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Problem #1:  Confusion about updating fish tickets if an IFQ report has been modified.

If any changes must be made to an IFQ report after it has been submitted, they must do so through the Data Technicians who make the IFQ changes manually. However, the processor user still need to make the same changes to the line items on their landing report. To do that, they would need to first make sure the IFQ Reported Manually box was checked on their landing report then update any necessary information. They should NOT resubmit their IFQ report.

Problem #2:  Reporting overages on the fish ticket.

Instruct the user to enter a disposition code of 62. Then save and click on Add/Edit Comments button and tell the user to utilize the drop-down menu to select an explanation that best describes the cause of the overage. Processors should contact NMFS SF, NMFS Enforcement, or their local office of ADF&G for assistance with overages.

Problem #3:  Deleting reports.

Users should contact eLandings support at if they wish to delete submitted reports from eLandings. eLandings staff will pass the request along to State and/or NMFS programmers.  If a user wishes to delete an unsubmitted report, they can login to the web interface and click on the Delete Unsubmitted Report link at the top of the Reports Menu. Information should then be entered about the report they wish to delete and the user should then click on the Delete button. For at-sea processors, they may need to refrain from entering their ADF&G Processor Code before they click on the Delete button.

Problem #4:  Whether or not they can put multiple permits on one landing report or do separate ones.

If the report is complex with multiple stacked permits, the user may report the catch in two separate landing reports. This is fine.

Problem #5:  Extended internet outages or internet too slow to complete landing.

If the processor is trying to create a landing report, the user would need to get permission from Enforcement to do a manual landing, and then they would enter the landing in eLandings once the web connection is restored.

They need to make sure the IFQ Reported Manually box was checked on their landing report and they still need to enter all line items.

The processor should not generate or submit their IFQ report although they still need to enter their IFQ permit in the CFEC worksheet area. 

If the processor is trying to create a production report, direct the caller to eLandings support for instructions about how to proceed.

Inform elandings support of any potential outages. If you believe there is an outage during the weekend, and have not received a response from eLandings support, contact Sara Villafuerte (907)227-2147 or Claire Minelga (907)953-9695.

Problem #6:  Revising grading and pricing.

Advise the user to submit the initial report and document the landing. Pricing and grading can wait until business hours. Contact eLandings support.

If you have time, tell the user to open their report and click on the Add/Edit Grading/Pricing button. They must enter a full line of text for the grading and pricing to be properly saved (including Sold Condition, Product Type, Size/Grade, Sold Pounds).

Problem #7:  Usage of max-out pounds.

This feature can be used to 'max-out' a specific amount of pounds the fisher wants assigned to an IFQ permit.
After entering their CFEC permit information and IFQ permit information, they need to enter the pounds they want debited from that specific permit under the "max-out" column on the report screen.

They must specify an IPHC Area/Fishery for the row they are using the max-out feature on and they must have a second IFQ permit for the same Area with nothing in the "Max-Out Pounds" field so the remaining IFQ landed pounds can be allocated accordingly.

Problem #8:  Help, I red-lined.

If you do note see the redline in ALDERS, ask the processor what the error message says. Occasionally, a processor will confuse when they receive a red-colored error message with red-lining on their IFQ report.

Problem #9:  I received an error message when I tried to enter my IFQ permits.

First ask how many CFEC permits they have, and how many IFQ permits they have for each CFEC card holder. Verify that the permits they entered are correct, based on values in the Agency Desktop. Sometimes if a company is listed as the permit holder, its permit number will be used by mistake instead of the fishermen's permit number.  Make sure that they do not enter the same permit number twice. They may enter multiple IFQ permits for the same CFEC permit one right underneath the other, instead of reentering the whole line of CFEC permit numbers again.

When a mistake has been made in entering a permit and if the user has already generated their IFQ report, in order for the report to go through the user first must click on Edit IFQ Reports and delete the unsubmitted IFQ reports.  Then the user should go back and make the edit to the permit and then regenerate the IFQ report.

Problem #10:  Using the max-out feature results in an unexpected amount of pounds in the IFQ report.

Make sure the processor enters the IFQ weight, the amount of IFQ pounds they wish to come off their IFQ account.

