Table of Contents


Batch Year will default to the current year and Harvest Code will be defaulted to 11, traditional state managed fishery, additionally the Start Fish Ticket # field will default based on the Batch Year displayed.  Though defaulted, these fields can be modified to meet your coding requirements. As an example, if you have a ticket with a pre-printed fish ticket number for the previous year, simply change the default year.  The harvest code default can be easily modified, as well. The auto batching page asks for the batch year, office code and batch number. Optionally, you can enter the harvest code, fishing period and locale code here.

To begin the auto-batching process, enter batching information:

  • Office Code
  • Batch Number and Sequence Ticket Range (as established from Zephyr)
  • You can enter the Fishing Period, the Locale Code and modify the Harvest Code as necessary, for the entire batch, or within the batch for a sub-set of tickets, but they are not required data fields.



Expand the Auto-Batching Example below to see how auto-batching works in practice.

Auto-Batching Example



Below is a practical example of auto-batching. The text will walk through a sample using data that mirrors what you might see in the real world.


See above for information on accessing the auto-batching form.

On the Auto Batching screen enter the following data:

  • Start Seq. Ticket Range: 1
  • End Seq Ticket Range: 6

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We have 6 tickets that we would like to assign batch information too.

  • E18 046023
  • E18 046024
  • E18 997799
  • E18 997800
  • E18 007157
  • E18 045572

We can see that we have a run of four consecutive numbers E18 046023 to E18 046024 and E18 997799 to E18 997800.

We will enter these tickets first.

  • Type 046023 into the Start Fish Ticket # field.
  • Press the Tab Key to move to the next field.
  • Type 046024 into the End Fish Ticket # field.

While the field focus is on the End Fish Ticket # field, press the Enter Key or "-" hyphen key.

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The enter key or hyphen key will add this range of tickets to the list to be batched.

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Notice that each ticket is listed with the same batch information.


The tickets are not batched yet. This list shows what they system will try to do, when you click the blue "Batch" button later on. You can remove items from the list that don't belong, or edit individual records if needed.

To add the next sequence:

  • Type 997799 into the Start Fish Ticket # field.
  • Press the Tab Key to move to the next field.
  • Type 997800 into the End Fish Ticket # field.

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The enter key or hyphen key will add this range of tickets to the list to be batched.

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We entered a seq ticket range of 1 to 6. We have assigned 1-4 of this range to these four landing reports.


Notice the "Next Seq. Ticket Number" field. It now shows "5". This indicates that if you were to add another ticket to the list, it would be assigned seq ticket number 5.

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We can now enter fishtickets E18 007157 and E18 045572:

  • In the Start Fish Ticket # field type: 007157 

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With the field focus on Start Fish Ticket # field, press the Enter key to add the fish ticket number to the list.

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Now enter 045572 into the Start Fish Ticket # field and repeat the process. 


Notice that the Next Seq. Ticket Number is now blank. We have used all 6 sequence ticket numbers in the range. There are no more to use.

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At this point we can review the list and make any corrections needed. We could edit individual tickets or delete them from the list.

There are two buttons at the bottom of the page: Batch and Validate


The Validate button allows you to ask the system to review your list and tell you if it sees any problems. The validate button does not make any edits to the landing reports.

The Batch button will try to assign the batch information to the individual tickets in the way you have listed here.

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Batch the tickets:

  • Click the Batch button.

If there are errors you will see a message like this:

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At this point you can correct any errors or edit the tickets to address the problems. (In this case deleting the two tickets that have already been batched after making sure they were correctly batched previously).

If there were no errors and the system successfully batched the tickets, you will receive the message:
INFO 2290: 6 fish tickets batched

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For more information on this process see the documentation for the Agency Desktop. Most of the material is applicable:
ADF&G Batching and Data Processing Procedures -Salmon

We can go look at one of these fish tickets and look at the batching information that was just added.

We will look for: E18 045572

  • Click on the Agency Button to return to the Welcome Page.

When you've returned to the Welcome Page, enter the fishticket E18 045572 into the "Search by Fish Ticket" field and click the Search button.

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The system will go to the Landing Report Search Screen and enter the search criteria to find a landing report with this fish ticket number and automatically run the search. The results of the search will display in the table below the Search button.

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  • Click on the landing report id listed in the search results.

Looking at the resulting report we can see the batch information has been applied to the ticket as we expected.

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NOTE: You may use the TAB key to navigate through each field.  Once you enter a fish ticket number, press enter to populate the batching table.  To enter a sequential range, enter the first number, tab, and then enter the second number, followed by selecting the enter key.


In a few cases, a processor will fail to download the current year of tLandings and it generates fish tickets with the prior year date.  The ticket(s) should be batched with the current year’s fishery.  Just change the prefix on the ticket.  Remember to change the prefix back to the current year when you have completed processing of the ticket(s).  Again, enter the pre-printed fish ticket number, omitting the leading alpha letter (the E) and the year.



Entering non-sequential fish ticket numbers
