This page contains step-by-step guidance for the most common queries in the Queries menu and their function, but will not be an exhaustive list. This information is primarily intended for Agency staff who need detailed eLandings information for reporting purposes. 


The results.csv file will contain each permit broken out into it's component parts and the data associated with that permit. (ex. Revoked or not, Name, etc.)

Dual Permit Queries

Dual Permit Salmon Landing Reports show those landing reports that have more than one CFEC permit associated with them.


There are currently two types of Dual Permit report, w/ Numbers and w/Flag. The search criteria are the same, the only difference is the output. See below for examples of how they differ.

Select one of the Dual Permit Queries from the menu and click 'Run'.

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Enter or select a START_DATE and END_DATE for your query.

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Click 'Execute' to generate your results.

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The data will be available as a results.csv file.

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Federal Permit Query

The Federal Permit Query provides a list of all the valid Federal Processor Permits (FPP) and Federal Fisheries Permits (FFP) for from a specified time frame. This query will combine both the FFPs and the FPPs into one excel sheet.csv document. The information that is included is:

  • Federal Permit Number (either the FFP or FPP)
  • Processor Name
  • At Sea Processor (Yes/No)
  • License Year
  • Effective Date

To run the Federal Permit Query, navigate to Queries/Tools > Queries, then select navigate to page 2 using the page numbers at the bottom of the screen. 

Find the Federal Permit query, and select the "Run" button associated with it. 

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Enter the START_DATE and the END_DATE. Then select "Execute" to generate the report. The report will either download immediately if you have unchecked the Email Results box, or be sent to the email address associated on file with the your User ID. 

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The results will download in a .CSV file for you to search and sort as needed. 

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Bristol Bay Queries


The Fisheries Mgmt Pgm report allows a user to search for landings reports using a CFEC Fishery, a Federal Management Program, and a specified date range as parameters. This landing report search can be useful to narrow landing report searches for large areas, or to track activity of different fisheries. Comprehensive details for each landing that matched the criteria are returned in the search including fish ticket, ADF&G, port, landing date and catch details. The report returns the fish ticket number, landing report ID, vessel ADF&G as well as landing and catch data for each landing that matches the search criteria.

To retrieve this report, navigate to Queries/Tools > Queries, then choose page 2 from the page numbers at the bottom of the screen

Select the "Run" button associated with the Fisheries Mgmt Pgm query. 


The Buying Station Operation Statuses Query is used to search for Buying Stations registered in eLandings that have a different status then the parent operation they are registered under. The report contains the following information:


The run this query navigate to Queries/Tools > Queries, then select the Buying Station Operation Statuses "Run" button. 


The "Closed/Archived Operations with Reports" query lists all the closed or archived operations and the number of reports that still they have reports in the eLandings system. This is a useful tool for eLandings staff and eLandings developers to reference both how many reports closed or archived operations have, and as a reference to make sure that no closed or archives operations with reports get deleted. The query contains the following information:


This search has built in parameters, so to run the report, the user just clicks "Execute"

A .CSV file will either be sent to the email on file, or automatically start downloading. The default list is sorted by status, and then by name. As you can see in the screen shot below, many archived or closed operations have no reports associated with them, some have a few, and others have many. 
