Excerpt |
In-depth examples and instructions about the Agency Web Queries. |
One of the primary goals of the eLandings System is to provide more timely harvest and production information. The Agency Web is not intended as an application that provides summary reports, rather it is designed to return landing and production reports in a .CSV format that can then be manipulated in a spreadsheet application, such as Excel. These reports are available to Agency users as soon as the reports are saved to the eLandings database by the processor.
Note |
For NMFS Enforcement and Alaska Wildlife Troopers, this provides best access to landing and production data. |
The Agency Web application includes two distinct types of query.
Child pages (Children Display) |
The list of reports and queries is extensive. ELandings staff has done its best to aptly name the queries according to their scope and purpose, but the list can still be daunting for those unfamiliar with the different options. To aid users in fully utilizing the available queries the following chart has been developed to give detailed descriptions of the queries and reports available to users.
In-depth examples and instructions about the Agency Web Queries. |
One of the primary goals of the eLandings System is to provide more timely harvest and production information. The Agency Web is not intended as an application that provides summary reports, rather it is designed to return landing and production reports in a .CSV format that can then be manipulated in a spreadsheet application, such as Excel. These reports are available to Agency users as soon as the reports are saved to the eLandings database by the processor.
Note |
For NMFS Enforcement and Alaska Wildlife Troopers, this provides best access to landing and production data. |
The Agency Web application includes two distinct types of query.
Child pages (Children Display) |
Agency Web Query Details
The list of reports and queries is extensive. ELandings staff has done its best to aptly name the queries according to their scope and purpose, but the list can still be daunting for those unfamiliar with the different options. To aid users in fully utilizing the available queries the following chart has been developed to give detailed descriptions of the queries and reports available to users.
Query | Parameters/Values | Description of query | Row headers |
Batches for Year and Office | Year and ADF&G Office Code | ADF&G Query - This query is for searching batches for the year according the ADF&G Office. | report type, batch number, stamped sequence, fish ticket number, landing report ID, report status code, and report status description. |
Bristol Bay Data Assurance Report | start date, end date, proc code | ADF&G Report - Salmon catch data | Company, processor, date report was run, gear code, district, stat week, stat week to, stat week from, number and pounds of red, kings, chums, pinks, cohos, and total by day, average weight by species per day, chum percentages |
Bristol Bay Weekly Report | Report Period Begin Date, Proc Code, District | A report that captures a week of salmon catch information from a specific processor. | Date, species, pounds, number, and average weights for the day and week for each species |
Buying Station Operation Statues | N/A | A list of buying stations whose status does not match their parent operation's status | Operation ID, operation name, status, parent, parent type, parent status |
CFEC Permits | Start Date, End Date | A list of CFEC permits that were valid during a selected time, and is those permits have been rovoked or not. | CFEC fishery, permit, year sequence, last name of the permit holder, serial number, effective date, revoked (Y/N), and revoked date if applicable. |
Closed/Archived Operations with Reports | N/A | A list of closed and archived operations with reports | Operation status, operation type, operation number, and number of reports linked to each archived or closed operation. |
Custom Processing Extract | |||
Daily Trip Report Haul Extract | |||
Daily Trip Report Set Extract | |||
Delinquent Fish Tickets | N/A | A list of all delinquent landing reports with additional information about the report, and reporter. Landing reports span across multiple years. | Year, landing report ID, report status, date of landing vessel ADF&G and name, port, CFEC fishery, management program, user ID that created the report, user ID's phone number, processor owner name, company owner name, and custom processor company name. |
Delinquent Fish Tickets by Port | Port, Days Delinquent | A list of all delinquent landing reports with additional information about the report, and reporter. Limited by port and number of days delinquent. | year, landing report ID, report status, date of landing vessel ADF&G and name, port, CFEC fishery, management program, user ID that created the report, user ID's phone number, processor owner name, company owner name, and custom processor company name. |
Delinquent Fish Tickets by Region | Region, Days Delinquent | A list of all delinquent landing reports with additional information about the report, and reporter. |
Limited by the ADF&G Region and number of days delinquent. | year, landing report ID, report status, date of landing vessel ADF&G and name, port, CFEC fishery, management program, user ID that created the report, user ID's phone number, processor owner name, company owner name, and custom processor company name. |
Delinquent |
Salmon Tickets by |
CFEC Fishery |
CFEC Fishery, Days Delinquent | A list of all delinquent landing reports with additional information about the report, and reporter. Limited by |
