Table of Contents


Again, the individual fish eTicket reports do not need to be stamped with the sequence ticket number, but you may find this helpful.

titleBeware of Duplicate Tickets

Be aware that you may receive duplicate, unlabeled fish tickets without signatures.  If this is occurring, please contact the local seafood processing facility and ask them to label the fish ticket copies and send only the signed Fish and Game copy to the local office.

As a general practice, if you receive unsigned eTickets, set these tickets aside and determine if a signed copy is present.  Also review the duplicate copies to determine if a correction or modification in the fish ticket has occurred.  If so, then staple the modified ticket to the signed copy.  If the unsigned duplicate copy is nothing more than a duplicate, then it can be discarded.

Auto Batching Procedures

In order for a ticket to move from eLandings to the ADFG Fish Ticket Database (i.e. Zephyr), the ticket must have batch information assigned to it. The ticket will also need harvest code information assigned to it.


Batch Year will default to the current year and Harvest Code will default to 11 – State managed fishery. Additionally, the Start Fish Ticket # field will default based on the Batch Year displayed.  Though defaulted, these fields can be modified to meet your coding requirements. As an example, if you have a ticket with a pre-printed fish ticket number for the previous year, simply change the default year.  The harvest code default can be easily modified, as well. 


The auto batching page asks for the Batch Year, Office Code and Batch Number. Optionally, you can enter the Harvest Code, Fishing Period and Locale Code here.


The Fish Ticket Numbers will default with a prefix of EYY (where YY is the current year), allowing you to enter only the six digit fish ticket number.  In this example, you would enter 181164 and then hit the enter key. The EYY on this ticket = E15 indicating a ticket from 2015.


If there were no errors and the system successfully batched the tickets, you will receive the message:
INFO 2290: 6 fish tickets batched



For more information on this process see the documentation for the Agency Desktop. Most of the material is applicable:
ADF&G Batching and Data Processing Procedures -Salmon
