Administrative procedures related to Operations including guidance and directions.
Select Operation from the Admin menu.
This will open the main Operation Search page.
Select the tooltips for more information.
You can search by many criteria. For example searching by "king" in Operation Name will pull up every operation that has the "king" as part of it's name.
Select the Operation Type from the drop down menu.
After you've selected the type of operation hit the Search Button. The results will display in the table below.
Type your search term in the Federal Permit # text box and hit Search. Results will be displayed below.
Type your search term in the Proc Code text box and hit Search. You must include the alphabetic part of the code ("F" in F1232) or the correct records will not be found. Results will be displayed below.
You can further narrow your results by combining search criteria. For instance, a partial name, a type, and a port to drill down to a specific record.
To display all operations select the Search Button with no criteria. This will display all active operations in the system.
To Edit or Add a Tender to an operation select that operation from the results list at the bottom of the page.
Make sure that the operation that you want to edit is selected, the selected operation will appear highlighted in blue (ex. TOADS). You may have to drill down into the tree by clicking on the arrows (circled on the screenshot) to get the operation you want. Click on the drop down at the upper right of the screen and select Edit.
The Edit Operation popup will be shown. The greyed out options cannot be changed here, but the rest of the information may be edited as necessary.
First select the operation you would like to add a user to (ex. WAI SEAFOODS). Then click the icon to the right just above the table. This is the new user icon.
Select what type of action you would like from the Type drop down menu and fill out the remaining boxes as necessary. Click the Save button to associate the user with the previously selected operation.
Make sure the correct operation is selected. The click the icon in the table below next to the user you would like to edit.
Edit the desired information for that user.
Make sure correct operation is selected and click the trash icon in the table below next to the user you would like to delete.
To display the history for an operation first make sure the correct operation is selected. Next select the drop down menu icon at the top right of the page and select the History option.
The History table will pop up with a display of all actions that have occurred to the selected operation. If necessary select the arrow at the bottom right of the pop up and drag to expand the window. Click on the x at the top right to close the History Table.