Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


At least one line_item element is required.

  • The line item element has one attribute, the round weight for the item.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Round weight is the weight for the catch, converted to round, or green weight according to the condition code. Values will be between 0 and 999,999,999.9999

  1. Item_number
    The item_number element is just the sequential item number for the report. However, item numbers may have a break in their sequence if a report is submitted, and then a line item is deleted.
  2. Fish_ticket_number
    The fish_ticket_number element contains the fish ticket for the line. It will match one of the fish ticket numbers specified on the permit worksheet.
    It indicates the relationship between the CFEC permit and the catch, which is documented on the printed fish ticket.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Fish Ticket Number is the ticket number that associates particular catch lines with particular permits on the landing report. The business rules for the fish ticket number format are on the eLandings website


  3. Stat_area
    The stat_area element indicates the statistical area for the catch documented on the line item. The stat_are element is not required. If it is not present then the statistical areas for the catch documented on the line item are specified by the stat area worksheet. The percentages on the stat area worksheet indicate the allocation of the catch weight to statistical areas.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Stat area is the statistical area where the catch took place. Valid values can be looked up on the eLandings website

    The stat_area element has four attributes.
    • #** fed_area - The Federal Reporting Area where the statistical area lies.
      • fed_area_2 - If the statistical area crosses a federal reporting area boundary, the fed_area_2 attribute will be present, containing the second Federal Reporting Area. Otherwise, it will be omitted.
      • iphc_area - The IPHC Regulatory Area where the statistical area lies.
      • iphc_area_2 - If the statistical area crosses an IPHC area boundary, the iphc_area_2 attribute will be present, containing the second IPHC Regulatory Area. Otherwise, it will be omitted.
  4. Species
    The species element is always present. It is the ADF&G numeric species code, and it indicates the species of the catch documented on the line item.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Species is the numeric species code. Valid values can be looked up on the eLandings website

    The species element includes one attribute, the species name.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Species name is the name associated with the species code. Values can be looked up on the eLandings website, as above

  5. Condition_code
    The condition_code element is always present. It is the numeric condition code indicating the physical state of the catch in terms of processing already done to it. The condition code is used to determine the product recovery rate to apply to the line item weight to derive the round weigh of the catch documented on the line item.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Condition code is the condition of the fish regarding any processing that has already taken place. Valid values can be looked up on the eLandings website

    The condition code has a name attribute.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Condition code name is the description associated with the condition code. Values can be looked up on the eLandings website, as above.

  6. Weight
    The weight element is always present for sold items, and is usually present, except for discard items where only a count is documented. This element is the scale weight in pounds for the line item, unless the weight_modifier element indicates it is estimated weight. The weight may include up to 4 decimal places.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Weight is the scale weight of the catch item. It will be between 0 and 999,999,999.9999

  7. Weight_modifier
    The weight_modifier element is not always present. It is primarily used on groundfish IFQ landing reports to document whether Ice and Slime is included in the weight. The Ice and Slime value can only be used for halibut and sablefish. The estimated value is used for hailed weight fish tickets, and should not be seen for line items on submitted reports.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    The weight modifier indicates considerations that apply to the weight of the catch item. Valid values are:
    I/S - ice and slime are include, for the purposes of IFQ reporting
    EST - Weight is estimated, rather than true scale weight.

  8. Count
    The count element is always present for IFQ crab sold items and salmon, is generally not populated for groundfish. The count element is the number of animals accounted for on that line item. For discard lines on groundfish reports count will be present if weight is omitted.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Count is the number of fish or animals documented by the catch item. It will be between 1 and 100,000,000.

  9. Effort
    The effort element is used for IFQ crab. This is the number of pot lifts. Effort will not be present for groundfish or salmon reports. Effort on crab landing reports may not be present if the line item does not have a statistical area noted. In that case the effort is documented on the statistical area worksheet.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Effort is the effort, in units appropriate to the gear, that produced the catch item. Values will be between 1 and 10,000.

  10. Disposition_code
    The disposition_code element will always be present. It identifies the final usage or action of the line item, such as sold for human consumption or discarded at sea. ||Data Type||Since Schema Version||Oracle Database Data Definition||Values||




    Disposition code is the numeric code indicating the disposition of the catch item. Valid values can be looked up on the eLandings website

    The disposition code has a name attribute.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Disposition Code Name is the description associated with the disposition code. Values can be looked up on the eLandings website, as above.
