| Phone number is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web service requires a phone number, and no data was provided. | Enter a phone number. | ||||||
| The phone number was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the phone number is entered with letters in place of digits. | The phone number is stored in the format (aaa) eee-nnnn xxx... where aaa is the area code, eee is the exchange, nnnn is the number, and xxx... is the extension. Extension is optional. The system will accept the phone number in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. Valid entry format masks are (999) 999-9999, 999-999-9999, 999.999.9999, and (999)999-9999. The phone number does not match one of these valid formats. | Enter the phone number in the standard format, using digits. | ||||||
| More than 32 characters were entered in the phone number field. | Phone numbers are limited to 32 characters, up to 15 for the formatted phone number and the rest for the extension. Too many characters were entered for the extension. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the phone number field. | Enter the phone number in the standard format, and limit the extension to the allowable number of characters. | ||||||
| The fax phone number was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the fax phone number is entered with letters in place of digits. | The fax phone number is stored in the format (aaa) eee-nnnn xxx... where aaa is the area code, eee is the exchange, nnnn is the number, and xxx... is the extension. Extension is optional. The system will accept the fax phone number in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. Valid entry format masks are (999) 999-9999, 999-999-9999, 999.999.9999, and (999)999-9999. The fax phone number does not match one of these valid formats. | Enter the fax phone number in the standard format, using digits. | ||||||
| Fax phone number is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web service requires Fax phone number, and no data was provided. | Enter a fax phone number. | ||||||
| More than 32 characters were entered in the fax phone number field. | Fax phone numbers are limited to 32 characters, up to 15 for the formatted phone number and the rest for the extension. Too many characters were entered for the extension. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the fax phone number field. | Enter the fax phone number in the standard format, and limit the extension to the allowable number of characters. | ||||||
| Email address is not valid. | The Email address entered has invalid characters or is otherwise invalid. | Enter a valid email address. | ||||||
| Email address is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web services requires Email address, and no data was provided. | Enter an email address. | ||||||
| More than 120 characters were entered in the email address field. | Too many characters were entered for the email address. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the email address field. | Check the email address to make sure it was entered correctly. If the email address has more than 120 characters check with your email provider customer service representative to see if a shorter alias can be used. | ||||||
| The email address was entered in a format that was not recognized. | Email addresses must contain a mail account name, followed by the @ sign, followed by a mail domain. The mail domain must contain at least one dot. The mail address entered did not conform to this format. | Check the email address to make sure it was entered correctly. Some internal mail systems do not require the @ sign and mail domain, or may have a mail domain without a dot. The eLandings system cannot use these email addresses. Check with your network administrator for an Internet email address to use. | ||||||
| UserID is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to login and did not provide your UserID, you were trying to create a new UserID and did not provide a value for the new ID, or you were requesting a password without entering the user ID. | Enter a UserID. | ||||||
| UserID cannot be all numbers. | You were trying to create a new UserID and entered a number for the new ID. Alternately, you were trying to login and misentered numeric data in the UserID field. | Enter a correct existing UserID to login, or enter a non-numeric UserId to create a new one. | ||||||
| The UserID value you are trying to create for a new user is already in use for an existing user. | You were trying to create a new user account and the UserID value you entered is already used by another account. | Make sure you or someone else has not already requested an account for the user. Otherwise, choose a different UserID for the user. | ||||||
| More than 40 characters were entered in the userid field. | Too many characters were entered for the UserID. This error can occur if other data is misentered in the UserID field. | Check the UserID to make sure it was correctly entered. If creating a new user choose a shorter UserID. | ||||||
| Password is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to login and did not provide your password. Alternately, you were creating a new user account and did not provide a password. | Enter a password. | ||||||
| Less than 6 characters were entered in the password field. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered less than 6 characters in the password field. | Enter a valid password. | ||||||
| More than 16 characters were entered in the password field | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered more than 16 characters in the password field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the password field. | Enter a valid password. | ||||||
| A password was entered that is all numeric digits. For security reasons, passwords cannot be numbers as these are too easy to guess by trial and error. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered a password that was all numeric digits. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the password field. | Enter a valid password. | ||||||
| A password was entered that is the same as the UserID, or contains the UserID. For security reasons, this is not allowed, because it makes the password too easy to guess. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered a password that was the same as the userid, or matched the userid with extra characters on the end or beginning. | Enter a valid password. | ||||||
| When changing a password, the new password and the old password were the same, so the password would not have changed. | When trying to change a password the value entered was the same as the old password. | Enter a new, valid password. | ||||||
| User name is required information and must be entered | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a name for the user. | Enter a name for the user. The name should be the person's name, not a company name. | ||||||
| More than 32 characters were entered in the user name field. | You were trying to create or edit a user account, and entered too much data in the user name field. You can also get this error if you misentered other data in the user name field | Enter the correct user name. It should be the person's name, not a company name. Abbreviate if necessary. | ||||||
| Agency name is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to create an agency user account and did not provide the agency name. | Enter the correct agency abbrevation, such as ADFG, NMFS, or IPHC in the agency name field. | ||||||
| The agency name entered is not a recognized agency name. | Agency names are stored in the system code manager. The value you entered was not in the system's code set. | Check that the agency name you entered was a correct agency abbreviation, such as ADFG, NMFS, or IPHC. If you have another agency name you believe should be valid check with eLandings system support. | ||||||
| The processor company name is required information, and must be entered. | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a company name for the user. | Enter a company name for the user. The processor company name should be the primary company where the user is an employee or hired contractor, even if they will be entering landing reports for multiple operations, as in the case of custom processing. | ||||||
| More than 32 characters were entered in the processor company name field | When trying to create or edit a user account the processor name was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the processor company name field. | Check that the processor company name is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. | ||||||
| The processor parent company name is required information, and must be entered. | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a parent company name for the user. | Enter a parent company name for the user. The parent company name should be the parent company of the primary company where the user is an employee or hired contractor, even if they will be entering landing reports for multiple operations, as in the case of custom processing. | ||||||
