2019 Public Webservices

2019 Public Webservices


8/15/2019 - The elandings system has had public SOAP webservices available for use since ~2012. The 2012 webservices make use of older technology that make them them challenging to work with. Some of these technologies are likely to be retired from out from under us in the coming years, as Java upgrades.

The 2012 webservices require that you get an XML XSD definition from elandings staff, so that you can parse XML responses into Java or C# Objects.

The 2012 webservices make use of long lists of unnamed arguments. For example findUserLandingReports_001() has 25 arguements, that could appear to the developer as "arg1, arg2, arg3..." These long lists are arguements are hard for developers to work with.

The 2019 Webservices attempt to address these weaknesses.

The 2019 Webservices WSDL includes the XML XSD definition, so that Java or C# can automatically generate the Object classes for you.

The 2019 Webservices allow you to pass Objects with named elements to represent the complex list of arguments. These objects tend to be far easier to understand, think about and work with. This also allows IDEs to offer code completion recommendations to get and set values by name

The 2019 Webservices make use of updated libraries that should be safe as Java upgrades in the near future.

We would encourage 3rd-party systems to migrate to the 2019 webservices sooner rather than later. This will allow eLandings and our partners to be better positioned to navigate the changing seas of Java.

WSDL Locations

As with the 2012 Public Webservices, the 2019 Public Webservices have three environments: TEST, TRAINING and PRODUCTION








Just like the 2012 Public webservices, the 2019 Public webservices require that you have a user_id and password. Processors are able to create the user_id and password for 3rd party contractors in production. In Test and Training, an eLandings support person can create the user_id and password.

Unlike the 2012 Public webservices, the 2019 Public webservices require an application id GUID. An elandings support person can create the applicaiton id GUID to identify your company.

Your application id GUID will be different for TEST, TRAINING and PRODUCTION.


In this example we are using Apache Netbeans 11.0.

Before running netbeans, edit the /etc/netbeans.conf to include:


For more details see https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/websvc/jax-ws.html

Create a new project of type Web Application

Create a new class of type Web Service from WSDL 

Note: this will not be visible if you have not edited your netbeans.conf file


Netbeans will generate the elandings.java class for you.

Notice that Netbeans was able to look at the WSDL and generate a number of Java Object classes. 

We will use the generated class ReportManagementV1Service.java to create our webservice connection.

We will use the generated java class FindLandingReports.java as a parameter object to tell the webservice findLandingReports() what data we want to get from the server. In our case we will ask for a landing report by id (or landing report id). However, we could pass in as a parameter a fish ticket number or proc code or adfg vessel number, etc.

Now Create the content of the MyClient.java class

package com.mycompany.elandingsclient2019;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.FindLandingReports;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.FindLandingReportsResponse;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.GetToken;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.GetTokenResponse;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.InvalidInputException_Exception;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.LandingReport;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.ReportManagementV1;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.ReportManagementV1Service;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.SecurityAuthorizationException_Exception;
import org.psmfc.er.webservices.ServiceException_Exception;

public class MyClient {
String wsdlURL = "https://elandingstest.alaska.gov/elandings/ReportManagementV1Service?wsdl";
String applicationID = "...";//Ask for one of these from elandings support staff.
ReportManagementV1 serviceInstance;
String tokenId;

public MyClient(){
ReportManagementV1Service service = new ReportManagementV1Service();
serviceInstance = service.getReportManagementV1Port();
((BindingProvider) serviceInstance).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, wsdlURL);

public void login(String userId, String password) throws InvalidInputException_Exception, SecurityAuthorizationException_Exception, ServiceException_Exception{
GetToken parameters = new GetToken();
GetTokenResponse token = serviceInstance.getToken(parameters, applicationID);
Logger.getLogger(MyClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Token: "+token.getReturn());
tokenId = token.getReturn();

public LandingReport getLandingReport(BigInteger id) throws InvalidInputException_Exception, SecurityAuthorizationException_Exception, ServiceException_Exception{
FindLandingReports parameters = new FindLandingReports();
FindLandingReportsResponse r = serviceInstance.findLandingReports(parameters, applicationID, tokenId);
return r.getReturn().get(0);

public static void main(String[] args){

try {
MyClient c = new MyClient();
String userId = "...";//Get from Processor or elandings support
String password = "...";//Get from Processor or elandings support
c.login(userId, password);
BigInteger landingReportId = BigInteger.valueOf(18378245);
LandingReport lr = c.getLandingReport(landingReportId);
Logger.getLogger(MyClient.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Landing Report ID: "+lr.getLandingReportId() + " last edited by "+lr.getDataEntryUser());
} catch (InvalidInputException_Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MyClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (SecurityAuthorizationException_Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MyClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (ServiceException_Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MyClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


}//End of Class

Get a user id and password from elandings support or a processor (if working against production).

In this example we will attempt to pull a landing report that we know exists from elandings test for the user tturbot.

If we run our file we should get an output of:

INFO: Landing Report ID: 18378245 last edited by AMARX

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Test 01 - Creating a Salmon Landing Report
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