Table of Contents |
Management Program Code | Description |
A80 | Amendment 80 cooperatives, Amendment 80 limited access |
AFA* | American Fisheries Act pollock (BSAI) |
AIP | Aleutian Islands Pollock |
CDQ* | Community Development Quota (BSAI) |
EXP | Experimental (Scientific research permtis) |
IFQ | Individual Fishing Quota |
OA | Open Access (includes parallel fisheries) |
RES | Research |
RPP* | Rockfish Pilot Program (GOA) |
SMPC | State Managed Pacific Cod |
AFA: Any AFA-listed vessel that targets pollock and uses pelagic trawl gear in the Bering Sea should mark AFA as the management program. * When you select this program, you must enter a Management Program ID.
A80: Vessels that participate in the Amendment 80 limited access or Amendment 80 cooperative fisheries should mark A80 as management program. A mothership that process fish from an Amendment 80 limited access vessel or an Amendment 80 coop should also mark A80 as management program. A mothership that processes fish from an open-access or CDQ vessel should mark OA or CDQ, respectively. If a vessel always fishes off an Amendment 80 quota, they should still mark A80 even when they fish in the Gulf of Alaska. An Amendment 80 vessel also should mark A80 whenever their bycatch comes off an Amendment 80 quota.
CDQ: Vessels fishing CDQ groundfish and crab quota. * When you select this program, you must enter a Management Program ID.
RPP: Vessels that fish off a Rockfish Pilot Program quota should selcect management program RPP. When their catch is not coming off a Rockfish Program quota, they should choose OA or another management program. * When you select this program, you must enter a Management Program ID.
SMPC: If a vessel fishes for cod in state waters, the crew should choose SMPC as management program.