Location of Offload is primarily used for Prince William Sound Salmon Fisheries
Location of Offload is a code indicating the location of initial off-load of salmon, which may include floating processors. Location of Offload codes are a prefix port code followed by a suffix with additional descriptive information. An example of an Location of Offload is COR-N, Cordova North (Trident Plant). This code is primarily used in the Prince William Sound office of Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG), for Salmon fisheries.
The ADFG agency staff responsible for the Salmon fisheries, in the Prince William Sound area are responsible for managing the code list in the Agency Desktop. It is recommended that they prepare the code list prior to the start of the season. They should also communicate, to the affected Processors, the codes and descriptions. The Processors will enter the code, during the Report Import process of the Processor Tender Interface.
A query, in OceanAK, is provided to the ADFG agency staff, which will give them a summary of all the fish tickets associated with the used Location of Offload codes, for that season.
Agency Desktop
Location of Offload Entry screen, found on the Data Entry menu of the Agency Desktop, will allow the responsible agency staff to manage the Location of Offload code list. It is expected that this code list will be setup prior to the start of the Salmon season, it can also be managed in-season.
Figure 1
You may add codes, using the entry fields and the Add button. The data entry fields are shown, in Figure 1, on the top of the frame. The code can be entered in one of two formats. The first format is a valid port code with a suffix of up to four letters or numbers. This type of code relates to specific Processor Plant Facilities. The other format is for Floating Processors. It requires entry of a valid ADFG vessel number for the suffix.
The description field is required. We want a meaningful description that will be captured for when this data becomes historical data. Future users of the data will need a clear understanding of what these codes mean.
The comment field is not required, but it is available for any addition information the agency users would like to associate with the data.
When a code and description is entered, click the Add button. This will move the code into the table and clear the data entry fields. The table is shown, in Figure 1, on the bottom of the frame. Codes may continue to be added in this fashion. The Save button must be clicked to apply the changes to the eLandings Repository database.
The description and the comment may be edited, for any code. It is recommended to establish a description and not make any edits that change the description in a meaningful way. Select the row for the code, in the table, that needs to be edited, then click the Edit button. Clicking the Edit button will move the selected code data into the data entry fields, above the table.
Once the above fields are populated, the description and comment text may be edited. And when all edits are complete, click the Add button to apply the edits to the table. The Save button must be clicked to apply the changes to the eLandings Repository database.
If the Location of Offload code is edited, this will add a new record to the table with the new code and the old record will be preserved in the table.
Codes may be removed from the table; however, a code that has already been saved to the database will persist. Removing codes is only useful for the initial entry of a code. If you need to remove a code that has already been saved to the database, contact the ADFG eLandings programmers at elandings@alaska.gov.
To remove a code, click the code's row, in the table, and then click the Remove button.
After all codes are added or edited, the Save button must be clicked to apply the changes to the eLandings Repository database.
The Disabled check box, in the table, is editable. Codes that are not being used for the current salmon season should be disabled. Disabling codes will remove them from the drop down list, in the Processor Tender Interface, and the Processors will be unable to use them. The Processor will still be able to see disabled codes in the drop down lists, on the eLandings web page. Agency staff will be able to see disabled codes in the drop down list, in the Salmon Report Frame, in the Agency Desktop. Disabled codes are available at these locations, so that they can be seen and used on historical records.
To disable a code, click the applicable check box, in the table. The Save button must be clicked to apply the changes to the eLandings Repository database.
Processor Tender Interface (PTI)
The data entry for Location of Offload code occurs in PTI by the Processor. When the Tender delivers the fish tickets to the Processor, they also deliver the associated eLandings data on a thumb drive. The Processor uses PTI to import the data, from the thumb drive, into the eLandings Repository database. The Processor may enter the Location of Offload prior to import and apply the chosen code to that batch of tickets. This is done in the Report Import frame, shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
This field is not required by PTI to proceed in importing the data to the eLandings Repository database. The ADFG agency staff must communicate to the affected Processors to apply the Location of Offload codes, and they must communicate the description of each code.
If the correct Location of Offload code is not available, the Processor may contact the ADFG agency staff for clarification. If a new code is needed, then the ADFG agency staff must enter the new code, using the Agency Desktop. After the new code is added, the Processor must exit out of the Report Import frame and reopen this frame to refresh the code list, in the drop down box.
For in-season management a Location of Offload report is available in OceanAK. This report lists every landing report with a location of offload code for the current year. The data available is Processor Code, Tender Batch, Location of Offload Code, and Landing Report Id.
The report is available at: http://obiee-prd.dfg.alaska.local:9704/analytics/saw.dll?Answers&path=%2Fshared%2FCommercial%20Fisheries%2FRegion%20I%2FSalmon%2FHarvest%2FeLandings%2FLocation%20of%20Offload
Searching by Catalog, it lives at /Shared Folders/Commercial Fisheries/Region I/Salmon/Harvest/eLandings/Location of Offload