Accessing the Agency Web

The eLandings Agency Web can be accessed by following this link: Agency Web we recommend using internet browser Google Chrome.

Changing Your Password

Resetting an Agency User's Password

Please note that all users are able to retrieve and reset their own passwords using the "Forgot Password" button on the login screen. Occasionally, a user will not receive the temporary password despite trying to to reset it themselves. If the issue cannot be resolved, eLandings support staff have the ability to generate temporary passwords on behalf of the user. This functionality should be used as a last resort. 

Step 1.

Searching for Reports

Locate a Landing Report using Multiple Search Criteria

Step 1. Using the dropdown menus at the top of the Agency web screen, click on Reports, then Landing Reports. This will bring up the landing report search screen. 
Step 2. Fill out the fields that you wish to use to query the eLandings database, then click on the Search button to populate the table with reports that meet the criteria you entered.

Step 3. The reports that meet your search criteria will appear at the bottom of the screen, below the search button.

The history of the screen shot below indicates that this report has versions:

Locate a Production Report using Multiple Search Criteria

Step 1. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the Agency Web screen to navigate to Reports....Production Reports.
Step 2. Fill in the criteria which you want to use to locate specific production reports. Click on the Search button.

Step 3.

Locate a Vessel Logbook and View Haul Information

The electronic logbook component was added to eLandings in January of 2011 for use by the AFA and CDQ trawl catcher processors.

Step 1. Go to Reports....Logbooks.
Step 2. Fill in the search criteria that will enable you to locate a specific logbook.

Step 3.

Other Search Criteria

The Agency Desktop provides search capabilities for the following;

To search based on any of these criteria go to Permits...and select the permit type you're looking for.

For example:

Running Queries

The Agency Desktop has expanded on its number of canned queries.
To query the eLandings database for landing or production data:

Go to Queries.... Queries.

The Query dialog box will open. Locate and click on a query that will help you find data you are looking for.

Creating New Users

Processor Users

Agency Users

ADF&G: Carole Triem ( 

NMFS:  (

Alaska Department of Fish and Game

National Marine Fisheries Service

Enterprise Technology Services

Alaska Wildlife Troopers

NMFS Enforcement

Contracted Support Staff

Admin Operations

Please see the Admin Procedures page.

Batching and Data Operations

Please see the Agency Web Batching and Data Processing Procedures page.


If you have any questions about accessing the Agency Web application please contact eLandings Support at