

  • Larry kicked things off.
    • There is a NMFS policy and procedural directive that implements the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), which says federal agencies can accept e-signatures. Both the law and NMFS policy gives e-signatures them the same validity as a paper signature.
    • As a result, we are working to establish an e-signature program within NMFS.
    • We want to come up with an implementation that will help other programs with the recipe we create in this e-signature working group.
    • While our program was coming along, Susan Molina, with the National Permits System, has come a long ways towards an implementation of eSignature in a specific context.
      • We have been talking about how we can partner.
      • She is working to deliver a specific solution
      • We want to use her work to develop a broader approach that will hopefully help a wider scope of government to business and government to citizen projects.
    • What will we have accomplished by Jan 09?
      • Approved E-Sig implementation plan
      • We will not have done a software development project.
    • What does success look like?
      • Understand the E-sig opportunities and challenges
      • Secured approval from the OCIO, General Counsel (GC), and GC Enforcement Litigation
      • Positioned for software development or procurement.
    • E-Signature is not primarily a technical challenge; it's more of a social change challenge.
