The purpose of this section is to provide examples and instructions for using the eLandings permit allocation process.

It is also meant to demonstrate allocation of catch and bycatch when landings include the following:
 ~  Stacked permits
 ~  Multiple target species.

Example 1: Three Stacked Permits

There are two target species in this example:

The CFEC Permit Worksheet was designed to allocate a single primary target species to multiple permit holders, determined by the percentages entered in the worksheet.

You can now proceed with adding size/grade/price information or allocate catch to the three permits.

When you Allocate the permits, the catch is split out as illustrated below.

Below the itemized catch by line item is the current status display of the landing report summary.

This summary also reflects zero pounds of bycatch for Blackie on fish ticket number E20 262888.

eLandings allows the reallocation of itemized catch by going back to the Add/Edit Itemized Catch page.

It is advisable to perform this function prior to the Initial Submission of the landing report.

In this example, Heather wants to receive a portion of the sold bycatch.

Once the edited version of the itemized catch portion of the landing report is saved, the Summary now reflects the modification in there-assignment of bycatch poundage.

If all fishers are in agreement with the allocation of poundage, the report can be submitted.

Once the report has been successfully saved and initially submitted, fish ticket PDF files are created.

The text color of the fish ticket number in the CFEC Permit Worksheet transforms to blue, indicating a link that can be clicked on.

Example 2: Stacked Permits & Multiple Target Species

This example combines stacked permits with multiple target species -

Example 3: Stacked Permits & Multiple Target Species using Max Out Pounds

This third example again illustrates stacked permits and multiple target species.

There are five IFQ permit holders on the vessel - three hold halibut permits and two hold sablefish permits.

The itemized catch is next recorded by species, delivery condition, and disposition. The scale weight is recorded for each item.