| More than 32 characters were entered in the parent company name field | When trying to create or edit a user account the parent company name was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the parent company name field. | Check that the parent company name is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. | ||||||
| City is required information and must be entered | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a city. | Enter the city. | ||||||
| More than 50 characters were entered in the city field | When trying to create or edit a user account the city was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the city field. | Check the city name for the user is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. | ||||||
| State is required information and must be entered. | When trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a state. | Enter the state. | ||||||
| The state entered was not a valid two character State code. | When trying to create or edit a user account the state code was not valid. Typically this is because you entered more than the two character state abbreviation. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the state field. | Enter the correct two character abbrevation for the State. | ||||||
| The security question is required information, and must be entered. | The security question is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter a security question that the user will know the answer to, but that would be difficult for anyone else to answer. | ||||||
| More than 500 characters were entered in the security question field | When trying to create a user account the security question was too long. | Enter a shorter security question. The question should be one that the user will be unlikely to forget the answer to, but that anyone else would have a hard time answering correctly. | ||||||
| The secret answer is required information, and must be entered | The secret answer is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. It is the answer to the security question. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter the answer to the security question. | ||||||
| More than 500 characters were entered in the secret answer field | When trying to create a user account the secret answer was too long. | Enter a shorter secret answer, abbreviating if necessary. The security question that the secret answer answers should be one that the user will be unlikely to forget the answer to, but that anyone else would have a hard time answering correctly. | ||||||
| The port code is required information and must be entered. Port codes are the ADF&G alphanumeric port codes. NMFS port codes and IFQ numeric port codes cannot be entered, the system will translate the entered ADF&G port code to the correct NMFS and IFQ values where needed. | Port code is required for most operations, all landing reports, and at-sea production reports. | Enter a valid three character ADF&G port code. The valid port codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | ||||||
| The port code entered is not a valid ADF&G port code. Port codes are the ADF&G alphanumeric port codes. NMFS port codes and IFQ numeric port codes cannot be entered, the system will translate the entered ADF&G port code to the correct NMFS and IFQ values where needed. | The port codes are stored in the database. The value entered does not match any of the stored port codes. | Enter a valid three character ADF&G port code. The valid port codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | ||||||
| The ADF&G vessel number is required information and must be entered. ADF&G vessel numbers are five digit numbers issued by the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC). | Vessel ADF&G numbers are required for at-sea and tender operation setups, landing reports, and at-sea production reports. | Enter a valid ADF&G vessel number. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. | ||||||
| The ADF&G vessel number entered was not found in the database. | The vessel ADF&G numbers are stored in the database. They are issued by CFEC, and are updated daily. The vessel ADF&G number can be at most 5 characters. | Enter a valid ADF&G vessel number. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. If you are sure the vessel number is the correct one for the vessel, contact eLandings system support. | ||||||
| The ADF&G processor code is required information and must be entered. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | ADF&G processor code is required for landing reports, for shoreside plant production reports, and for the setup of most types of operations. | Enter a valid ADF&G processor code. | ||||||
| The ADF&G processor code entered was not found in the database. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | The ADF&G processor codes are stored in the database. They are issued by ADF&G, and are updated daily. To be valid the proc code must be in the database. | Enter a valid ADF&G processor code. If you are sure the proc code you entered is correct, contact eLandings system support. | ||||||
| The security question is required information, and cannot contain special characters that are restricted due to scripting concerns. | The security question is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter a security question that the user will know the answer to, but that would be difficult for anyone else to answer. Do not use special characters. | ||||||
| The secret answer is required information, and cannot contain special characters that are restricted due to scripting concerns. | The secret answer is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. It is the answer to the security question. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter the answer to the security question, without using special characters. | ||||||
| The Federal Permit number is required information for production reports and some landing reports. Federal Permit Numbers may be Federal Fisheries Permit numbers or Federal Processor Permit Numbers. | The Federal Permit number is require for some landing reports, for production reports, and for the setup of some types of operations | Enter a valid FFP or FPP number. | ||||||
| The Federal Permit number is required information for production reports and some landing reports. Federal Permit Numbers may be Federal Fisheries Permit numbers or Federal Processor Permit Numbers. The Federal Permit Numbers are stored in the database and the entered number is compared to the database records. | The Federal Permit number entered was not found in the database. | Enter a valid FFP or FPP number. | ||||||
| Registered buyer number is required information and must be entered, if the species is either halibut or sablefish. A default value is set by your user agreement registration, and if there is more than one registered buyer number number associated with your user agreement, select the correct one. | Registered buyer number number was switched to a blank value. | Verify that the registered buyer number number is set to the correct value, and select the correct value. | ||||||
| The registered buyer number entered was not found in the database. | The registered buyer number entered is not valid. You may have mistyped the registered buyer number; or the permit was issued after the last database update (within the last few hours). | Verify your registered buyer number, and enter the correct value. If this is unsuccessful, you may call NMFS Data Technicians: 1-800-304-4846, option 1. | ||||||
| Registered crab receiver number is required information and must be entered for a crab landing report. A default value is set by your user agreement registration, and if there is more than one registered crab receiver number associated with your user agreement, select the correct one. | Registered crab receiver number was switched to a blank value. | Verify that the registered crab receiver number is set to the correct value. Select the correct value. | ||||||
| The registered crab receiver number entered was not found in the database. | The registered crab receiver number entered is not valid. You may have mistyped the registered crab receiver number; or the permit may have been issued after the last database update (within the last few hours). | Verify your registered crab receiver number, and enter the correct value. If this is unsuccessful, you may call NMFS Data Technicians: 1-800-304-4846, option 1. | ||||||
| The system does not allow initial or final reports to be submitted without line item information. Line item information includes stat areas, species codes, condition codes, weight, number of animals, pot lifts, and disposition codes; number of animals and pot lifts are not always required or applicable. When a sold disposition code is entered, line item information also includes size/grade, sold weight, and price per pound; size/grade is not required. | There is no information for line items and submit an initial or final report was selected. | Verify line item information, and enter the correct values. | ||||||
