eLandings Support Script (created for GCI)

eLandings Support Script (created for GCI)


eLandings is an interagency electronic fishery harvest reporting system that is jointly managed by NOAA Fisheries Service (National Marine Fisheries Service), the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G), and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC).

At-sea catcher processors, shoreside processing plants, and individual fisherfolk use the reporting system as required to document harvest of groundfish, crab, and salmon in Alaskan waters.

eLandings users are dependent on support in many different instances. In order to provide high caliber user support, you should be familiar with the following concepts:

  • Alaskan geography - for example, if someone calls from King Cove with a question, do you know where that is? Knowing the location of the processing plant can aid in user support goals.
  • eLandings application familiarity - there are four different interfaces (elandings=web, sealandings=stand-alone software, tlandings=thumb drive reporting, agency desktop=interagency staff interface), support staff should know what these are as it will aid in determining which agency staff person is the best one to contact.
  • Vessel and gear types - Alaskan fisheries have several vessel types, knowing these differences can provide expedited assistance and resolution of issues.
  • Catcher vessels (they deliver to shoreside processing plants)
    • The shoreside plant creates the fish ticket for the delivery. 
  • Catcher processors (these are larger vessels that have a factory below deck where crew can process their own catch and package it up) there are also at-sea vessels known as motherships which receive catch from catcher vessels delivering unsorted cod-ends.
    • There are trawlers in both vessel categories, pelagic and non-pelagic (depths at which they are trawling) and also longliners/pot vessels.
    • Catcher processors and motherships mostly use seaLandings and must use the eLogbook.
  • Fisheries - loosely defined, this is a generic term for the different types of targeted fish species managed by specific rules. Open Access = groundfish fisheries that include pacific cod, yellowfin sole, arrowtooth flounder, etc... AFA = limited entry fishery targeting pollock

At-sea catcher processors, shoreside processing plants, and individual fisherfolk use the reporting system as required to document harvest of groundfish, crab, and salmon in Alaskan waters.

Overview_presentation_2017_ .pptx


GCI CNCC Help Desk Script

Agency expectations:

  1. Initial contact and triage 
  2. Determination if eLandings applications are up and running properly (Outage)
  3. Assistance with password issues


 Answer the telephone:  GCI CNCC Help Desk  

  1. Name of caller
  2. Company, telephone contact number, and email address (phone numbers are often unreliable)
  3. What are they having problems with? Usually it's one of the three reports below:
    1. Landing report 
      1. Salmon - ADF&G
      2. Groundfish - NMFS
      3. IFQ - After business hours it's the Data Techs, during business hours it's NMFS
    2. Production report - NMFS
    3. Logbook - NMFS
  4. What are the error numbers you are receiving? What is the error message?
  5. Identify which eLandings program and fishery the customer is calling about. Finding out how they enter data, via the web (elandings) a thumbdrive (tLandings) or email (sealandings) will narrow down which program it is.
    1. ADF&G deals with salmon fish tickets and landing reports using a system called tLandings.
    2. NMFS deals with shoreside processing plants that create landing and production reports.
    3. NMFS also deals directly with at-sea vessels that process their own catch and submit landing, production, and logbook reports.
      1. Asking them how their data is transmitted, via the web or email, is a good way to start.




eLandings = submit reports via the web

Groundfish, IFQ Halibut/Sablefish, Crab


seaLandings = submit reports via email or direct transmission

Groundfish, IFQ Halibut/Sablefish, Crab


eLogbook = electronic logbook for at-sea catcher processor vessels

Groundfish and IFQ Sablefish


tLandings = tender vessel reports documented on a thumb drive

Salmon and Groundfish


     6. If they are calling about Observer Fees, direct them to elandings@alaska.gov (907) 586-7462

    • If they are calling about logging their trips in the ODDS (Observer Declare and Deploy System where catcher vessel captains log their upcoming fishing trips), direct them to (855)747-6377 or Jennifer Mondragon (907) 586-7010

     7. Is this a time sensitive issue?

    1.  Anything IFQ related is time sensitive! The caller should be directed to the NOAA Enforcement Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846 option #1
    2. During regular business hours use the table above to determine the program, fishery, and issue. Then refer to the contact sheet for the appropriate agency staff to route the call to.
    3. If it is about salmon or the tLandings application, refer to dfg.elandings@alaska.gov
    4. Manual landings required for IFQ or enforcement related questions can be referred to the Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846 option #1

    8. If it is a non-time sensitive issue and they are calling outside of regular business hours.

    1. If they need to edit a report they can send an email to elandings@alaska.gov and an appropriate staff person will contact them the following business day.
    2. If they have general questions you can direct them to our Wiki documentation page https://elandings.atlassian.net/wiki/display/doc/eLandings+User+Manual

Preferred email format and information to forward call:

Name of caller


Telephone #

Report in progress?

Time sensitive Y or N? (IFQ-halibut/sablefish?)

Report type? (Landing/Production/Logbook)

eLandings program

  • Web
  • seaLandings
  • tLandings or Processor Tender Interface
  • Agency Desktop

Brief description of Problem



User Account issues – access to elandings application

  1. I have forgotten my user ID or password, can you help me?
    • If they know their UserID but forgot their password, they can go to elandings login page and have their password emailed to them as shown in the screen shot below but they do need to enter their UserID in the appropriate field. 
    • They will also need to enter the email address associated with their user account.

    • If the customer calls back and has not received the email with their password and it is time sensitive, have them contact the Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846 #1
    • If they don’t remember their UserID and it is outside of regular business hours, refer them to the NOAA Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846, option # 1


  • When you transfer a call to another agency or to the Data Technicians, please identify yourself as GCI CNCC. If this is no longer the case, how do staff answer the phones? We want to disseminate this to fishing industry so they know they have reached the appropriate support desk.
  • You may get an occasional call from someone using the Agency Desktop application – this is an administrative interface to the eLandings system used internally by National Marine Fisheries and Fish and Game staff; if the caller is a NMFS or ADFG employee and are calling about this program, direct them to eLandings Support at elandings@alaska.gov.

Preferred email format and information to forward call:


  1. If there is a GCI related internet outage after hours, please contact the NOAA Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846, option # 1 to let them know.
    • If you suspect the outage will last for an extended period of time, please notify Larry Talley at 907-723-1868 or 907-364-3275 or larry.talley@noaa.gov.
    • If there is an outage on the eLandings side after hours, please gather as much information as possible from the user for documentation purposes and then contact Larry Talley at 907-723-1868 or 907-364-3275 or the NOAA Data Technicians at 1-800-304-4846, option # 1
      • Please note that NOAA and ADF&G staff are not on-call, nor do they have pagers so after hours support is “best effort”. The NOAA Data Technicians have a complete list of interagency staff contacts so they are always a good option to contact when there is outage information to share.


The eLandings team wants to thank each of you very much.  If you have suggestions to improve our customer service or wish clarification of procedures, please do not hesitate to contact elandings@alaska.gov

Alaska Department of Fish & GameNOAA Fisheries ServiceInternational Pacific Halibut Commission


tLandings, salmon reporting, CFEC info, paper fish tickets

eLandings Support 907.586.7462 oe elandings@alaska.gov

Suja Hall 907. at suja.hall@noaa.gov

eLandings, seaLandings, eLogbook, Observer fees, IFQ Landings

Jennifer Mondragon 907.586.7010 or jennifer.mondragon@noaa.gov

IFQ Landings, eLandings, Observer fees

Lara Erikson 206.552.7663 or lara@iphc.int

Vessel clearances, IPHC halibut regulations and port sampling