Problem #11:  I had a sablefish and halibut delivery and I forgot to add the sablefish to my halibut landing report. I already generated my halibut IFQ report.

Open the halibut IFQ report header section and click the Partial Delivery box. Then create a sablefish landing report and add the sablefish line items. Tell the processor to check the Partial Delivery box. If the processor manually landed the sablefish, tell them to check the IFQ Reported Manually box and tell the processor to not generate the IFQ report. They should still enter their IFQ permits in the CFEC worksheet.

Problem #12:  Help, I'm getting an NMFS RAM IFQ System communications error.

This error could be caused by maintenance of our computer system.  Advise the processor to try again in five minutes.  Then confirm that the IFQ is not being debited each time the processor gets this error message. If the processor receives the error two or three times, after waiting five minutes each time, then I would assume that something has gone wrong with the "brief disruption of connectivity" and the data technicians might want to consider recommending a manual landing. If you believe there is an outage contact eLandings support at If it is during the weekend contact Claire Minelga (907)953-9695 or Sara Villlafuerte (907)227-2147 directly so they can notify eLandings users of the outage.

Problem #13: "How do I indicate in elandings that I did a manual landing?"

The user needs to log into the eLandings system, locate the report, find the Edit Vessel, Permit, and Location Information tab and click on it. The user needs to find and check the box that has IFQ Reported Manually right next to it. Now they need to click on "save". Next they will click on the button that says "Submit Final Report" which will finalize the landing report.

Problem #14: "How do I specify an ambiguous stat area?"

A stat area is ambiguous if an IPHC regulatory line transects it (ex. 2C/3A). If you try to submit an IFQ report without specifying a stat area you will receive an error. Find and click on the Edit IFQ Reports button, locate the line item that did not have a stat area specified, click on the drop down list and make your selection.

Section 4: eLogbook


#1: "I am being prompted to register a new logbook in eLandings or seaLandings but I already have a logbook"

Direct the caller to contact eLandings support

Problem #2: "I think I may have accidentally registered my logbook more than once in seaLandings and now I keep getting an error message telling me that 'a logbook has already been registered for the vessel.'

Direct the caller to contact eLandings support

Problem #3:"I tried to register for a logbook in eLandings but keep getting messages telling me I'm not authorized to use the logbook"

The user needs to have Administrative rights to be able to make logbook entries. They will need to call their home office and have the user with Admin rights give them the same authorization.

Problem #5: "I don't remember my userid or password"

UsersID's can be looked up on the Agency web interface here: by going to Admin > Processor Users. Passwords are encrypted so you can't see them but you can have have them try the "Forgot my password" feature on the eLandings login page (it will send the user an email with their password) or if you are an admin agency user, you can reset their password to something simple and instruct the user to change it once they've logged in successfully.

Section 5: salmon reporting


Problem #1: "I have a question about using tLandings or reporting salmon in elandings?"


Instruct the user to send a detailed description of the problem or question to eLandings@alaska,gov.

Section 6: permitting

Problem #1: "A fisher is not correctly permitted, FFP, FPP, RB, IFQ Permit, Proc Code aka Fisheries Business License or CFEC Permit"

FFP or FPP - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

RB Permit - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

IFQ Permit - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

Proc Code/FBL - Notify the user to contact the Department of Revenue. Send an email to eLandings@alaska,gov notifying the state of the issue.

CFEC Permit - Inform the user that they can submit their report with the interim values. Send an email to eLandings@alaska,gov notifying the state of the issue.

#15: "A vessel is landing with two gear modifiers, both slinky pots and hard pots"

The user can submit two reports in eLandings designating the gear modifier on each report. This information is not captured in Alders so there is no need for the user to report one via a Manual Landing Report.

Problem #16: "A processor has multiple Proc Codes and wants to know if it matters which one they report under"

Reporting under the appropriate Proc Code is critical for their business fees and taxes. For all questions regarding Proc Codes they can contact ADF&G staff at

Problem #17: "A Coop Manager called about needing to update and correct an IFQ report where their fish was custom processed"

When fish are custom processed the custom processing operation and the owner of the fish will have access to the landing report.