| Trip number is required information and must be entered. The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Trip number was not entered. | Verify the trip number, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | The trip number entered is not a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Verify the trip number, and enter the correct whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | ||||||
| The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | The trip number entered is not a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Verify the trip number, and enter a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | ||||||
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| The gear code is required information and must be entered. Gear codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The gear code was not entered. | Verify the gear code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The ADF&G gear code must be valid for crab if the report type is a Crab Landing Report. Gear Codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The ADF&G gear code entered is not correct for the gear used, or the wrong landing report type was chosen. | Verify the ADF&G gear code, and enter the correct code. Verify that the correct landing report type is being used. | ||||||
| The ADF&G gear code entered was not found in the database. The ADF&G gear code is a numeric value one or two digits long. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. Gear codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The ADF&G gear codes are stored in the database. | Verify the gear code, and enter a valid ADF&G gear code. | ||||||
| Crew size is required information and must be entered. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size was not entered. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the crew size field. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size entered is less than one. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow crew size to be greater than 500. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size entered is greater than 500. | Verify the crew size, and enter a valid numeric value, between one and 500. If you are sure of your crew size, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the crew size is between the maximum expected number of 99 and the maximum number of 500. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The Crew Size entered is between the maximum expected number of 99 and the maximum number of 500. | Verify that the Crew Size is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the crew size is not correct, enter the correct crew size and select Save. | ||||||
| The number of Observers Onboard is required information and must be entered. The system expects a whole numeric value between zero and 20. | Number of Observers Onboard was not entered. | Verify the number of Observers Onboard, and enter the correct value. If no observer was onboard, enter zero. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 20. | The observers onboard entered is not numeric. | Verify the observers onboard field, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the number of observers onboard to be less than zero. | A negative number was entered, such as: -1, -5, and -20. | Verify the amount of observers onboard, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow amount of observers onboard to be greater than 20. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 20. | The amount of observers onboard entered is greater than 20. | Verify the amount of observers onboard, and enter the correct value. If you are sure of the amount of observers onboard, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the observers onboard is between the maximum expected number of three and the maximum number of 20. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The observers onboard entered is between the maximum expected number of three and the maximum number of 20. | Verify that the observers onboard is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the observers onboard is not correct, enter the correct observers onboard and select Save. | ||||||
| The date fishing began is required information and must be entered. | The date fishing began was not entered. | Verify the date fishing began, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. The date fishing began field was not entered with one of the following formats: mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y. | The date fishing began was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the date fishing began is entered with letters in place of digits. | Verify the date fishing began, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| |||||||||
| The system restricts the date fishing began field from being dated more than six years in the past. | A date earlier than six years in the past has been entered in the date fishing began field. | Verify the date fishing began, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The date of landing is required information and must be entered. | The date of landing field was not entered. | Verify the date of landing, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. The date of landing field was not entered with one of the following formats: mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y. | The date of landing was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the date of landing is entered with letters in place of digits. | Verify the date of landing, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow a landing report to be completed before the date of landing. | A date that is in the future has been entered in the date of landing field. | Verify the date of landing, and enter the correct date. | ||||||
| |||||||||
| The system does not allow the date fishing began to be after the date of landing. | The date entered in the date fishing began field is after the date entered in the date of landing field. | Verify the date fishing began and the date of landing fields. Enter the correct dates. | ||||||
| The system does not allow days fished to be greater than 100. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 100. | Days fished entered is greater than 100. | Verify the number of days fished, and enter the correct value. If you are sure of your number of days fished, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the number of days fished entered is between the maximum expected number of 60 and the maximum number of 100. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The number of days fished entered is between the maximum expected number of 60 and the maximum number of 100. | Verify that the number of days fished is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the number of days fished is not correct, enter the correct days fished and select Save. | ||||||
| The system does not allow data other than numbers to be entered in the days fished field. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the days fished field. | Verify the days fished, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| |||||||||
| The system does not allow the number of days fished to be less than 1. | A number less than 1 has been entered in the days fished field. | Verify the amount of days fished field, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the number of days fished to be greater than the days between the date fishing began and the date of landing. | The days fished is greater than the days between the date fishing began and the date of landing. | Verify the days fished, date fishing began, and date of landing fields. Enter the correct dates and correct number of days fished. | ||||||
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| The owner proc code is required information and must be entered. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | The owner proc Ccode was not entered. | Verify the owner proc code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The ADF&G processor code entered was not found in the database. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | The owner processor code entered is not valid. | Verify the owner processor code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The ADF&G processor code entered was not found in the database. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | The custom processor code entered is not valid. | Verify the custom processor code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
