| Fisheries | ||
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National Marine Fisheries Service | FY08 Proposal | ||
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Project: | eReporting - eSignature | ||
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| 1 |
Date: | 12 16 July 2007 |
Release Number | Date | Description | ||
1.0 | July 2007 | Initial release | ||
| 1.1 | July 2007 | Revisions by Larry Talley |
*Table of Contents
Table of Contents |
- *# Project Description*
- Background
<Briefly describe the project background, if applicable.>
The purpose of this project is to establish an approved process for implementing esignatures for use with electronic reporting systems. During the Electronic Reporting Planning Workshop held in July 2007, it was determined that a clear process for implementing esignatures for electronic reporting would be of significant benefit to multiple regions. This project will review the requirements of the Agency's esignature policy (32-110), evaluate existing methods and procedures, and develop a standard approach for implementing esignatures for electronic reporting. - Objectives
<Briefly describe objectives for establishing the project. How does this project directly relate to the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the FIS Program? Why is the project important? What are the benefits and intended outcomes?>
The following lists the major objectives to be accomplished by this project in FY08:
- Background
- http://www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au/pm_templates/pm994_smlbusinessplanv1.0.htmRisk Management
<A risk analysis should be undertaken upon commencement of the project and regularly reviewed throughout the project life cycle.
Include a summary of the major risks, mitigation strategies, estimated additional costs to deploy the strategies (these should be included in the budget) and an overall assessment as to the level of risk associated with the project. Also discuss how risks will be managed in relation to risk identification, reviews, and reporting.>
Risks will be determined during initial planning for the project.
- http://www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au/pm_templates/pm994_smlbusinessplanv1.0.htmRisk Management
- *# *## Project Estimates*
- Schedule and Milestones
<List the project output or deliverables. These may be new or modified products, services, documents, or management practices that need to be implemented to meet each identified outcome.>
List the milestones and major activities for the project. Milestones are indicated by a blank scheduled start date, these are the dates identified during the initial planning stage used to monitor progress of the project. Activities in the predecessor column must be completed prior to the activity commencing.
For this task, you may use Microsoft Project, if this software is available.>
The following presents a schedule of major tasks, activities, and milestones for the project.
Table 3: Project Schedule - Major Tasks and MilestonesID
Activity Description
Planned Start
Planned Finish
Task 1: Analyze existing esignature policy
Activity 1.1: Identify requirements
Activity 1.2: Evaluate implications for esignature, user enrollment, authentication
Task 2: Review existing approaches to implementing esignature
Task 3: Establish draft esignature approach for electronic reporting
Deliverable: Draft ER Esignature Approach
Task 4: Review and approve esignature approach
Activity 4.1: Conduct legal, PRA review
Activity 4.2: Conduct IT security, other reviews
Task 5: Publish approved esignature approach
Deliverable: Final Approved Esignature Approach
- Schedule and Milestones
- Cost Estimates
<Summarize the project's budget and expected overall budget projections.
Provide a detailed list of resourcing requirements, for example human resources, IT equipment, information requirements, special equipment, etc. Use the following table to calculate the project cost estimates. Please note that the items listed in the Project Needs column are provided as examples only. Modify the list as needed to suit the specific needs of the project.>