the CFEC Fishery and number of days delinquent. | year, landing report ID, report status, date of landing vessel ADF&G and name, port, CFEC fishery, management program, user ID that created the report, user ID's phone number, processor owner name, company owner name, and custom processor company name. |
Delinquent |
Salmon Tickets by Region | Region, Days Delinquent | A list of all delinquent landing reports with additional information about the report, and reporter. Limited |
to only salmon fish tickets and to the ADF&G |
region and number of days delinquent |
year, landing report ID, report status, date of landing vessel ADF&G and name, port, CFEC fishery, management program, user ID that created the report, user ID's phone number, processor owner name, company owner name, and custom processor company name. |
ELandings Email List | N/A | This query is restricted by authority level, and provides the names and emails that are on the elandings@alaska.gov email list. | User type, date of last login, user name, email |
Federal Permits | Start Date, End Date | A list of current federal fisheries permits(FFPs) and federal processor permits(FPPs) with the vessel or processor name associated | Permit number, name on the permit, at sea (Y/N), and effective date |
Fishery Mgmt Pgm | CFEC Fishery Code, Management Program, Start Date, Stop Date | A list of landing reports limited to a CFEC fishery code and management program. | CFEC fishery, vessel ADF&G, fish ticket number, date of landing, port of landing, proc code, species, condition of species, disposition, landed weight, round weight, sequence ticket number, harvert number, office, report ID, trip number, and ice and slime modifier (Y/N) |
Flow Scale Tests Daily Trip Report Logbook | Start Date, End Date, Vessel ADF&G | This query will extract all a ship's flowscale tests from their logbook and put it into an easily sortable excel sheet. The query will only work for vessels with the Daily Trip Report Logbook | Logbook ID number, the entry sequence, logbook version, time of test, platform weight, flow scale weight, percentage difference, and comment text |
Flow Scale Tests Legacy Logbook | Start Date, End Date, Vessel ADF&G | This query will extract all a ship's flowscale tests from their logbook and put it into an easily sortable excel sheet. The query will only work for vessels using the Legacy Logbook | Logbook ID number, the entry sequence, logbook version, time of test, platform weight, flow scale weight, percentage difference, and comment text |
GKC Fishery Observer Program Reviews | Start Date, Stop Date | A list of trips registered to participate in the Golden King Crab Fishery, and how many observers were oboard for the trip | Report ID, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, trip start date, trip stop date, CFEC fishery, number of observers onboard, species, weight, fish ticket number, and if the fishing occurred east or west of Longitudinal line 174.0 |
HDS Modifier Search | |||
IPHC Area Fished by Vessel | |||
Landing Report Detail by Port | Start Date, End Date, Species Code, Three letter Port Code | A list of landings that occurred at a given port, during a given time period for a specific fish species. For instance, you can choose to look at all landings that happened in January of 2017, for Pollock in Dutch Harbor. | Proc code, name of the processing plant, name of the business that owns the processing plant, vessel ADF&G, report type, vessel name, fish ticket number, CFEC permit number, name of the CFEC permit holder, ADF&G stat are, port of landing, gear name, date fishing began, date of landing, and catch information |
Landing Report Detail by Port with the Nearest Headland | |||
Landing Report Detail by Tender Vessel | Start Date, End Date, Vessel ADF&G | A report that lists all the landings made to a tender vessel during a given time frame. | Vessel's ADF&G number, the vessel name, report type, fish ticket number, CFEC permit, CFEC permit holder's name, stat area, port, gear code, gear description, date fishing started, date of landing, processor code, processor code owner name, business owner name, and catch information |
Landing Report Detail by Vessel | Start Date, End Date, Vessel ADF&G | A list of landings limited to one vessel ADF&G during a specified time period | Vessel ADF&G, vessel name, report type, fish ticket number, CFEC permit number, CFEC permit holder name, stat area, port, gear information, date fishing began and date of landing, processor code, processor code owner, processor code owner name, business owner name, and catch information. The results will contain separate lines for each species on each landing report |
Landing Reports by CFEC File Number | Start Date, End Date, CFEC File Number (aka CFEC Serial number) | The CFEC serial or file number is an assigned identification number for each individual in the CFEC system, and will be linked to each CFEC permit they have. When searching for landing reports by CFEC file number an Agency user will be able to retrieve all the landings made by an individual during a specific time period even if they have made landings with multiple CFEC permits. | Year, report ID, fish ticket number, report status, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, port of landing, CFEC fishery, permit and year sequence, permit holder's name, management program, user ID that created the landing, phone number associated with that User ID, processor code, processor name, and |
custom processor name. | |||
Landing Reports by Date and Gear Type | |||
Landing Reports by Date, Species, and Gear Type | |||
Landing Reports with Disposition Code 87 | |||
