<Briefly describe the project background, if applicable.>
The purpose of this project is to establish develop an approved process for implementing esignatures for use with electronic reporting systemsdesign and implementation plan for electronic reporting system(s) eSignature, as well as establishing a template and process for future eSignature initiatives. During the Electronic Reporting Planning Workshop held in July 2007, it was determined that a clear process for implementing esignatures an approved design and implementation plan for electronic reporting eSignature would be of significant benefit to multiple regions. This project will review the requirements of the Agency's esignature policy (32-110) eSignatures policy and procedural directive, evaluate existing methods and procedures, and develop a standard approach for implementing esignatures for electronic reporting.
- Objectives
<Briefly describe objectives for establishing the project. How does this project directly relate to the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the FIS Program? Why is the project important? What are the benefits and intended outcomes?>
The following lists the major objectives to be accomplished by this project in FY08:
- Objectives
- Enable electronic signatures for certification and enforcement of electronic reporting
- Establish standards for the enrollment and authentication of fishery participant's use of electronic reporting
- Management Approach*
- Resource Management
<Determine the list of project participants, including their roles and responsibilities, and the name of each person who will be fulfilling each role. As a minimum, you will need to define the Project Sponsor and/or stakeholders, Project Manager, and Project Point of Contact.
In addition you may have one or more of the following parties in your project structure: Project Team, Reference Groups, Working Groups, and Consultants. If these participants are critical to your project, please list them as well.>
The following table identifies key project members who will contribute to the planning and execution of this project.
Table 1: Project MembersProject Role
Project Sponsor
Al Coan (SW)
PMT Liaison
Project Manager
Larry Talley (AK)
Day-to-day management
Project Point of Contact
Larry Talley (AK)
Team Members
Richard Kang (NW)
Jason Rueter (SE)
Karen Sender (PI)
TBD (OLE)Project team members
Project execution support
- Communication Management
<Provide a summary of the overall key communication and management issues for the project, concentrating on what will contribute to the project's success or where a lack of communication can lead to failure. Modify the example as needed for your project.>
The following strategies have been established to promote effective communication within this project.
- Communication Management
- The Project Manager will present project status to the Project Sponsors on a monthly basis; however, ad hoc meetings will be established at the Project Manager's discretion as issues or changes arise.
- The Project Manager will provide written meeting minutes for all meetings relevant to the project and distribute to attendees, and to other participants upon request.
- The Project Sponsors will be notified via e-mail of all urgent issues. Issue notification will include a description of the issue, time constraints, possible impacts, and resolutions if proposed.
- The Project Team will have weekly update/status meetings to review completed tasks and determine current work priorities. Minutes will be produced for all meetings.
- All electronic Project Documents will be maintained in by the Project Manager and stored for reference in QuickPlace.
- http://www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au/pm_templates/pm994_smlbusinessplanv1.0.htmRisk Management
<A risk analysis should be undertaken upon commencement of the project and regularly reviewed throughout the project life cycle.
Include a summary of the major risks, mitigation strategies, estimated additional costs to deploy the strategies (these should be included in the budget) and an overall assessment as to the level of risk associated with the project. Also discuss how risks will be managed in relation to risk identification, reviews, and reporting.>
Risks will be determined during initial planning for the project.
- http://www.projectmanagement.tas.gov.au/pm_templates/pm994_smlbusinessplanv1.0.htmRisk Management
- *# *## Project Estimates*
- Schedule and Milestones
<List the project output or deliverables. These may be new or modified products, services, documents, or management practices that need to be implemented to meet each identified outcome.>
List the milestones and major activities for the project. Milestones are indicated by a blank scheduled start date, these are the dates identified during the initial planning stage used to monitor progress of the project. Activities in the predecessor column must be completed prior to the activity commencing.
For this task, you may use Microsoft Project, if this software is available.>
The following presents a schedule of major tasks, activities, and milestones for the project.
Table 3: Project Schedule - Major Tasks and MilestonesID
Activity Description
Planned Start
Planned Finish
Task 1: Analyze existing esignature policy
Activity 1.1: Identify requirements
Activity 1.2: Evaluate implications for esignature, user enrollment, authentication
Task 2: Review existing approaches to implementing esignature
Task 3: Establish draft esignature approach for electronic reporting
Deliverable: Draft ER Esignature Approach
Task 4: Review and approve esignature approach
Activity 4.1: Conduct legal, PRA review
Activity 4.2: Conduct IT security, other reviews
Task 5: Publish approved esignature approach
Deliverable: Final Approved Esignature Approach
- Schedule and Milestones
- Cost Estimates
<Summarize the project's budget and expected overall budget projections.
Provide a detailed list of resourcing requirements, for example human resources, IT equipment, information requirements, special equipment, etc. Use the following table to calculate the project cost estimates. Please note that the items listed in the Project Needs column are provided as examples only. Modify the list as needed to suit the specific needs of the project.>
Instructions: To calculate costs, place the totals for each category in the Total column on the right. To update the grand Total, click the last cell in the Total column. When the tab turns gray, right click and select the "Update Field" option.)
The following table presents the estimated funding needed to execute the project and create the deliverables identified in Section 3.1.
Table 5: Cost Estimates
Project Need
Estimated Cost, per item
Date Needed
License Fees
Service Contract or Maintenance Fees
Testing Equipment or Facilities
* Additional Project Staff
PMO management support
Other Consultant
Project start
Project-specific Travel
Administrative Support Fees
*Grand TOTAL*
FY08 Proposal eReporting - eSignature
Page 5
Page 6develop at least one (and possibly two) approaches for implementing eSignatures for electronic reporting, and shepherd the approaches(s) through the approval process.
This proposal anticipates working collaboratively with the National Permits System (NPS) implementation team as they develop an approved eSignature approach for online permit applications and maintenance, as well as with one or more eLogbook initiatives to develop an approved eSignature approach for electronic vessel logbooks. Since requirements have not been specified and analyzed it is not clear whether these different eSignature applications will require different design approaches. However, there certainly will be some commonality, and a collaborative approach that considers the two eSignature applications in parallel will give us maximum opportunity to recognize and exploit commonalities and to learn from the differences.
Note that the NPS project has its own development resources and timeline. The decision to approve or reject this proposal should not affect the NPS project. However, this proposal will develop an eSignature design for one or more eLogbook initiatives. It is also the intent of this proposal to leverage all NMFS eSignature efforts, generalize the approaches to the extent possible, and provide model designs and approval documents to make it reasonably easy to address future eSignature applications as they are identified.
Note also that this project is all about a planning, design, and plan approval exercise, and this project does not specify a complete development process resulting in implemented production systems. Of course a development process (and/or procurement) is eventually intended, but it will be considered separately. (An NPS eSignature implementation is already funded within the NPS project. Plans for implementation of further eSignature components will be easier to make once design and approval documents are complete.)
<Briefly describe objectives for establishing the project. How does this project directly relate to the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the FIS Program? Why is the project important? What are the benefits and intended outcomes?>
The following lists the major objectives to be accomplished by this project in FY08:
- Complete the policy, procedures, design and approval tasks to enable electronic signatures for eLogbook initiatives
- Collaborate with NPS project in design, approval and implementation of electronic signatures for online permitting
- Establish standards for the enrollment and authentication of eSignature participants