
Attempts to save a landing report in the database. Report Status is changed from un-submitted to initial submitted, if it has not already been changed. The report is validated according to the rules associated with the initial submit report status.

eLandings allows users to save a landing report in one of four states. These report status types are:

  • 16 = REPORT DELETED -- NOTE: Reports are marked as deleted but retained in the database for a historic record. Some users refer to this as "voiding" the report.

If a landing report is saved with a ReportStatus = 1 (NOT SUBMITTED), the data is stored in a clob in the database. This allows users to save unsubmitted reports in an incomplete or incorrect state. All other report status will trigger the report to be saved in the traditional report tables and columns.
When the submitInitialLandingReport() is called, the landing report is validated against final submission business rules. If the report was previously saved in the NOT SUBMITTED as a clob, that data is now deleted. The landing report status is changed to ReportStatus = 4 (INITIAL REPORT SUBMITTED). Finally the data is stored in the database tables.

The submitFinalLandingReport() takes four arguments:

  1. String Userid – i.e "amarx"
  2. String password – i.e. "A_marx"
  3. String schemaVersionNumber – i.e. "2.1"
  4. String landingReportInXmlDataFormat – see below for example of long string

In the web service client we might auto generate a data structure by providing the web service url. In eLandings we use Java – JAX-WS and generated a structure called ReportManager.
ReportManagement ws;
String xml = ws. submitInitialLandingReport (userid, password, schemaVersionNumber, landingReportInXmlDataFormat);


If the web service call was successful you might see a string containing the landing report that you submitted. The Report Status should be changed to 8. So you would see something like this:


If the web service call was unsuccessful you should receive a string containing XML for an empty landing_report structure containing one or more messages documenting errors that were encountered when processing your request. For example you might receive something like:


For the list of potential elandings messages see the elandings codes page and click on Message Codes