The coop manager can complete the MLR and send to the Registered Buyer for signature if the change require a MLR.

The coop manager can edit the report as needed since they are the owner of the fish and are authorized on the operation.

Problem #18: "A user wants to correct and update an eLandings report but they are not an employee of the Processing plant that custom processed the fish"

If they are the owner of the fish and authorized on the operation or custom processing operation they will have access to the report.

Section 4: eLogbook

Problem #1: "I am being prompted to register a new logbook in eLandings or seaLandings but I already have a logbook"

Direct the caller to contact eLandings support

Problem #2: "I think I may have accidentally registered my logbook more than once in seaLandings and now I keep getting an error message telling me that 'a logbook has already been registered for the vessel.'

Direct the caller to contact eLandings support

Problem #3:"I tried to register for a logbook in eLandings but keep getting messages telling me I'm not authorized to use the logbook"

The user needs to have Administrative rights to be able to make logbook entries. They will need to call their home office and have the user with Admin rights give them the same authorization.

Problem #4: "I don't remember my userid or password"

UsersID's can be looked up on the Agency web interface here: by going to Admin > Processor Users. Passwords are encrypted so you can't see them but you can have have them try the "Forgot my password" feature on the eLandings login page (it will send the user an email with their password) or if you are an admin agency user, you can reset their password to something simple and instruct the user to change it once they've logged in successfully.

Section 5: salmon reporting

Problem #1: "I have a question about using tLandings or reporting salmon in elandings?"

Instruct the user to send a detailed description of the problem or question to eLandings@alaska,gov.

Section 6: permitting

Problem #1: "A fisher is not correctly permitted, FFP, FPP, RB, IFQ Permit, Proc Code aka Fisheries Business License or CFEC Permit"

FFP or FPP - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

RB Permit - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

IFQ Permit - Notify Enforcement that the fisher is not properly permitted. Instruct the user to contact RAM at 1-800-304-4846 option 2 or by email

Proc Code/FBL - Notify the user to contact the Department of Revenue. Send an email to eLandings@alaska,gov notifying the state of the issue.

CFEC Permit - Inform the user that they can submit their report with the interim values. Send an email to eLandings@alaska,gov notifying the state of the issue.

Problem #2: “A fisher is not correctly permitted but fishing has already taken place.”

Permits can NOT be retro activated. See guidelines above and contact Enforcement.

Section 7: reconciliation

Problem #1: "A manual landing was entered but there is no corresponding fish ticket in eLandings to add the report ID and FT to the Alders landing report.”

It is okay. This will be caught as part of the Observer Fee Freeze Clean up and the quarterly IFQ Reconciliation Process.

Do not contact ADF&G staff regarding missing fish tickets.

Problem #2: "A eLandings report appears to be missing information or permit number”

Do not contact ADFG staff or any Agency or Processor user to edit the report. Please email and

Problem #3: "eLandings Support Staff have contacted us for copies of a Manual Landing”

eLandings Support Staff are authorized to have access to any landing information and may request this as part of the reconciliation process.

Problem #4: "We made an entry error on a manual landing report that was found during the reconciliation process”

It is okay. We are human and we all can make mistakes. This is why we have this processes in place to help support the organization as a whole and get the most accurate data.

Please be diligent about checking your entries before saving.

There are downstream impacts to fees, the database and catch accounting when something as simple as the Report ID or FT entered in Alders is entered incorrectly.

Section 8: product transfer reports

Problem #1: "The Registered Buyer number comes up as a company but a individuals name is listed on the PTR”

Confirm the company demographics in Porcupine or Alders to see if the individual listed is the owner of the company.

Section 9: seasonal opening and closing dates

Problem #1: "Processors are calling to schedule Prior Notice of Landings but the IFQ season has closed”

PNOLs and landings are accepted at ALL times regardless of the season dates. We want to gather this information.

The IFQ Season historically opens at noon which means nets can go into the water at noon on the date of IFQ season opening.

IFQ season closes at noon which means nets must be removed from the water at noon on the date identified by IPHC at the Annual meeting that takes place in January.

Landings can legally occur anytime after season closes. Often catcher processors will have an offload a week or more later.

IPHC regulations and annual season dates and allocations can be found here