Within eLandings, we use these lookup code files to:
Validate a users data entry within a field
In eLandings, users create landing reports. Each landing report requires the user to define what type of gear was used while fishing. eLandings has a list of accepted gear codes. Users are able to type in the code quickly. eLanding can then check the gear code list to see if the the user entered a gear code that is recognized by eLandings.
Provide a user with a list of choices
In eLandings, while creating a landing report, users can define how fish were refrigerated on-board the vessel. These refrigeration or chill types are known as Chill codes. eLandings can dynamically create a dropdown combo-box listing all of the chill types available for a user to select from.
Communicate information concisely
When eLandings web service encounters a problem, the error, warning or information can often be described with a common message code. The web service client can look up the message id to display the information in a human readable form or lookup additional information associated with the message code.
You may also want to use eLandings codes within the web service client for similar purposes.
To work with eLandings codes download the Codes XSD file from the XML Schema page and save it to codes.xsd within your eLandingsClient project. For the test, training and production like see:
XML Resources and Documentation