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| The CFEC fishery code is required information and must be entered. Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card. | The CFEC fishery code was not entered. | Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The CFEC fishery code entered was not found in the database. Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card. | The CFEC fishery code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid. | Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The CFEC fishery code does not match the gear type entered. Your CFEC fishery code is the first four digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card. Your issued CFEC permit card must be appropiate for the gear type. Gear code can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The issued CFEC fishery code is not appropiate for the gear type entered, or the gear code entered is incorrect for your gear. | Verify the gear code, in the ADF&G Gear Code field, and enter the correct code. Verify the CFEC fishery permit, on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The permit number is required information and must be entered. Your permit number is the second code, in the fourth row located on your CFEC permit card. The permit number is a six digit code, followed by a single letter code. | The permit number was not entered. | Verify your issued permit number, on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The permit sequence code is required information and must be entered. Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row. The permit sequence is a four digit code, followed by a single letter code. | The permit sequence code was not entered. | Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The CFEC permit fishery, permit number, permit year and sequence number are required information and must be entered. This information is located on the fourth and fifth row of the CFEC fishery permit card. | The permit information entered is not valid. | Verify the CFEC permit information by referencing the CFEC permit card. Also reference Question 10, Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ's are located on the eLandings home page. If you continue to experience problems enter the INTERIM VALUE (place holder) CFEC Permit - 9998 00098A 0000W. Contact your local office of ADF&G, during business hours, for assistance. The interim value must be replaced with a valid FEC permit within 72 hours. | ||||||
| The permit sequence code entered was not found in the database. Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row. The permit sequence is a six digit code. | The permit Sequence code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid. | Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The CFEC fishery code does not match the permit number. Your CFEC fishery code and permit number are the first two codes, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card. | The CFEC fishery code or the permit number entered is not correct. | Verify the CFEC fishery code and the permit number entered, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. Enter the correct codes. | ||||||
| The management program code for this fishery was not found in the database. The management program identifies the fishery or fishery program that authorizes this harvest. | The management program code entered in the agency desktop application is not valid. | Reference the eLandings System Management Program codes to determine the correct management program, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The program ID is required information for management programs CDQ and AFA, and must be entered. Valid program IDs can be looked up on the eLandings website. See link: . | The management program code selected is incorrect, or the program ID was not entered. | Verify that the management program code correctly correspondes to the management program for this fishery, and if it is enter the correct program ID on the CFEC Permit worksheet. | ||||||
| The program ID entered was not found in the database. Valid program IDs can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The program ID entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid. | Verify the management program ID. Enter the correct management program ID on the CFEC Permit worksheet. | ||||||
| The program ID is required information for management programs CDQ and AFA only; all other management programs do not require the program ID and it must not be entered. | The program ID field on the CFEC Permit Worksheet has a value entered. A program ID is not needed for this management program. | Verify that the management program code is correct and if the program ID is required. Delete the program ID, if it is not required. | ||||||
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| The system does not allow the percent entered to be greater than 100, on the Stat Area Worksheet. The system will allow you to record pot lift effort with no catch, which is recorded as zero percent. | The percent field, on the Stat Area Worksheet, add up to more than 100 percent. | Verify the precent field, on the Stat Area Worksheet, has been entered correctly. Adjust the percent field to be no more than 100. | ||||||
| The system requires the sequence ticket number to be a number between one and 100,000. | The value entered is greater than 100,000. | Verify the sequence ticket nmber, and enter a value between one and 100,000. | ||||||
| The sequence ticket must be a whole numeric value between one and 100,000. | The sequence ticket is invalid. | Enter a whole numeric value between one and 100,000 for the sequence ticket. | ||||||
| The IFQ permit and species code, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, can match only once for each NMFS ID. | The IFQ permit and species code, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, matches more than one time for a NMFS ID. | Verify the data entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet is correct, and delete multiple entries of any combinations for each NMFS ID. | ||||||
| The IFQ permit, species code, and the IPQ permit, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, can match once for each CFEC permit holder's NMFS ID. | The IFQ permit, species code, and the IPQ permit, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, matches more than one time for a CFEC permit holder's NMFS ID. | Verify the data entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet is correct, and delete multiple entries of any combinations. | ||||||
| When filling out the IFQ Permit Worksheet, the IFQ species code associated with the IFQ permit is required information and must be entered. Valid species codes can be referenced on the eLandings website. See link: . | The species code was not entered for a partially entered row on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | Verify the species code, and enter the correct species code associated with the IFQ permit, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The species must be in the IFQ management program. The species for the Rationalized Crab Fishery is limited to red king crab, golden king crab, blue king crab, baridi tanner crab, and Opilio Snow crab. The IFQ groundfish are limited to halibut and sabelfish. Valid Species codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. See link: . | A species code entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet is not valid for the IFQ management program. | Verify the species code, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, and enter the correct species code. | ||||||
| The species code entered, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, was not found in the database. Valid species codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The species code entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet is not valid. | Enter a valid species code on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The HTML5 web app called a server function that requires post data but did not provide it. | No post data was received for the call to the server. | Contact eLandings support to bring this to the attention of the developers. | ||||||
| The HTML5 web app called a server function that requires post data with a data element that is not supported by the function. | An unsupported data element was received for the call to the server. | Contact eLandings support to bring this to the attention of the developers. | ||||||
| The NMFS ID is required information and must be entered. The NMFS ID corresponds with a CFEC permit, and is issued to invdividuals. Each individual fishing and selling a product must enter their NMFS ID. | The NMFS ID, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, was not entered. | Verify your NMFS ID, and enter the correct value, on the IFQ permit Worksheet. If you do not have a NMFS ID, contact NMFS - RAM Division or the IFQ Data Clerks for instruction on how to complete the landing report. | ||||||
| The NMFS ID entered was not found in the database. The NMFS ID corresponds with a CFEC permit, and is issued to individuals. Each individual fishing and selling a product must enter their NMFS ID. | The NMFS ID entered, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, is not valid. | Verify your NMFS ID, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The IFQ permit numbers must be valid for the given NMFS ID. | The IFQ permit numbers and the NMFS ID entered does not match in the database. | Verify the IFQ permit numbers and the NMFS ID. Enter the correct IFQ permit numbers with the matching NMFS ID. | ||||||
| Each IFQ permit has a corresponding species code in the database. Valid species codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The IFQ permits and the species codes do not match. | Verify that the IFQ permits and the species codes are correct and match. Enter the matching IFQ permits and species codes. | ||||||
| When filling out the IFQ Permit Worksheet, the IFQ permit number is required information and must be entered. | The IFQ permit number was not entered for a partially filled out row on the IFQ Permit Worksheet | Verify the IFQ permit number, and enter the correct IFQ permit number, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The IFQ permit number was not found in the database. | The IFQ permit number is not valid. You may have mistyped the IFQ permit number; or the permit was issued after the last database update (within the last few hours). | Verify the IFQ permit number, and enter the correct value. If this is unsuccessful, you may call NMFS Data Technicians: 1-800-304-4846, option 1. | ||||||
| When using a class A IFQ permit, the IPQ permit number is required information and must be entered. | The IPQ permit number, for a class A IFQ permit, was not entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | Verify the IPQ permit number, and enter the IPQ permit number, on the IFQ Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| When not using a class A IFQ permit, the IPQ permit number is not valid information and cannot be entered. Class A IFQ permits require the IPQ permit number to be entered. | The IPQ permit number, for an IFQ permit that is not class A, was entered on the IFQ Permit Worksheet, or the wrong IFQ permit number was entered. | Verify that the IFQ permit number is correct and is not a class A IFQ permit. If the IFQ permit number is not a class A IFQ permit, delete the IPQ permit number. | ||||||
| The IPQ permit number must be valid for the given registered crab receiver number. | The IPQ permit number and the registered crab receiver number enetered does not match in the database. | Verify the IPQ permit number and the registered crab receiver number entered is correct. Enter the correct IPQ permit number with the correct registered crab receiver number. | ||||||
| The system does not allow data other than numeric, whole values to be entered in the pounds field. | Data other than whole numbers have been entered in the pounds field. | Verify the pounds field, and change it to a numeric, whole value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow decimals, negative values, or values greater than 1,000,000 in the pounds field. | A decimal, negative value, or a value greater than 1,000,000 has been entered in the pounds field. | Verify the pounds field, and enter the correct whole, numeric value. If you really have a weight over 1,000,000 pounds, contact the help desk for instructions on completeing the landing report. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the max-out pounds field is greater than the expected number of 100,000. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The max-out pounds field entered is greater than the expected number of 100,000. | Verify that the pounds is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the pounds are not correct, enter the correct pounds and select save. | ||||||
| The two species identified in the message need to be reported on separate CFEC permits. | Two species that need to be reported on separate CFEC permits were reported under the same CFEC permit. | Remove one of the species and report it under a different CFEC permit. | ||||||
| The CFEC permit is required information and must be entered. CFEC fishery, permit number, permit sequence, and management program are the minimum requirements to be entered, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, in order to save the landing report. | The CFEC Permit Worksheet was left blank. | Enter the appropiate CFEC permit and management program, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. Enter other applicable information on the CFEC Permit Worksheet and IFQ Permit Worksheet. | ||||||
| The CFEC fishery number, permit number, and permit sequence number, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, may be entered only once for each landing report. | The CFEC fishery number, permit number, and permit sequence number, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, has been entered more than once for this landing report. | Verify the data entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is correct, and delete the extra entry of any combination. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the lbs. to max-out permit to be entered, if there is only one entry for that specific species, in the IFQ Permit Worksheet. Also, the system does not allow Lbs. to max-out permit to be entered for all entries for the same species. One permit must be available for balance of allocation. | Not all IFQ species permits can utilize max-out pounds. For each IFQ species permit at least one permit must be availalbe for the balance of the allocation of pounds. | Delete max-out pounds from at least one IFQ species permits. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the total percent of the CFEC permits to add up to more than 100 percent, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. | The percent fields, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, add up to more than 100 percent. | Verify the precent fields, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no more than 100 percent. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the total percent of the CFEC permits to add up to less than 100 percent, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, if data has been entered in all the percent fields. The system does allow less than 100 percent to add up, if there is no data entered in one or more percent fields. | The percent fields, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, add up to less than 100 percent. | Verify the precent fields, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no less than 100 percent. | ||||||
| The flag is specific to crab. | The crab specific flag does not make sense for non-crab reports. | Reset the flag. | ||||||
| The system does not allow any lines, on the Stat Area Worksheet, to be entered without the stat area. | A stat area was not entered, on the Stat Area Worksheet. | Enter the correct stat area, on the Stat Area Worksheet. | ||||||
| Valid statistical areas are stored in the database. They are determined by ADF&G and the appropiate charts can be found at your local ADF&G office, or at . Nation Marine Fisheries Service and the International Pacific Halibut Commission reporting area codes may not be used to substitute for the ADF&G statistical area codes. A stat area code table, with the corresponding reporting areas, can be found on the eLanding website. See link: . | The stat area entered was not found in the database. | Verify that the stat area entered is valid. Compare the stat area to the appropiate chart and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the same stat area to be entered, into the Stat Area Worksheet, more than one time. | The same area has been entered into, the Stat Area Worksheet, more than one time. | Verify the state area, and enter the correct stat area, in the Stat Area Worksheet. If all stat areas are correct, delete multiple entries. | ||||||
| The flag is specific to groundfish. | The groundfish specific flag does not make sense for non-groundfish reports. | Reset the flag. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the total percent of the Stat Areas to add up to more than 100 percent, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet. | The percent fields, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet, add up to more than 100 percent. | Verify the percent fields, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no more than 100 percent. | ||||||
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| The system does not allow the total percent of the Stat Areas to add up to less than 100 percent, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet. | The percent fields, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet, add up to less than 100 percent. | Verify the percent fields, on the Agency Stat Area Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no less than 100 percent. | ||||||
| The flag is only used for specific situations. | The flag does not make sense for the current report. | Reset the flag. | ||||||
| The flag is specific to salmon. | The salmon specific flag does not make sense for non-salmon reports. | Reset the flag. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the number of Pot lifts to be less than 1. | A number less than 1 has been entered in the Pot Lifts field. | Verify the Pot Lifts fields, and enter the correct number of Pot Lifts. | ||||||
| The system does not allow pot lifts, on the Stat Area Worksheet, to be greater than 10,000. | Pot lifts entered is greater than 10,000. | Verify the pot lifts field and change the pot lifts to a numeric value, between one and 10,000. If you are sure of the number of pot lifts, contact eLandings support to reslove the problem. | ||||||
| If you use the Stat Area Worksheet, you must complete the Pot Lifts field for each line that has a Stat Area. | May have neglected to complete the entire line. | Enter the number of pot lifts in the Pot Lifts field for the referred line in the error. | ||||||
| The system does not allow data other than numbers to be entered in the pot lifts field. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the pot lifts field. | Verify the pot lifts field and enter the correct number of lifts. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the same stat area to be entered, into the Stat Area Worksheet, more than one time. | The same area has been entered into, the Stat Area Worksheet, more than one time. | Verify the state area, and enter the correct stat area, in the Stat Area Worksheet. If all stat areas are correct, delete multiple entries. | ||||||
| The system does not allow more than one line with percent not entered, in the Stat Area Worksheet. The system can calculate the remaining percent for one line. The system will allow you to record pot lift effort with no catch, which is recorded as zero percent. | The percent was not entered on more than one line, in the Stat Area Worksheet. | Verify the percent fields are entered, and enter the correct percents. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the total percent of the stat areas to add up to more than 100 percent, on the Stat Area Worksheet. The system will allow you to record pot lift effort with no catch, which is recorded as zero percent. | The percent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, add up to more than 100 percent. | Verify the precent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no more than 100 percent. | ||||||
| The system does not allow any percent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, to remain empty when the other percent fields total 100. If the other percent fields do not total 100, one percent field can remain empty and its value will be calculated. The system will allow you to record pot lift effort with no catch, which is recorded as zero percent. | The percent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, total 100 with a remaining percent field that has not been entered. | Verify the precent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Enter the correct value in any remaining percent fields, and adjust the percent fields to add up to no more than 100 percent. If you want to recrod pot lift effort with no catch, enter zero percent in the appropiate field. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the total percent of the stat areas to add up to less than 100 percent, on the Stat Area Worksheet, if data has been entered in all the percent fields. If the other percent fields do not total 100, one percent field can remain empty and its value will be calculated. The system will allow you to record pot lift effort with no catch, which is recorded as zero percent. | The percent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, add up to less than 100 percent. | Verify the precent fields, on the Stat Area Worksheet, have been entered correctly. Adjust the percent fields to add up to no less than 100 percent. | ||||||
| The system does not allow a landing report to be completed without stat area information. Stat area codes can be entered on the line item or entered on the Stat Area Worksheet, which is found by clicking the Edit Vessel, Permit, Location Information button, on the previous page. | Stat area code was not entered. | Verify stat area codes and enter them for the line, or enter them on the Stat Area Worksheet. | ||||||
| The system requires the allocation of catch to individual CFEC permits. The system does not allow a report with multiple CFEC permits to be submitted, when fish tickets are not allocated to line items. The allocation permits button is located on the CFEC Permit Worksheet. | A request to submit the report was made, when line items have no fish tickets allocated. | Verify fish tickets with their corresponding line items, and allocate or select fish tickets for the line items. | ||||||
| Fish ticket number is required information and must be entered. | Fish ticket number has been deleted on the CFEC Permits tab, and it is still being used on another part of the landing report. | Verify the CFEC Permits information. If it is correct, remove all data associated with a fish ticket number you are no longer using. If you are missing a necessary fish ticket entry, reenter the information. It might be possible to retrieve the information, if you close the landing report without saving (other changes will be lost). | ||||||
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| The system requires the price, on all line items that have sold disposition codes, before an initial report or final report can be submitted | The price for a line item, that has a sold disposition code, has not been entered or has been deleted, when trying to submit an initial report or final report. | Verify the disposition code, and if it is correct, enter the price on the line item before you submit the report. If the disposition code is not correct, enter the correct value and submit the report again. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the disposition field to be changed to a non-sold disposition code, if the line has grading and pricing information. The Add/Edit Grading and Pricing button is located on the previous page. Disposition codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The disposition code was changed to a non-sold disposition after grading and pricing information for the line had been entered, on another page of the eLandings website. | Verify that the disposition code, grading, and pricing information is correct. If the disposition code is correct, go to the grading and pricing information page and delete the sold weight and prices sold for that line. If the disposition code is not correct, change the disposition code to the correct disposition. | ||||||
| The delivery condition code is required information and must be entered. Valid delivery condition codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The delivery condition code was not entered. | Verify the delivery condition code, and enter the correct delivery condition code. | ||||||
| The delivery condition code entered was not found in the database. Valid delivery condition codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | A delivery condition code entered is not valid. | Verify the delivery condition code, and enter the correct delivery condition code. | ||||||
| The system does not allow certain combinations of delivery condition codes and species codes. These restricted combination of codes are not known to be neccissary for the current fisheries. | The combination of delivery condition code and species code entered do not match. | Verify the deliver condition code and species code entered. Enter the correct codes. If you codes are correct, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem or NMFS Enforcement to complete a manual IFQ landing report. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the disposition of sold or personal use halibut to be entered, if the delivery condition code entered is not gutted with head on (04) or headed and gutted (05). Delivery condition codes and disposition codes can be looked up on the eLanding website. | The disposition code entered requires a delivery condition of gutted with head on or headed and gutted, which is 04 and 05, respectively. | Verify the delivery condition code, disposition code, and species code. Enter the correct values. | ||||||
| The weight is required information and must be entered. | The weight field was not entered. | Verify the weight, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow fractions or data other than numbers to be entered for weight; however, the system does allow decimal values. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the lbs. field | Verify the weight, and enter the correct, numeric value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the weight entered to be less than zero. The system will allow a value of zero; however, the entire line will be deleted and then the report will be saved. The system allows for decimal values. | A number less than zero has been entered in the lbs. field. | Verify the weight, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the weight entered to be greater than 999,999,999. | The weight entered, in the lbs. field, is greater than 999,999,999. | Verify the weight, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the weight entered is between the maximum expected lbs. (varies by species) and the maximum lbs. of 999,999,999. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The weight entered, in the lbs. field, is between the maximum expected (varies by species) and the maximum of 999,999,999. | Verify that the weight entered is correct, and if it is, select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the weight is not correct, enter the correct weight and select Save. | ||||||
| The system expects specific values for ice and slime and estimated weight modifiers. These weight modifiers are the only allowable modifiers; however, a value is not required. The ice and slime modifier can be entered as 'i/s' or simply '/', and estimated modifier can be entered as 'est'. | The weight modifier entered is not valid. | Verify the weight modifier, and enter 'i/s' or '/' for ice and slime, 'est' for estimated, or tab over this field if a weight modifier is not applicable. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the With Ice/Slime weight modifier to be selected without using the species code for either halibut or sablefish. | The With Ice/Slime was selected for the weight modifier field and halibut or sablefish is not the species code. | Verify the species code. If the species code is not correct, enter the correct species code. If the species is not halibut or sablefish, do not use With Ice/Slime weight modifier. | ||||||
