eLandings User Manual
Maximum Retainable Amount Worksheet
This page explains how to use the Trip Event field and access the Maximum Retainable Amount (MRA) Worksheet.
Trip Event Field
In order to assist crews in tabulating catch for a given week and enable MRAs to be calculated, the MRA worksheet and the Trip Event field has been added to seaLandings. Products for reports occurring in the same week (Sunday through Saturday midnight) are automatically grouped together in an MRA worksheet. This worksheet can be saved as a .csv file by clicking on the MRA worksheet button at the bottom of each report screen and opening the file in Excel. The MRA worksheet button only works when the report has been transmitted and the receipt has been processed for that report. Reports with different management programs will be listed on the same MRA worksheet for the same week. You can designate whether a report is a new trip by selecting a Trip Event using the drop-down box on the report screen. The following Trip Events can be designated:
Enter SSL Protection Area: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing after entering a SSL protection area closed to directed fishing for Pacific cod or Atka mackerel (see regulations at 679.22(a)(7) , (a)(7)(v), (a)(7)(vi), (a)(8)
(a)(8)(iv) and (a)(8)(v)).
Leave SSL Protection Area: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing after departing a SSL protection area closed to directed fishing for Pacific cod or Atka mackerel (see regulations at 679.22(a)(7) , (a)(7)(v), (a)(7)(vi), (a)(8)
(a)(8)(iv) and (a)(8)(v)).
Directed Fishing Closure: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing in an area following a change in the directed fishing status for any species retained aboard the vessel.
Offload Product: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing following the offload of fish or fish products.
There are a few Trip Events that are automatically assigned to reports, including New Week and Gear Change. The Trip Event called New Week is assigned to all reports that fall on a Sunday, even if the user designates a different Trip Event for that report. New Week also is assigned to reports with a report date of December 31 and January 1.
The Trip Event called Gear Change is assigned to a report if gear type changes from the previous report, even if the user designates a different Trip Event for that report. The user does not manually select the Trip Event of New Week and Gear Change; instead, these Trip Events are automatically assigned by seaLandings.
MRA Spreadsheet
The MRA spreadsheet can be accessed only after the return receipt has been processed for a given report. Creating an MRA spreadsheet for any report will include all other reports within that given week (Sunday through Saturday, except on Jan.1). The MRA spreadsheet will include all reports for that week, even if you've selected an MRA trip event for any of the reports during that week. In addition, the spreadsheet will add up all the round weights for species-product code combinations for that week, even if you've selected an MRA trip event for any of the reports during that week. The MRA spreadsheet is not meant to calculate MRAs outright for crews; it provides a first step at tabulating round weight equivalents for given species and product code combinations, whereby crews can cut, paste, and add up desired columns together.
After you've processed a receipt for your report, open the report for which you wish to create an MRA spreadsheet by going to File...Open. Select the report and open it.
Navigate to the bottom of your report menu and click on the MRA Spreadsheet button.
A new dialog box will open. Click on the Save button. The MRA spreadsheet is saved in C:\program files\seaLandings\pdf.
Your Excel program will open with the MRA spreadsheet saved as a .csv file.
Notice that every report is saved in its own column. If any products are completely missing from a given report, that means that you've entered a "No Production" report for that day.
The MRA worksheet is often used by Coast Guard when conducting boardings and determining crew's MRAs for a given week.