Landing Reports with Unlicensed Proc Codes | N/A | This report runs a query for any landings that do not have a licensed processor code at the time the landing was made. | Year, landing report ID, fish ticket number, report status, date of landing, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, port of landing, CFEC fishery, permit and year sequence, management program, the user ID of the person who created the report, phone number associated with that user ID, the processor code used on the landing, and the year the processor code was licensed. |
Missing IFQ Reports | Start Date, End Date | A report that runs a query to retreive and list and landings that failed to submit their IFQ portion of their landing report | Port of landing, the Proc code owner, the federal processor number, report type, date of landing, landing report ID, and vessel name and ADF&G number |
Misused Stat Area Worksheets | Start Date, End Date | The misused stat area report finds landing reports with misused statistical areas and provides them in a list to an agency user for follow up. | Port, owner proc code, custom processing, date of landing, landing report ID, ADF&G number, vessel name, the user ID of the person who created the report, report type and if the landing was made to a tender |
Monitor Data | |||
Monitor Failed Web Login Sources | Start Date, End Date | The query keeps a list of users failing to log in on the web application | Client's IP address, request IP address, user ID, web service type, webservice method, and successful login attempts |
Mothership Tendered Landing Reports | Year | A list of landing reports that where the mothership was acting as a tender | Landing report number, report type, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, date of landing |
Net Weight Summary - IPHC Audit | Start Date, Stop Date | This report provides the user with halibut catch information based on the date range, listed by the disposition code | Condition code, landed weight, weight modifiers, disposition code, CFEC fishery, number of landing reports, and number of fish tickets |
Non-halibut delinquent tickets by port | Port | A list of all non-halibut delinquent fish tickets limited to a port. | Port, proc code and owner name, custom processor name, business owner's name, fish ticket number, CFEC fishery, date of landing, landing report ID, vessel ADF&G, vessel name |
Operation Proc Code License Year | N/A | Provides a list of enabled operations with proc code information and |
license year | Operation ID, operation name, proc code, operation type, status, license year, registered buyer's number, and |
RCR number |
Operations |
for User |
UserID | The report will provide a list of all the operations that |
a User ID is authorized on | User ID, authorization level, operation ID, operation name, operation type, and status of operation | ||
Proc Code Name Changes in Past 6 Months | |||
Operations with a Single Admin User | N/A | This report provides an agency user with a list of operations that only have one user that has administrative rights on the operation | Operation, operation type, name of operation and port of operation |
Processor Average Weight | Report Start Date, Report End Date, User ID | This is a salmon report that provides the user with details of the average salmon weight per species on each tender batch. | Proc code, tender vessel number, tender batch, species code, species name, round weight, count, and average weight |
Processor Bristol Bay Data Assurance Report | Start Date, End Date, Proc Code, User ID | ADF&G Report - Salmon catch data | Date fishing began, date of landing, time of landing, stat area, gear code, landing report ID, fish ticket number, tender batch |
Processor Bristol Bay Season Summary | Proc Code, User ID | ADF&G Report - Salmon catch data | Company, processor, date report was run, gear code, district, stat week, stat week to, stat week from, number and pounds of red, kings, chums, pinks, cohos, and total by day, average weight by species per day, chum percentages |
Processor Bristol Bay Weekly Report | Report Period Begin Date, User ID | ADF&G Report - Salmon catch data | Company, processor, date report was run, gear code, district, stat week, stat week to, stat week from, number and pounds of red, kings, chums, pinks, cohos, and total by day, average weight by species per day, chum percentages |
Processor Delinquent Ticket Report | User ID, Proc Code | A list of landing report from the past three months that have not been batched by ADF&G personell flitered by user ID and proc code | Landing report ID, fish ticket number, proc code, tender vessel, tender batch number, report status description, date of landing |
Production Report Summary | Federal Permit Number, Start Date, Stop Date | This query provides a summary of all the production report data that has been entered during a given time for a federal permit number. | Production Report ID, report type, report date, submission date, federal permit number, federal processor name, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, gear code, gear code, gear description, federal reporting area, special area designation, management program, proc code, processor name, Y/N Production, Y/N deliveries, trip event, FMP area, species code, species name, product code, product description, product type (Primary/Ancillary), weight |
Report Detail by CFEC Fishery | Fishery, Start Date, Stop Date | Provides the user with a list of landings, and landing details narrowed by CFEC fishery and timeframe | Management program, program ID, CFEC permit, vessel ADF&G, date of landing, port of landing, proc code, fish ticket number, gear code, species code, condition, landed weight, round weight, ice and slime modifier, disposition, harvest code, ADF&G office number, sequence ticket, landing report number, report type, trip number, number of observers |
Report Detail by CFEC Fishery and Management Program | CFEC Fishery, Management Program, Start Date, Stop Date | Similar to the "Report Detail by CFEC Fishery" this report will let a user search for landings from a specific time period that participated in a selected CFEC fishery and management program. Could be useful in a situation where the user wanted to look at the Misc Finfish CFEC fishery, for only the OA management program or something similar. | Management program, program ID, CFEC permit, vessel ADF&G, date of landing, port of landing, proc code, fish ticket number, gear code, species code, condition, landed weight, round weight, ice and slime modifier, disposition, harvest code, ADF&G office number, sequence ticket, landing report number, report type, trip number |
Report Detail by Management Program | Management Program, Start Date, Stop Date | A report that retrieves information on all the landings in a management program for a selected time period | Management program, program ID, vessel ADF&G date of landing, port, proc code, fish ticket, gear code, species code, species condition, landed weight, round weight, ice and slime modifier, disposition, harvest code, ADF&G office number, sequence number, landing report number, report type, trip number |
Report Detail by Port and CFEC Fishery | Landing Port, CFEC Fishery, Start Date, Stop Date | The report provides landing report details from a specified port, time frame and CFEC fishery | Managment program, program ID, vessel ADF&G date of landing, port, proc code, fish ticket, gear code, species code, species condition, landed weight, round weight, ice and slime modifier, dispoition, harvest code, ADF&G office number, sequence number, landing report number, report type, trip number |
Report Detail by Port and Management Program | Land Port, Management Program, Start Date, Stop Date | A list of landing reports filtered by port, |
management program, and date range |
Management program, program ID, vessel ADF&G date of landing, port, proc code, fish ticket, gear code, species code, species condition, landed weight, round weight, ice and slime modifier, |
disposition, harvest code, ADF&G office number, sequence number, landing report number, report type, trip number | |||
Sea State getLandingReport Calls | Start Date, End Date | ADF&G | |
SeaLandings Emailf History | N/A | A query used by developers and eLandings support staff to see a history of users sending in seaLandings email transmissions | Includes: IERS monitor, IERS monitor date, User ID, webservice method name |
Sealandings Emailf User | N/A | A query to be used by developers and eLandings support staff that shows critical information about seaLandings users | user ID, schema version, last date seaLandings was used, number of calls |
Sealandings User Version | N/A | A query for seaLandings developers and eLandings support staff that details seaLandings users' software and operating system details, as well as last login date. | User ID, operating system, java version, seaLandings build, schema version, last login date, number of calls |
Species and Federal Area | Start Date, Stop Date, Species, Federal Area 1, Federal Area 2, Federal Area 3, Federal Area 4, Federal Area 5, Federal Area 6 | A query that returns details of landing reports where the fishing was done in a specfic federal area during a specified time frame | report ID, report type, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, proc code, proc code owner, custom processor name, date of landing, port, gear code, CFEC permit number, management program, managemnet program ID, fish ticket, stat area, federal area, species code, condition, disposition, weight |
Trip Numbers | Year, Report Type, Office Code | A list of trip numbers limited by the port and report type, used by ADF&G staff | year, report type, ADF&G office number, trip number, report ID, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, date fishing began, date of landing, fish ticket number, verified (Y/N), proc code, proc code owner, business wner, port, partial (Y/N), last (Y/N) |
Trip Numbers for a given Vessel | Year, Vessel ADF&G | A vessel's trip numbers for a given year. | year, fishery, ADF&G office number, trip number, landing report ID, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, date fishing began, date of landing, fish ticket number, trip verified (Y/N), proc code, proc code owner, business owner, partial (Y/N), last delivery (Y/N) |
Unbatched Landing Reports by Region | |||
Unfinalized Landing Reports | N/A | A list of all unfinalised landing reports | year, landing report ID, fish ticket number, report status, date of landing, vessel ADF&G, port of landing, CFEC fishery, CFEC permit number, CFEC year sequence, mangaement program, User ID that created the report, phone number associated with creator User ID, processor code owner, business owner, custom processor proc code, custom processor name |
Unfinalized Landing Reports by Region | Region | A list of all unfinalised landing reports limited by ADF&G region code | year, landing report ID, fish ticket number, report status, date of landing, vessel ADF&G, port of landing, CFEC fishery, CFEC permit number, CFEC year sequence, mangaement program, User ID that created the report, phone number associated with creator User ID, processor code owner, business owner, custom processor proc code, custom processor name |
Unsubmitted Reports | N/A | A list of all unsubmitted landing reports | year, landing report ID, report type, proc code owner, date of landing, vessel ADF&G, proc code, User ID that created the report, creation date |
Voided Landing Reports | Year | A list of all the voided landing reports for the desired year | Landing report ID, report type, vessel ADF&G, vessel name, date of landing |