Versions Compared


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  • A mothership that processes fish from a CDQ vessel should select CDQ as management program. 















OA: When a vessel is fishing open access or in the parallel fishery, even if they are in state waters while participating in parallel fisheries. Parallel fishing is inside 3 miles under a Federal opening.


Am I required to use eLogbook in 20142016/2017?

  • Yes - If you are a trawl catcher processor fishing AFA pollock or CDQ pollock you are required to use the electronic (eLogbook) in either the eLandings or seaLandings application.
  • Yes - If you are a freezer longline catcher processor named on an LLP license, endorsed to catch pacific cod with hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or GOA while fishing under a CDQ program.
  • Yes - If you are a catcher processor permitted to fish under the Rockfish Program.
  • No Yes - If you are a mothership.
  • No - if you are a catcher vessel.


How can I get an eLogbook?

The elogbook is an application available within the seaLandings program. Users will need to Register an  eLogbook for 2014 the current year through their seaLandings application.

What do I enter as my Voyage start date?

You should enter your Voyage start date as January 1st of the current year (01/01/2013 xxxx format) as you need to account for each day of the year in the elogbook just as you did in the paper DCPL. You will also be asked for a Go Active date.

  • If you are just registering your elogbook and steaming up to Alaska, enter your Go Active date as the registration date (1/1/201320xx) and then Go Inactive until you begin fishing activity.


If you are not engaged in fishing activity (gear in the water) or processing activity, you should Go Inactive (ex. steaming to port for offload)


but keep in mind that you can only Go Active/Go Inactive once in a 24 hour period.

I forgot to enter a set/haul on a previous day and have already entered sets to the following day. When I try to go back I get an error message and can’t add the set/haul, what do I doWhat are my options?

If you missed adding a set entry and have already added sets/hauls on the following day, you can account for add in the "missed" set by:

  1. Adding all that information in Comments for that day (there is a character limit in the comments box so you may have to use more than one).
  2. Adding the set information on the following day and entering the actual date in the Time Set and Time Hauled fields.


on the correct day by highlighting the day on the left-hand navigation pane and selecting Add Haul/Add Set.

The set/haul numbering will be off if you have added sets/hauls on the following day so you will need to edit them accordingly.

How do I enter retrieval of a set/haul that is picked up on a different day than it was deployed?


  • You have to highlight the set/haul number in the left-hand navigation pane and then click on the corresponding edit button on the set/haul display screen.
  • If you haven’t transmitted your report and you want to remove some piece of data that you entered you can use the above method or Undo Last Unsubmitted Entry as shown in the screenshot below.
  • If you haven't tried to save and transmit, you can select No when you are asked if you want to Save your changes to the logbook and nothing you've added will be saved.


What if I enter a set/haul on the wrong day? You will not be able to move your

  • You can delete the set/haul


  • and enter it on the correct day


  • , or;
  • You can drag and drop the set/haul


  • from the wrong day and drop it into the right day.

When do I have to submit my eLogbook?

By Midnight the following day (just like production reports) to record the previous day of sets/hauls.


How do I save my daily eLogbook entry and submit it?

Each time you make an entry in the elogbook and try to close the program, it will ask you if you want to Save Your Changes.

Keep in mind that the elog is not considered a report in the same sense as production or landing reports so all you do to submit it is go to Reporting…Transmit Reports and click on the Transmit button.
