The help page should:
1. Define who would use the page and why they would use it in a short paragraph
2. Define each field on the page and example data for each field. If the HTML5 page does not have tool tips already, we want to add them now.
3. Provide some frequently asked questions.
4. Provide a typical use case with screen shots from start to finish
Please note what fields are not required and why.
Please note the hotkeys on the ten-key to tab thru fields. Also note how a range can be entered in ascending, descending order, and can skip around in order.
For example if our sequence range is 1-10, we could enter the first three tickets in a range 'E18 000001' to 'E18 000003' and it would take seq numbers 1-3. We could then enter 3 tickets in descending order 'E18 000006' to 'E18 000004' and it would take seq numbers 4-6. We could then skip to a different block of tickets and enter 'E18 000016' to 'E18 000020' to use up the remaining seq numbers 7-10
Original ticket without signature
Edited ticket without signature
Unless specifically requested by Alaska Wildlife Troopers or receipt of a court order for the original copy with signature, a copy of the landing printed from the Agency Interface will suffice, in most cases.
The Fish Ticket Numbers will default with a prefix of EYY (where YY is the current year), allowing you to enter only the six digit fish ticket number. In this example, you would enter 181164 and then hit the enter key.
If you need to override the year, you may enter the entire fish ticket number with the prefix for the prior year. In a few cases, a processor will fail to download the current year of tLandings and it generates fish tickets with the prior year date. The ticket(s) should be batched with the current year’s fishery. Just change the prefix on the ticket. Remember to change the prefix back to the current year when you have completed processing of the ticket(s). Again, enter the pre-printed fish ticket number, omitting the leading alpha letter (the E) and the year.
If submission of duplicate fish tickets is a continual problem, ask the processor to submit all fish ticket reports once, with the tender log attached for each offload. The tender log is a complete listing of all landings associated with the tender trip.
Summary of Auto Batching Procedures
Electronic fish tickets cannot be printed in the eLandings System without first being saved. In some cases, the electronic fish ticket record is stored in our eLandings database, but the signed copy of the fish ticket has not been received. It is easy to determine if the fish ticket record has not been submitted to the Department. You can run a Delinquent Fish Ticket query from the Agency Interface application or OceanAK.
If there are deliquent fishtickets they should show up in the table. Click on "Execute" and the query will run. If you have "Email Results" selected the .csv file will be emailed to the email address on your user account. If it is not selected the .csv file will be downloaded to your local machine in the C:\Downloads\ directory.
The Delinquent Fish Ticket query returns a CSV file that can be sorted and filtered. The areas of harvest, as well as the harvest amounts, are also displayed. Seafood processor contact information is also returned.