| All species, including prohibited species, discarded at sea, must be documented on a landing report. Discarded prohibited species can be documented as pounds or number of animals, with the exception of herring. Herring bycatch must be documented in pounds discarded. | The species discarded at sea did not include entry of pounds or number of animals. | Enter the number of animals or pounds for all species discarded at sea, as required by regulations. | ||||||
| The number of animals is required information and must be entered for this species. The system expects whole numeric values. | The number of animals was not entered. | Verify the number of animals, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow fractions or data other than numbers to be entered for in the number field; however, the system does allow decimal values. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the number field. | Verify the number of animals, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow data entered in the number field to be less than one. | A number less than one has been entered in the number field. | Verify the number field, and enter the correct number of animals. | ||||||
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| The system computes an error check for average weight, using the number of animals and the total weight entered, and compares this average weight to the species entered. See species codes look up tables for valid values. | The number of animals and total weight entered gives an average weight that is known to be too small for the species entered. | Verify the number of animals, weight, and species code. Enter the correct values. | ||||||
| The system computes an error check for average weight, using the number of animals and the total weight entered, and compares this average weight to the species entered. See species codes look up tables for valid values. | The number of animals and total weight entered gives an average weight that is known to be too large for the species entered. | Verify the number of animals, weight, and species code. Enter the correct values. | ||||||
| Disposition is required information and must be entered. Disposition codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The disposition code was not entered in the disposition field. | Verify the disposition code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The disposition code entered was not found in the database. Valid disposition codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The disposition code entered in the disposition field is not valid. | Verify the disposition code, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
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| The system restricts certain disposition codes for crab and halibut species codes. Disposition codes that are allowed for crab species codes are 60, 79, 98, and 99. Disposition codes that are allowed for halibut species codes are 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 98, and 99. See species code and disposition code lookups for valid codes. | The disposition code entered is not valid for the species code entered. | Verify the disposition code and species code, and enter the correct values. If your species code is for crab, only enter a disposition code of 60, 79, 98, or 99. If your species code is for halibut, only enter a disposition code of 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 98, or 99. | ||||||
| The disposition code entered is not valid for this crab. Please review disposition codes and fisheries regulations to determine correct and allowable disposition codes. | The disposition code entered is not valid for this crab fishery. | Verify the disposition code, and enter the correct and allowable dispostion code. | ||||||
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| Product type is required information and must be entered. Available entries for product type are P and A, which are codes for primary and ancillary. | The product type was not entered. | Verify the product type, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
| The system requires the product type entered to be P or A, which stands for primary and ancillary. | The product type entered was not P or A. | Verify the product type, and enter the correct code. | ||||||
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| Price per pound is required information and must be entered. | The $/lb. field was not entered. | Verify the price per pound, and enter it in the $/lb. field. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the price per pound to be less than zero. | A number less than zero has been entered in the $/lb. field. | Verify the price per pound, and enter it in the $/lb. field. | ||||||
| The system does not allow data other than numbers to be entered in the $/lb. field. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the $/lb. field. | Verify the price per pound, and enter it in the $/lb. field. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the price per pound to be greater than 99. | The price per pound entered is greater than 99. | Verify the price per pound, and enter the correct value in the $/lb. field. | ||||||
| This warning is generated when the price per pound entered is between the maximum expected price of 10 and the maximum price of 100. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The price per pound entered is between the maximum expected price of 10 and the maximum price of 100. | Verify that the price per pound is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the price per pound is not correct, enter the correct price per pound and select Save. | ||||||
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| The system does not allow the size/grade weights to total greater than the line's landed pounds. The system allows for a poundage difference of up to one pound. | The size/grade weights total greater than the line's landed pounds. | Verify the sold pounds for each size/grade, and enter correct values that do not total over the line's landed pounds. | ||||||
| The harvest code must be entered for each line item for data entry in the Agency Desktop application. Harvest codes are available on the eLanding website. | The harvest code was not entered for the line item just completed. | Verify the correct harvest code for this line item and enter the code in the harvest code field. | ||||||
| The harvest code is derived from the report type, the management program, the disposition code, and the comment code. If you select the Assign Harvest Codes button, harvest codes will be generated for each line, on the Itemized Catch table. In most cases, the harvest codes can be clearly assigned, but they should always be reviewed by agency staff. | The harvest code is not a valid code in the harvest code table. | Verify the harvest code on the harvest code lookup table, and enter the correct value. You may let the system generate a harvest code for each line; however, reviewing the generated harvest codes is recommended. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the final report to be submitted, if a comment code has not been selected. | The required comment code was not selected. | Select the Add/Edit Comments button and verify the comments. Select the correct comments and click save. | ||||||
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| The system limits the maximum length of comments. | Comment text entered exceeds maximum length. | Review comment text and edit it to be no longer than the maximum characters indicated. | ||||||
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| One IFQ report was generated. Please review the report contents and select the submit button. | ||||||||
| One IFQ Report generated. Please review the report contents, edit to add IPHC regulatory area, and select the submit button. | ||||||||
| The system gives this message when it auto-generates IFQ reports from the fish ticket data on the landing report. In most cases at least one report will be generated for each IFQ permit entered for the landing report. However, in many cases more than one IFQ report will be generated for each permit. For groundfish IFQ an IFQ report will be generated for each statistical area reported. For crab, the IFQ system has a limit of 9 statistical areas per IFQ report, so if the landing report has more than 9 statistical areas then more than one IFQ report will be generated for each permit. | You requested the system automatically generate IFQ reports from the landing report data. | None needed | ||||||
