Landing Reports
eLandings User Manual
Landing Reports
A landing report documents the offload or delivery of fish species that were harvested in State or Federal waters off Alaska. Shoreside processing plants, tender vessels, and motherships can receive deliveries from properly licensed and registered catcher vessels. The landing report information is captured in a fish ticket which complies with ADF&G reporting requirements. Information such as the vessel ADF&G number, number of fishers onboard, fishing trip dates, state statistical areas, federal areas, state and federal fishing permits (as applicable) and species weights and dispositions are captured in this form.
- Salmon Landing Report
- Groundfish Landing Reports
- Printing Labeled and Colored Copies of Fish Tickets
- Rounding on Landing Reports Explained and Illustrated
- eLandings Retained Disposition Codes and Offloading Reporting
- Entering CFEC Permit Information
- How to Delete an Unsubmitted Landing or Production Report in eLandings
- Procedures for Outages — Procedures for outages
- Voiding a landing report - Deletion
- Creating a Federal Cook Inlet Salmon Landing Report