
On login, Agency users are presented with the "Welcome To eLandings Agency Portal". We also call this the main page or home page.


You can always get back to this page by clicking on the Agency menu item at the top left of the screen.

Image RemovedOn the Agency Portal page, click Image Added

Click on "Create Landing Report" button.

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A modal dialog will appear entitled "Create Landing Report".

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In the Report Type combo Box, select "Groundfish" and then click the create  

Click the 'Create' button.

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The Groundfish Landing Report Entry Screen will be displayed.

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Notice that the data entry screen was given a new landing report id.

The landing report id = 18326505

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The new landing report id will be assigned to the ticket when you save the data to the system. From that point on, you can search for and retrieve the ticket in eLandings using this landing report id.

Our paper ticket has a paper fish ticket number = G02 000111


We can tell eLandings what the original fish ticket number on the paper ticket was.

Enter the paper fish ticket number in the 'Paper Fish Ticket' field.

By entering the paper fish ticket number, we help establish an audit trail from the paper ticket to the electronic system. After data entering the landing report into eLandings, you will want to print the electronic ticket and staple it to the front of the sign signed paper ticket as another means of establishing the audit trail between the paper and electronic system.
It is a good idea to write on the paper ticket with the signature, the add the newly created landing report id , after to the signed paper ticket once you have saved the electronic ticket in eLandings. In this This way, if the paper and electronic printed tickets are separated, anyone looking at the signed paper copy will have a clear indicator that it was data entered into eLandings.

Next we want to enter the header information from the paper ticket.

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All eLandings tickets have an associated operation.

An eLandings operation is a collection of codes including the State of Alaska issued Processor Code, the Federal Permit Number, the Registered Buyer Number, the Registered Crab Receiver, port code, and vessel number. Not all of these codes are required. You may not know if the user has any of these operation codes. We ask that you just do the best you can.
In this case the ticket shows only two operation codes: the proc code and the port.


We will look and see if an operation already exists with this proc code and port code. If it doesn't exist, we will create it now.

Click on the 'Set Op' button.

You now see the Operation modal dialog.

Enter the 'Proc Code and port code and then click the search ' and 'Port'.

Click the 'Search' button.

Select the correct operation from the table. In this case , an operation already exists that we can reuse. The the operation id = 970111. We can click on 970111 to assign the operation to the landing report.
If the search finds no operations, we can click on the 'Create' button at the top of the Operation modal dialog.
We won't create an new operation now, but just to show you what the screen looks like, click on the Create button now.Image Removed 


titleCreate an Operation

In this case, an operation already exists that we can reuse. The operation id = 970111. However, if the search finds no operations, we can click on the 'Create' button at the top of the Operation modal dialog. 

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You should see the Create Operation modal dialog.

If we didn't find an operation, we would create one here. Typically, you use the Business's name as the operation name. If the proc code starts with an 'F', than set the Type of operation to "Plant/Reciever". If the proc code starts with a 'Z', than set the type of operation to "At-Sea Processor". If you have additional information about the operation to guide you in setting the operation type, than use that.

In general we want to have a minimum of a operation name, a processor code and a port. Set the status to active. If you have other codes, enter those. Just don't sweat too much about this.


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To finish the creating a new operation you would Click the 'Create' button and then you would be able to select your newly created operation. 

titleMissing 'Proc Code'

If the paper ticket does not have a


State of Alaska


Processor Code and does not have a Federal Permit Number, than you will need to use a "missing processor code".

The missing


'Proc Code' = 'M9999'.

There are several operations that have already been created using M9999.

These include:

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You could use one of these operations if they match the port code you need. You can always create another operation for another port code.


 To see these, in the Operation Modal Dialog, Enter the 'Proc


Code' = M9999, clear the


'Port' field and click the search button.


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To assign one of these operations to the ticket, you would click on the Operation ID field labeled





Click on the 'ID' 970111 to use this operation on the ticket we are data entering.Image RemovedWhen you click on

970111, the Image Added

The Operation modal dialog will close and the operation id will the ID you selected with show up on the landing report entry pagein the 'Operation' field.Image RemovedNote: in the

future we may display the operation id and operation name rather than the operation id.
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Enter the CFEC permit Permit and batching Batching information.

Scroll down and click on the pencil on paper edit button in the CFEC Permits section.

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You now see the Add CFEC Permit Modal Dialog.

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Notice that the 'Batch Year,' 'Office', 'Batch Number' and 'Sequence Ticket Number' are blank.
You  You can data enter the 'Batch Year', 'Office', and 'Batch Number now ' manually now .
Alternatively, you or you can tell the agency eLandings web page Agency Web about the batch you will be working with.I will demonstrate how to do that now.

Click the cancel button on the Add CFEC Permit Dialog Modal dialog.

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Be very careful to avoid losing our work. We want to be sure we right click on the next step rather than left click. If you left click, you will lose your work!

Right-Click on "Agency" and click

Click "Open link in new tab"

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Then click Click on the new newly opened browser tabImage RemovedThis will take you back to , leaving the previous one open. 

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The new tab will open on the main page.

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Click on 'Report > '.

Click 'Set Batch Number'. 

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Enter the 'Batch Year', 'Office Code', and 'Batch Number' to set your batching information.


In this case we will enter 'Batch Year' = 2018, 'Office Code' = Juneau, and 'Batch Number' = 11.


Click 'OK' to save the batch information.

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You can set the Batch Information at any time


during the data entry process.

The Landing Report search page will open after you've clicked 'OK' to set the batch information. 

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If you want to change the Set Batch Information, you can always go back to it.


If you want to clear the Set Batch Information, click on Report > Close Batch.


(Don't do that


if you're following along with the example)

We already have a ticket half way data entered. We want to go back to the other browser tab.

Click on the first browser tab.

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Now that we can see our partially data entered ticket again, click on the pencil on paper edit button in the 'CFEC Permits' section.

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Notice that the batching information that we entered into "Set Batching Information" is automatically entered into the Add CFEC Permit modal dialog now.Image Removed

We will pretend that our next sequence ticket number in the batch is 61 and enter that.
This will really depend on your Image Added

Enter the ticket sequence number in the 'Sequence Ticket Number' Field.


For this example we will enter 61 in the 'Sequence Ticket Number' field. The actual sequence number will  depend on the batching information that you


created in the ADFG Fish Ticket


Application (Neptune, Trident, Venus, Zephyr) and what


the current sequence ticket number



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We will enter Enter the other remaining information from the paper fish ticket.

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Notice that we re-entered the paper fish ticket number G02 000111 again to say associate this permit is associated with the fish ticket number. In the future, this may change to automatically assign a elandings system generated fish ticket number.
Click okImage Removed

Click 'OK'.

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Next we will enter the line item data from the paper ticket.

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Click on the pencil on paper icon in the line item 'Itemized Catch' section.

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The Add Itemized Catch modal dialog is displayed.
Note: in the future, this may be changed to show a blank line item in the itemized catch table. But for now it is a modal dialog.Image RemovedEnter the line item data.Image RemovedWhen you are done click the ok button.
Now click the save  

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Enter the line item data from the paper fish ticket into the Add Itemized Catch modal dialog fields.

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Click the 'OK' button.

Click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen to save the 'Itemized Catch' data.

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The report is displayed in read only format after saving.

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Once you are done with a batch be sure to click close the batch.

Click on Report > Close BatchImage Removed Anchor_GoBack_GoBack.

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