Getting Started

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A longline vessel (ADF&G# 10620) is delivering 18,000 lbs of condition 01 sablefish to The Pisces Plant.
There are two CFEC permit holders making the delivery: one wants to allocate 14,400 lbs of sablefish to his permit, the other wants to allocate 3,600 lbs to her permit.

In this instance, we'll use the percent filed of the permit worksheet to allocate the catch. 
All 18,000 lbs of the sablefish is being sold for human consumption.

The sablefish was harvested in the following stat areas:

365701 & 365630


Create a new groundfish landing report after logging in and choosing the operation called
The Pisces Plant, then click on the Groundfish Landing Report button.

ADF&G Vessel NumberADF&G Gear CodeCrew SizeNumber of Observers
Date Fishing BeganDays FishedDate of LandingDiscard Report
03/xx/2022403/xx/2022Not Required, Less than 60 ft.

CFEC PermitsManagement ProgramPercentNMFS IDIFQ PermitSpecies
C61B 00108R 2401GIFQ80980007980014710
C06B 00109X 2401KIFQ20980017980034710

Stat AreaPercent


You are almost done! You just need to print out the landing receipt (Figure 1.) and your fish tickets (Figure 2.).

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Observer Fees Detail PDF can also be downloaded. 

Note: All IFQ Landing made in the Training environment will redline due to the PNOL requirements. 

To download and view these instruction in a word document, click on the link below:
