Printing Labeled and Colored Copies of Fish Tickets

eLandings User Manual

Printing Labeled and Colored Copies of Fish Tickets

If you are interested in printing multiple colored copies of fish tickets and/or labeling your fish tickets as Purchaser, ADF&G, and/or Seller, click on the Username link at the top of your eLandings screen, then click on the “Profile” option from the menu.


Scroll down to the section called Fish Ticket Copies. The column called Print Copy allows you the option of printing multiple copies of fish tickets labeled Purchaser, Fish & Game, Seller, and/or Purchaser. Check-mark these boxes depending on if you wish multiple copies of your fish tickets to be printed (with these labels). If no boxes are checked in the column called Print Copy, only one fish ticket will be produced without any labels. 

Boxes in the column called Print Block Color should be check-marked if you wish your entire fish ticket to be printed in color (white for Purchaser, yellow for Fish & Game, pink for Seller, green for Purchaser). Boxes in the column called Print Block Color should be check-marked if you wish for a block located in the top left corner of your fish tickets to be printed in color.


Scroll down and click on the Save button for these profile changes to be saved. 

Go back to your Reports Menu and open a landing report.  Click on the fish ticket link and you'll notice these profile changes will be reflected in your fish tickets.  Please note that you will need to print your fish tickets to a color printer for tickets to print in color. 


How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

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    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF


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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov