Numbers Data

Numbers Data


The number_info element is the top level element in files containing importable numbers. The number_info has the following elements.


The messages element provides error and information messages about requests for numbers that are submitted to the eLandings server. A request for numbers made to eLandings may not cause any messages to be created, but may be present in files received from eLandings. The absence of the messages element indicates that no errors or warnings apply.

Data Type

Since Schema Version

Oracle Database Data Definition





The message text can be of arbitrary length, and can include data values that caused the problem to be reported. Typically the text length will not exceed 265 characters.

The message element has four attributes

  • The msgid attribute provides a unique identifier for the message, which can be used to lookup further information on the eLandings website.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    Msg IDs will typically be between 1000 and 99,999. Msg IDs can be looked up on the eLandings website

  • The severity_code attribute identifies the severity of the message

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    The severity code values and translations are:
    S - System Error
    E - Error
    W - Warning
    I - Information

  • The severity_desc attribute is the translation of the severity code.
  • The prefix attribute is a message prefix that relates the message to particular lines or items in the XML document.

    Data Type

    Since Schema Version

    Oracle Database Data Definition





    The prefix is not applicable to all messages. Where used it has values such as "Line x, Grading/pricing line y".

Schema Version

The schema version data element allows the eLandings software to know what version of the schema the XML was generated for, if it is not the most current version. If the schema version element is not provided it defaults to version 1.0, the original groundfish release production schema. The contents of the schema version element corresponds to the version attribute in the <xs:schema> element of the schema, the top level element of the schema definition. Note that this is NOT the version attribute in the <xml> element that contains the schema definition. That attribute defines the version of XML, as specified by the W3C consortium.


The landing_report_id is the unique identifier for both landing and production reports. The actual number must be generated by the eLandings system. Multiple landing_report_id elements can be stored in a number_info XML document. This allows one request for number to return many numbers, which can be stored and used when generating landing or production reports.

Data Type

Since Schema Version

Oracle Database Data Definition





Report IDs will be between 1 and 9,999,999,999


the fish_ticket_number is the unique identifier of ADF&G fish tickets. When submitting a landing report to the eLandings system, this number must have been previously received from eLandings as an importable number. Multiple fish_ticket_number elements can be stored in a number_info XML document. This allows one request for number to return many numbers, which can be stored and used when generating landing reports.

Data Type

Since Schema Version

Oracle Database Data Definition





Fish Ticket Number is the ticket number that associates particular catch lines with particular permits on landing reports. The business rules for the fish ticket number format are documented by the eLandings business rules.