eLandings Data Import Approval:
- Notification of intent to import data into the eLandings system.
- Understanding that the use of the tLandings application requires that the entity required to report first purchase, as outlined in 5AAC 39.130, import the landings data into the eLandings system, using the Processor Tender Interface, within the timeframe prescribed by the ADFG.
- Understanding that 5AAC 39.130 requires true and accurate information, necessitating that all corrections to catch species, delivery condition or poundage information be updated within the eLandings system.
- Understanding of and program structure to assure unique numbering of all landing and production reports and fish tickets.
- Understanding of and validation of all code tables associated with the eLandings system.
- Understanding of and use of all eLandings Product Recovery Rates for rounding to whole pounds.
- The ability to identify and report all overages using the established eLandings codes.
- Responsibility for user support for all front end data entry applications that generate XML code that is imported into the eLandings system.