The following web service call would be made:
String xml = ws.getUserInfo(¿amarx¿, ¿A_marx¿, ¿2.1¿"amarx", "A_marx", "2.1");
If the web service call is successful, you might see a string containing a processor_user_info structure containing one or more authorized operations objects
If the web service call was unsuccessful, you will recive an error message within the processor_user_info string.
For example, on the eLandings web page login, if you entered userid = amarx and an incorrect password = ¿A"A_marx1234¿marx1234".
The following web service call would be made:
String xml = ws.getUserInfo(¿amarx¿, ¿A_marx1234¿, ¿2.1¿"amarx", "A_marx1234", "2.1");
The resulting string would look something like the following: