Go to: https://elandingst.alaska.gov/web
On the main Reports page, click on the Crab Landing Report button
- You will be taken to the Crab Landing Report, Vessel, Permit, and Location Information where you will enter the following information:
Vessel ADF&G | Gear Code | Crew Size | Number of Observer Onboard | |
10620 | 91 | 5 | 0 | |
Date fishing Began | Days Fished | Date Fishing ended | Partial Delivery | Last Delivery for the Trip? |
xx/xx/20xx | 4 | xx/xx/20xx | No | Yes |
Next, fill in the CFEC Permit Worksheet with the values in the table below:
CFEC Fishery | Permit Number | Permit Sequence | Management Program |
K09Z | 00174P | 2401Q2501A | IFQ |
Next, fill in the IFQ Permit Worksheet with the values in the table below and note that there is one permit holder, with two IFQ permits:
NMFS ID | IFQ Permit | Species | IPQ Permit | Area/Fishery | Lbs. to max-out permit |
990031 | 990052 (Class A) | 921 | 990022 | BBR | NA |
990070 (Class B) | 921 | NA | BBR | 3500 |
In the Stat Area Worksheet section, enter values for stat area, percent, and pot lifts.
Stat Area | Percent | Pot Lifts |
585631 | 40 | 75 |
585632 | 60 | 85 |
Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.
- Click on the Add/Edit Itemized Catch button.
Enter the information as shown below:
Note that I didn't select a fish ticket, this can be done in the next step. Also note that I didn't enter stat areas or pot lifts. That is because I entered values for both in the Stat Area Worksheet.
- Click on the Save button.
- The program will return a error message that the number of crab is required.
- Edit the Number field by entering the value 1785.
- Click Save
- Save the report again.
From the Menu select the Allocate Permits button.
- This is just another way to allocate catch to permits.
- Now you need to select the Submit Initial Report from the menu. .
- Now you will select the Add/Edit Grading and Pricing option from the Menu.
- Enter the sold weight (which should be identical to the landed weight) and a valid price.
- Feel free to split the catch and enter your own pricing
- Click on the Save button.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the Crab Report Display page.
The program will return you to the Crab Report Display page.
- From the menu click on the Generate IFQ Reports option
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen verify your information is correct.
- If everything looks like good, click on the Submit IFQ Reports button
- At the top of the Crab Report Display screen you should see a message that states that the IFQ Reports were generated.
NOTE: All IFQ reports red-line in the training instance of elandings
- Under the IFQ Reports sections, you can click on the IFQ permits highlighted in blue text to obtain individual permit reports.
- This only works if the IFQ report has been submitted.
- Next select Submit Final Report from the dropdown menu.
All you need to do now is print your landing receipt and fish tickets.
- To print your landing receipt, select Download IFQ Receipts to Print from the Menu.
- Next, locate the Permit Worksheet box and click on the fish ticket number in blue text to generate a PDF.
You have completed your training scenario!