eLandings User Manual

Daily Trip Report Desktop Videos - this page contains links to specific videos

Below are a series of short videos that were made to help users with familiarizing themselves to the Daily Trip Report version of seaLandings. 

File Installation

The video will walk you through installing and using file transmit to get your first set of report numbers using File Transmit. 

Direct Transmission Installation

This short video will walk users through installation and receiving your first set of report numbers when you choose "Direct Transmit" during installtion. 

Longline Gear Logbook

This video is for users with longline gear who want to learn about how to set up their logbook, and how to enter their logbook data including sets, comments, and flowscale tests. 

Trawl Gear Logbook

This video will walk users through setting up their Trawl gear logbook, and entering their first haul, Mothership delivery, comment and flowscale test. 

Logbook Dashboard

This short video goes over the logbook dashboard in detail, including adding additional gear profiles and options for printing your logbook. 

Changing and Using the Vessel Activity Features

A short video with instructions on how to go active, inactive, and even delete vessel activity. 

Tips and Tricks

A short video that shows users some tips and tricks for using the logbook dashboard.