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Meeting Design for the June 30th Call

  • Welcome - Larry

    Under Sections 1703 and 1704 of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), Executive agencies are required to provide for the use and acceptance of electronic signatures. NMFS responded to GPEA with policy directive 32-110 and procedural instruction 32-110-01. These policy and procedural documents describe an evaluation and approval process which must proceed any eSignature implementation. The Pacific Islands Science Center's eLogbook initiative and the National Permits System have an immediate interest in eSignature, and other initiatives are considering eSignature. During the Electronic Reporting Planning Workshop held in July 2007, it was determined that a clear process for implementing eSignatures for electronic reporting would be of significant benefit to multiple regions. This project will follow the policy and procedural instructions and develop a standard approach for implementing eSignatures for electronic reporting.

  • Purpose and Outcomes - Steve
  • Introductions - All
    • Name
    • Organization
    • Expertise
  • Review the Stakeholder Grid - Steve
    • Assignment Overview
  • Review July 11th Meeting Logistics - Steve
  • Closing - Larry