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Business Context, Transaction Types and Volume

In the Northwest Region the states have existing fish ticket programs (actually 26 of them). These were originally developed for revenue purposes

examples: whiting in wa, salmon in ca

info flows into pacfin

state and pacfin program

dave is dev e reporting that emulates state programs, take current state systems and turn into e format with no change in management approach etc.

want to demonstrate utility of program and e format, but give states flexibility and time to adopt at their schedule

under whiting efp great deal of interest to track bycatch on near or real-time basis

propsed require shoreside catch under efp (in addition to state paper system) also report under the e-reporting 

demo speed of reconciling, near real-time tracking of bycatch, dual reporting

under ammendment 10, which replaces efp program, will continue to require e-reporting, just for whiting

to the extent that states may want to use e reporting for black cod or other fisheries, we want to allow that

current whiting fishery fish ticket volume, 40 boats, 20 days of fishing, 15 landings per vessel times 40 boats

higher end of range would approach total fish tickets on west coast

More.... legislative or other policy mandates

Business Drivers

Fisheries are managed regionally, but, many participants in the fishing industry are national or multinational in scope.  It would be a convenience to these participants to offer a one-stop-shop for permits.  Also, a one-stop-shop would facilitate maintenance of a single identifier for an industry participant who fishes or processes fish in multiple regions, and it would leverage efforts to improve data quality across regions.  More....  The more could include what business benefit they derive from the permit and what business risk they incur if they break NMFS rules.  Is this the spot for cycle times?

Business Risk in the Permit Context

NIST 800-30: Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems defines risk as a function of the likelihood of a given threat-source's exercising a particular potential vulnerability, and the resulting impact of that adverse event on the organization.  The threat and vulnerability identification process that follows is based on NIST 800-30.


Users and functionality


The trawl fleet (whiting) is most technology sophisticated.


Data sensitivity and security FISMA and Privacy Act issues


Mitigating controls


Registration will be open to new permit applicants, existing permit holders, and agents of both. From the system perspective, there is little difference between permit holders and agents of permit holders.  (Agents should file a notarized letter of authorization from each permit owner that the agent represents.  The permit owner is responsible for transactions pertaining to their permit, and if they have delegated to an agent without submitting the authorization letter, that doesn't absolve them of any responsibility.)  New permit applicants will not be identifiable with the same level of assurance as existing permit holders, but, as the permit application is processed, the confidence in the permit holder's identity will grow.  And as a new permit applicant starts out with no value in the system, there is little at risk for these participants whose identity is less certain. 

Existing permit holders may have considerable value in the system; for example, they may own fisheries quota that has significant market value.  These existing permit holders must demonstrate knowledge of a secret permit access code (PAC) which was mailed by USPS mail to the permit owner's address of record.  After a participant has registered and associated their permits with their username (through knowledge of one or more PACs), then the participant can access potentially sensitive permit information as well as renew or transfer permits.  There are opportunities for mitigating controls in business processes, so the e-signature process does not necessarily have to address all of the transaction risk.

New permit applications generally involve processing rigor commiserate with the value of the permit.  Permits for fisheries with low economic opportunity and/or low risk to the public resource generally receive only nominal scrutiny.  Permits for fisheries with high economic opportunity and/or high risk to the public resource receive considerable scrutiny.  In many cases this involves confirming vessel ownership with the US Coast Guard, verifying participation in prior fisheries through previously submitted state or federal fish tickets or logbooks, confirmation of business ownership, etc.

Permit renewals generally receive little scrutiny.

Permit transfers receive scrutiny commiserate with the complexity of the relevant fisheries management plan.  For the more complex fisheries management regimes, changes to permit ownership patterns may have ripple effects.  In the absence of complex ownership rules, permit transfers might receive little scrutiny.

