You will be asked to confirm the operation that you are sending the landing to. Please double and triple check that you have entered in the correct processor code and that the operation and port match with what you were expecting. If the information matches with what you are expecting, complete the transfer by clicking “OK”
Once you click “OK” this landing report will be moved to the selected operation and you will not have access to it anymore.
A new tab will open with the fish ticket for the landing. Please print or save this ticket for your records.
Completing a Landing from an RSR that’s been sent to your processing operation
When a Registered Salmon Receiver sends a landing report to the purchaser of the fish, it is advisable that the purchaser of the fish be on close contact with the salmon transporter so that they can be alerted when the transfer of the landing report is made. eLandings will not alert the buyer of the fish that the landing report has been transferred.
To quickly view a list of landing reports that are in initial submit status and may have been transferred to your operation, look at the homepage for the Reports Menu and the list of Unsubmitted and Initially Submitted reports
You can see the operation above has 5 initially submitted salmon reports. Clicking on the “5 initially submitted” button will open a list of all 5 reports at the bottom of a new page.
In our scenario, we were waiting for the transporter to transfer us the landing report for the Nikka so that it could be finalized. Click on the blue report ID on the far left of the table to open the report.
The report will open and you will have the option of editing the report if any of the information needs to be updated, you can add grading and pricing if desired, or you can simply submit the final report and print out your fish tickets for signature and submission to ADF&G