eLandings User Manual

2023 eLandings Workshop Seattle

eLandings Training Event, Seattle

November 7th, 2023 10 am - 2 pm

The Swedish Cultural Center

1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109

Presenters: David Loomis, Claire Minelga, Sara Villafuerte

Training Slides -

Introductions and Housekeeping:  Amy or Dave

  • The eLandings System: Claire and Sara

    • eLandings Reporting System Overview

    • Landing Reports

    • Observer Fees

    • Daily Shoreside Production reports

    • Check-in/Check-Out

    • Catcher Seller Operations

    • New and Noteworthy

  • Operations and User Management: Dave

    • Operations Administration

      • Add buying stations, tenders, and custom processors

      • Add or edit a user 

      • User Profiles

    • Grading and Pricing Templates

  • Data Extract Tool:  Dave

  • eLandings COAR:  Dave

  • Data Corrections:  Dave

    • Locked reports

    • Duplicate and voided reports

    • Mass updates of salmon reports

    • Data reconciliation - ADF&G does a regional reconciliation. 

  • Training Resources & User Support: Amy, Sara, Claire

  •  Reporting Resources:  All

  •  Reporting Expectations:  All

    • How fisheries are managed with the data you provide

    • Timely upload and finalization of landing reports

    • Accurate average weights

    • Submission of signed copies of fish tickets to ADF&G

    • Personal Use/ADF&G; Subsistence Halibut/NOAA

11:30 am

Break for Short Q&A

11:45 am

  • eLandings Reporting for IFQ:  Sara, Claire

    • IFQ landing reports

  • IFQ/CDQ Landings:

    • IFQ/CDQ Reporting Requirements Review

  • Manual Landing Report Procedures:  Sara, Claire

  • seaLandings topics as requested or needed Sara and Claire

12:15 - 1:15 pm Optional Break

1:15 - 2 pm (bring your laptop)

  • eLandings Review

  • tLandings Practice Sessions


Questions and Comments
If you have questions or suggested agenda items for this workshop, please contact us at elandings@alaska.gov.