Threat and Vulnerability Identification






Threat Action


Category of Harm


Likelihood of Harm


Impact of Harm


Impersonation in registration and/or transactions


Common criminal/identity thief


Impersonation using stolen identity credentials (registration credentials or NPS identity credentials)


Inconvenience, distress or damage to standing or reputation


Low: common criminals are unlikely to have subject-area expertise to discover a fraud opportunity and there are probably much more attractive targets


Low: impersonated parties would be likely to notice and when detected, the impact could be effectively mitigated








Unauthorized release of sensitive information


Low: successful identity theft could result in compromise of sensitive information from the victim's permit records


Low: there isn't a great deal of sensitive information in permit records, and the impact would be limited to the party whose identity has been stolen


Impersonation in registration and/or transactions


Disgruntled industry employee


Impersonation using stolen identity credentials (registration credentials or NPS identity credentials)


Inconvenience, distress or damage to standing or reputation


Moderate: an employee might have the means, motive, and opportunity, but risk exposure is not significantly different in electronic transactions than it is in paper transactions


Low: impersonated parties would be likely to notice and when detected, the impact could be effectively mitigated








Unauthorized release of sensitive information


Low: the employee with the means and opportunity already has access to sensitive information and is unlikely to find anything more interesting in permit data


Low: there isn't a great deal of sensitive information in permit records, and the impact would be limited to the party whose identity has been stolen


Impersonation in registration and/or transactions




Impersonation using stolen identity credentials (registration credentials or NPS identity credentials)


Inconvenience, distress or damage to standing or reputation


Low: a competitor might have a motive, but an electronic system does not make them more likely to have means or opportunity.  Risk exposure is not significantly different in electronic transactions than it is in paper transactions.


Low: impersonated parties would be likely to notice and when detected, the impact could be effectively mitigated








Unauthorized release of sensitive information


Low: release of sensitive information would increase the perpetrator's risk of exposure, which would only make sense if the motive were to cause harm, and not for gain.


Low: there isn't a great deal of sensitive information in permit records, and the impact would be limited to the party whose identity has been stolen


Repudiation to escape accountability


Customer (fisher or processor)


Signer claims "I didn't sign that"


Inconvenience, distress or damage to standing or reputation


Low: in most cases a customer who repudiated an e-signed document submission could then be prosecuted for fishing or processing without proper permits.  There will generally be independent evidence of the fishing or processing activity (follow the fish.)


Low: agency might expend effort to resolve, but the distress would be limited and short-term


lines below are placeholders for possible further work


















Inconvenience, distress or damage to standing or reputation












Financial loss or agency liability












Harm to agency programs or public interest












Unauthorized release of sensitive information












Civil or criminal violations




, but the fish tickets have become multi-purpose documents, functioning as a receipt between buyer and seller, as a record of catch (and sometimes of effort) for fisheries management, as documentation of participation in a fishery, as a record of gross profit for calculation of crew shares, as documentation of value for economic analysis, and of course the original purpose of government tax records. Examples of state fish tickets include whiting in Washington and Salmon in California. The information captured on fish tickets has been standardized to the point that PACFIN can aggregate fish ticket data from each state into a regional database.

Whiting fisheries in the Northwest Region have been operating under an Exempted Fishing Permit through the 2008 season (Final Rule to Establish Catch Accounting Requirements).  Beginning in 2009 Amendment 15 will identify qualified vessels for a whiting endorsement to their limited entry trawl permit. The whiting EFP and Amendment 15 recognize a need to track bycatch on a near real-time basis, and specify electronic reporting, or an e-ticket program, as the mechanism.  This e-ticket reporting is in parallel with the state's traditional paper fish tickets. PSMFC is currently developing this e-ticket program, emulating and coexisting with state fish ticket programs, capturing data into the PACFIN database directly from participating processors without going through the states (the states may subsequently data-enter from the paper copies into their own local databases, or, they may download data from PACFIN to complete their local databases.)  This parallel approach is emulating state programs with no change in management approach, data elements, etc.and allows states flexibility and time to adopt at their convenience.

Near to real-time information on catch and bycatch of overfished species is required as an element of National Standard 1 (NS1).  For the Whiting fishery an e-ticket provides the most effective mechanism for acquiring near real-time catch and bycatch information.  Fish ticket record-keeping and reporting regulations require processor and vessel operator signatures for accountability.  An e-signature feature is required to make e-ticket reporting (without a corresponding paper document for signatures) feasible. By near real-time we mean an elapsed time of less than 48 hours from the completion of the vessel offload to data analysis in the agencies catch and bycatch monitoring systems.

The trawl fleet (whiting) is most technology sophisticated fleet in the Northwest Region, but, by regulation fish tickets are reported by processors.  Whiting processors are large permanent shoreside facilities which will be completely comfortable with this type of technology. The current whiting fishery fish ticket volume is approximately 40 boats for up to 20 days of fishing, for a ceiling of approximately 800 transactions.  The potential of e-ticket transactions would eventually approach the total volume of fish tickets on the West Coast.


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