To create CDQ groundfish landing reports, please make sure you are correctly permitted and registered for eLandings use. 

  1. To create your CDQ landing report, click on the “Groundfish Landing Report” button on your eLandings home screen.


3. You will be taken to a new landing report. At the top of the page you will see a landing report ID and below that, the header section for your landing details. In the screen shot below the header section is highlighted in red. Some information will be auto populated based on your operation information.


For CDQ fishermen in Area 4D and 4E, undersized halibut that are retained for personal use may be added to you itemized catch using disposition code 96 - Undersized Halibut Retained for Pers Use. This disposition code will only work for landings with a CDQ management code for fish caught in Area 4D and 4E. When utilizing disposition code 96 the undersized halibut will not be debited from the CDQ quota weight.




