This method returns a full landing report record as a string in XML format as defined by the XSD definition for Landing_Report object in landingreport.xsd.
The getLandingReport() takes four arguments:
- String Userid – i.e "amarx"
- String password – i.e. "A_marx"
- String schemaVersionNumber – i.e. "2.1"
- String landingReportID - i.e. "1046"
In the web service client we might auto generate a data structure by providing the web service URL. In eLandings we use Java – JAX-WS and generated a structure called ReportManager.
ReportManagement ws;
String xml = ws.getLandingReport(userid, password, schemaVersionNumber, landingReportID);
So for example, if we clicked on the Report ID 1046 in the eLandings web page:
Elandings would call the web service using:
String xml = ws.getLandingReport("amarx", "A_marx", "2.1", "1046");
If the web service call was successful you might see a string containing something like:
This string can then be parsed using the landingreport.xsd definition for a landing_report object into a data object that Java, C#, Visual Basic, etc. can work with in memory.
The eLandings web application can then display the report on the screen.
If the web service call was unsuccessful you would receive a string containing XML for a landing_report structure containing one or more messages documenting errors that were encountered when processing your request.
For example, if you passed in a userid="CNEMO" instead of "AMARX" and if "CNEMO" does not have rights to view the landing report id = 1046, then you might see something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <landing_report> <messages> <message severity_desc="ERROR" severity_code="E" msgid="1392">User CNEMO is not authorized to view Landing Report 1046</message> </messages> <schema_version>2.1</schema_version> </landing_report>
eLandings would display this error message as: