How to Configure tLandings Tender Workstation for Use on a Tablet

eLandings User Manual

How to Configure tLandings Tender Workstation for Use on a Tablet

Table of Contents

I'm going to configure a thumbdrive with the tLandings Tender Workstation for use on a tablet.

What Equipment Will I Need?

  • You will need a Windows based tablet that has at least one thumbdrive port, or mini USB port.
  • You will need a wireless printer
  • You will need a magstripe reader (wireless may take up less ports but make sure you have extra batteries available)

tLandings Reporting Process

Open Up the Processor Tender Interface (PTI)

Open the PTI by clicking on the PTI shortcut on your desktop.

When you double click on the PTI shortcut, the PTI will open  where you will enter your eLandings user ID and password. Notice the Release. The PTI has to be connected to the internet. The PTI is you interface between eLandings and tLandings.

Hit the OK button.

Start the Configuration Process

To begin the Configuration Process, I will click on the Prepare files for tender icon in the upper-right 

This will open the Tender Configuration window. Select the operation that you'd like to configure.

If you are configuring the operation with a tender select an operation and a tender. You can click on the Add/Edit button to view/change the password for the tender or to add a tender.

I'm configuring this thumbdrive for the Buying Station THIS IS THE END. Since this is for Buying Station, there will not be a tender. This means that the user who will be using this tablet will need to use their eLandings User ID and Password and be an authorized user on the selected Buying Station. Once you have selected the operation click on the Next button.

Once you've clicked on the Next button, it will bring you to the Thumbdrive Targets to Receive tLandings. Select the drives you want to configure and then click the > to move the drive over to the Drives Selected to Receive tLandings.

Once you have your drive(s) selected, click the Next button.

Create a New Configuration Profile for Tablet

We're going to click on Customize Install button so we can change the Configuration (Config) Profile from Default to one that we're going to create for Tablet.

Once you click on the Customize Install button, the Thumbdrive Installation Configuration window will open. From here you could select a Configuration Profile you've already created from the drop down. We're going to click on the Add New Profile button to create a new configuration profile for the tablet. When you do a new window will come up asking you to name your new configuration profile. I've cleverly named mine "Tablet".

Once you've named your profile, click the OK button.

The Settings Window

The Settings window is going to open. It has 7 tabs. This window acts as a wizard, moving you through the tabs based on what type of fishery you are configuring this thumbdrive for, Salmon or Groundfish.

1. Configuration Tab

On the Configuration we're going to do the following four things;

1. Make sure Fishery=Salmon
2. Click on Onscreen Keyboard (Tablet Only)
3. Click on the Black Background Color Scheme
4. Click Next Button

2. Species Defaults Tab

After you click the Next button you will get the Species Defaults tab. From here if you already have your species default files in you PTI/DATA file they will show up in your drop down and you can select them. You can also Add, Edit, Delete, or Rename your species default files.

Adding a New Species Default File

We're going to add a new Species Default file. So I'm going to click on the Add button. This will bring up another window. We're going to click on the dropdown.

From the Drop down we're going to select "Create an empty Species Defaults file" then click the OK button.

Once I select "Create an empty Species Defaults file" then click the OK button, a new window will popup and ask me to name my species default file, I'm naming mine, "Salmon Naknek" then I click the OK button.

This will open the Species Default table window. 

1. Enter in Species code, tab over, species name will fill in. Enter the condition code, tab over, the condition name will fill in.

2. With the species row highlighted, add your grading and pricing information. If you do not want a price, put 0. You do not need to record any grading/pricing information.  This is optional. Prices can be changed by the tender operator, in tLandings, while on the fishing grounds.

3. Once you've entered all your data, click the Save button.

Determine the species, species codes and delivery conditions that will be represented in the deliveries this tender will encounter.  Remember, to keep it as simple as possible.  Your company may have many different species delivery conditions and size/grade categories, but you need to ask yourself, are they delivered to your tender fleet?

Using the species codes and delivery condition codes, type in the Species code, tab to the delivery Cond and enter the code and tab to the next row.  Notice that the text will autofill.  All codes are easily available from the PTI Codes, dropdown menu.


The Average weight should not be established by the seafood plant staff.  Area management biologists want the average weight by species and delivery condition to be established at the beginning of each opener.  These fields are intended to display the established values.

Our newly created species default file is now selected. Click the Next button to continue.

3. Print Tab

The print tab is where you can adjust the number of fish tickets. For the tablet you will not need to add the Use Signature Pad since the tablet will automatically bring up a signature window. If you are using a wireless printer DO NOT click on the Receipt printer box. If you are OK with just the two copies, one for purchaser and one for seller, all you need to do is click the Next button.

NOTE:  We suggest you set all tender based printers to Draft quality, which is sufficient to print a legible fish ticket and/or tally sheet.

4. Overlimit Tab

Seafood office staff can establish overlimits, as well as tender operators. 

To establish overlimits , (1) click the overlimit in effect button; (2) identify the overlimit species; and (3) provide the overlimit threshold. The fish ticket will document all sold poundage for the selected species to the threshold and all sold poundage above the limit threshold as Overlimts.

To save and move to the next tab, hit the Next button


The Salmon Fields  -  tab allows you to customize the display of tLandings to simplify reporting and display only those data fields ADF&G and your company to complete.  If you choose Salmon as the fishery, the wizard will display this field. 

Below is the default display for tLandings without any hidden fields.  Please review this display and ask yourself, “what fields can I hide to make the data entry for tender staff easier?”

I have decided to hide several fields by clicking the Hide boxes.  I also want autofill for values (enter the first time for this thumb drive and then the value autofills) Date Fishing Began, Nearest Bay or Headland, and Stat Area Worksheet. 

Please note the Default column on the Salmon Fields tab.  This feature allows you enter specific values that will display on all tLandings fish tickets.  This can be helpful when you have a set net site delivery area with one statarea or one nearest bay/headland.  If you know that the thumb drive you are configuring will be used the same day or the next day, you can also enter the date fishing began.  Date of landing and time of landing are autofilled from the tLandings system.

Prior for Vessel: The first time a vessel comes to deliver to a tender, the tender operator will have to fill in the fields that you've clicked on the Prior for Vessel. After that first delivery to the tender with that thumbdrive, those fields will automatically fill in.

Prior Report: The first landing report that is filled in, the tender operator fills in the fields that you've clicked on the Prior Report. After that first delivery to the tender with that thumbdrive, those fields will automatically fill in.


Tally Table – is the last tab, used to customize fields in both groundfish and salmon.   This screen allows you to hide columns that are not needed for the activity of the tender.  Below is the standard display for the Tally page in tLandings.

The display of columns is now simplified.  The tender operator completing fish tickets do not need to guess what columns are important and what columns can be ignored.

Once you have made the selections on the last tab of the Settings window you are ready to configure thumb drives with the tLandings application, your operation information (processor code, port, etc.), 30 fish ticket/landing report numbers, and the Configuration Profile you just completed.  Click OK to close the Thumbdrive Installation Configuration window.

Install tLandings on Thumbdrives

Now we are brought back to the Install tLandings on Thumbdrives window. I see the fishery is salmon, I have 30 fish ticket numbers, the configuration profile is "Tablet" I see the hidden fields on the Vessel Tab for tLandings, I see the Hidden Columns on the Tally Tab for tLandings, and the defaults that I have set. So long as this is all as expected, click on the Install button and install the tLandings application onto the thumbdrive.

Once installation is complete you get a window that lets you know the installation is complete. You can click OK and close out of the Install tLandings on Thumbdrives window.

Open and Review the Tablet Configuration tLandings Application



Using the My Computer tool, click on the thumb drive you just configured.

Using the stylus, double click on the icon run_tlandings in front of the run_tlandings file. 

The first thing you will notice is the black background and white text, designed to reduce sun glare with the tablet. 

NOTE:  If you are using a BAC USA Seal Tablet, this machine uses Windows 10 with a tablet mode.  When you insert the configured thumb drive into the USB port, the file structure of the thumb drive is displays, as shown below.  Using the stylus, click on the icon in front of the run_tlandings file.  The application starts in approximately one minute.  A tLandings icon will appear in the taskbar of the tablet. 

The tLandings application will open. 

To see how to create a landing report please see:

How to Create a Landing Report in the tLandings Tender Workstation Configured for use on a Tablet

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov