How do I know if I have the most current version of seaLandings?

  • If you open your seaLandings program and go to Help > About - it should display Release 20192021.1210.1720-1610.3952.0503. This is the release build for 20202022. The seaLandings 2021 Release is 2020.09.22-09.43.06


  • First, you need to access and use the "Forgot Password" button on the login screen to reset your password. You will be emailed a temporary password to the email associated with your User ID. When you receive the temporary password, follow the instructions in the email to reset your password on the eLandings website. Once you have successfully changed your password on the eLandings website, you will need to reset it in seaLandings too. 
  • Open the seaLandings program but don't log in, hit Cancel instead. Then navigate to Configuration....Users, click on the UserID that you updated on the eLandings website, then click Open. Use the Reset Password button and enter your new password. This password MUST match the password you reset on the eLandings website. Save and close the window. Then you can click on File...Login and enter your user name and new password. To finalize the change you will need to send a transmission. Follow your usually usual steps for either direct or file transmission. Once Once the transmission is successfully processed, your password change is complete.

NOTE: If you change your password on the web, you'll also need to change it on your seaLandings stand-alone client. If you change it on your workstation computer, you will first need to change it on the eLandings website, or you will not be able to log in. 

I am going to be a Stationary floating processor for receiving crab. What do I need to report in eLandings?  Required to use eLandings to report crab Landing Reports and Production Reports. No eLogbook required for stationary floating processor. 

I am going to be a Catcher/processor for crab. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to use eLandings for crab Landing Reports and Production Reports. No eLogbook required.  

I am going to be a Catcher/processor for ground fish when fishing for pcod with longline or trawl gear. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to use a flow scale, complete eLogbook, Landing Reports and Production Reports in eLandings. 

I am going to be a Catcher/processor for ground fish when pot fishing for pcod. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to report Landing and Production Reports in eLandings. No eLogbook required., unless your LLP is endorsed for Halibut and PCOD.

My LLP is endorsed for Catcher Processor for Halibut and PCOD but I am only going to be pot gear fishing. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to complete an eLogbook, Production Reports and Landing Reports in eLandings. 


 Am I required to use the eLogbook in 20202022?

  • Yes - If you are a trawl catcher processor fishing AFA pollock or CDQ pollock you are required to use the electronic (eLogbook) in either the eLandings or seaLandings application.
  • Yes - If you are a freezer longline catcher processor named on an LLP license, endorsed to catch pacific cod with hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or GOA while fishing under a CDQ program.
  • Yes - If you are a catcher processor permitted to fish under the Rockfish Program.
  • Yes - If you are a mothership.
  • No - if you are a catcher vessel.
  • No - if you are pot gear fishing for PCOD.


  • On January 1st, Register your 2021 2022 logbook. Create a New Voyage, add your Gear Type(s), and Go active.
    • Add any haul/set deploy information that occurs on January 1st.
  • On January 1st, access your Previous Year Logbook and enter your retrieval informal for all hauls/sets deployed on or before December 31st.
    • You will be able to access your 2020 2021 logbook for at least one week into the new year to make edits.


If you are not engaged in fishing activity (gear in the water) or processing activity, you should Go Inactive (ex. steaming to port for offload) but keep in mind that you can only Go Active/Go Inactive once in a 24 hour period. So if the period of inactivity is less than 24 hours you do not want to Go Inactive. 

What species should I enter in my elogbook catch table? What about reporting prohibited species?

  • All catcher processors are required to enter IRIU species which includes pollock (270) and pacific cod (110).
    • AFA vessels must also report any salmon bycatch 
    • Longline catcher processors must record sablefish in the eLogbook catch table
  • Prohibited Species Catch (PSC), Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king and tanner crab, must be reported in Numbers.

I forgot to enter a set/haul on a previous day and have already entered sets to the following day. What are my options?
