11 | Deliverable: Final Approved Esignature Approach |
| 10 |