| The system gives this message when it auto-generates IFQ reports from the fish ticket data on the landing report, and at least one of the statistical areas is bisected by an IPHC area boundary. In most cases at least one report will be generated for each IFQ permit entered for the landing report. If multiple statistical areas are entered on the report then one IFQ report will be generated for each permit and statistical area combination. The generated reports will be incomplete if the statistical area is bisected by an IPHC regulatory area boundary. | You requested the system automatically generate IFQ reports from the landing report data. | Use the IFQ Report Entry page to edit the generated IFQ reports, selecting the proper IPHC regulatory area for each report that needs it. | ||||||
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| The program ID entered was not found in the database or does not match the management program code. Valid program IDs can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The program ID entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid. | Verify the management program and program ID. Enter the correct management program and program ID on the CFEC Permit worksheet. | ||||||
| The permit holder name of the CFEC permit entered does not match the person name of the associated NMFS ID entered. | The names do not appear to match. | Verify the NMFS ID is for the same individual as the CFEC permit. | ||||||
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| The pre-printed fish ticket number is required information and must be entered. The system expects a pre-printed fish ticket number in the form of a leading letter with two digits, a space, and six more following digits. Examples of this are G03 394820, A99 999999, and Z00 000000. The letter is associated with the type of report, the following two digits are the year of the landing report, and the last two digits is a sequential number. | The pre-printed ticket field was left blank. | Verify the fish ticket number, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system expects a pre-printed fish ticket number in the form of a leading letter with two digits, a space, and six more following digits. Examples of this are G03 394820, A99 999999, and Z00 000000. The letter is associated with the type of report, the following two digits are the year of the landing report, and the last two digits is a sequential number. A leader letter of 'E' stands for electronic, and is reserved for landing reports submitted through the eLandings website. | The pre-printed fish ticket entered starts with the letter 'E'. | Verify the fish ticket number, and enter the correct value. The leading letter of the type of landing report will be the correct letter to enter. For example, G is for groundfish and C is for crab. | ||||||
| The system expects a pre-printed fish ticket number in the form of a leading letter with two digits, a space, and six more following digits. Examples of this are G03 394820, A99 999999, and Z00 000000. The letter is associated with the type of report, the following two digits are the year of the landing report, and the last two digits is a sequential number. A leader letter of 'D' stands for electronic, and is reserved for landing reports submitted through the eLandings website. | The pre-printed fish ticket entered starts with the letter 'D'. | Verify the fish ticket number, and enter the correct value. The leading letter of the type of landing report will be the correct letter to enter. For example, G is for groundfish and C is for crab. | ||||||
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| Percent must be a whole number. | You have entered a decimal or a non-number. | Enter your percentage as a whole number. | ||||||
| The system expects a percent of 0 or greater. | A percent less than 0 has been entered, for example: -10. | Verify the percent, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
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| The system restricts the date fishing began entered from being dated in the future. | A date that is in the future has been entered in the date fishing began field. | Verify the date fishing began, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
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| Management program is required information and must be entered. Management programs can be found in the look up tables. | The management program was not selected. | Verify the management program, and select the correct value. | ||||||
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| When entering batch year, sequence ticket, or batch office code, batch number is required information and must be entered. | Batch number was not entered. | Verify the batch number, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow batch number to be less than one or greater than 99,999. Batch number must be a whole, numeric value. | The batch number entered was less than one, greater than 99,999, a decimal value, or not a numeric value. | Verify the batch number, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| A fish ticket number was required data, but was not entered. | For landing reports that have already been submitted, the fish ticket must be specified if any new lines are added to the report. | Enter or select a fish ticket number. | ||||||
| The system expects a fish ticket number in the form of a leading letter with two digits, a space, and six more following digits. Examples of this are E12 394820, A99 999999, and Z00 000000. The letter is associated with the type of report, the following two digits are the year of the landing report, and the last two digits is a sequential number. | The fish ticket number entered is not in the correct format. | Verify the fish ticket number, and enter the value in the correct format. | ||||||
| The system does not allow less than 100 percent, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, if there is only one line for input. The percent field can be left blank. | The percent field, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, is less than 100 percent. | Verify the data entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet, and if it is correct, enter a percent of 100 or leave the field blank. | ||||||
| This is not a valid statement: you can enter multiple NMFS ids for each CFEC permit, so it appears that this is not a valid error. | ||||||||
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| The total amount for Sold Lbs. in the Pricing and Grading item detail, must be equal to or less than the amount of Landed Lbs. that was designated as Sold. | The amount entered as Sold Lbs. was less than the amount that was entered as Landed Lbs. for dispositions of 'Sold'. | This is a warning message. Correct the amount of Sold Lbs. in Grading and Pricing detail lines to account for the amount landed. Or 'Save Ignore Warnings'. | ||||||
| The system generated no errors. | ||||||||
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| This is a system error message for error situations that were not anticipated by the system designers. When this error occurs further progress with the current transaction is not possible (trying the same thing again isn't likely to help). | We didn't anticipate an error of this type, so we don't have foreknowledge of what caused it. | System technical support should be contacted with details of the problem (what activity resulted in the error, username, date and time of the error, and landing report number or other information to identify the transaction). System technical support staff will help you identify a resolution. | ||||||
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| Please enter the data for the new landing report. | ||||||||
| The data has been saved. | ||||||||
| The report has been saved successfully. | ||||||||
| The user login entered was not found in the database, or the password entered does not match the user login. User logins for the eLandings website and eLandings Agency may not be the same. | The user login or password entered is not valid. | Verify your user login and password for the system you are trying to login to, and enter the correct values. If you do not remember your user login information, contact eLandings support staff. | ||||||
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| User logins for the eLandings website and eLandings Agency may not be the same. | The user ID entered is not applicable to the system you are using. | Verify the user ID, and enter the correct value. If you do not remember your user login information, contact eLandings support staff. | ||||||
| The password was emailed to the supplied email address. | ||||||||
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| The user ID entered was not found in the database. User logins for the eLandings website and eLandings Agency may not be the same. | The user ID entered is not valid. | Verify the user ID, and enter the correct value. If you do not remember your user login information, contact eLandings support staff. | ||||||
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| The system checks all the reports for every search criteria entered, and when no reports match all the search criteria, there will be no results. | The search criteria entered does not match any reports for the authorized operations. Some users may have restricted operations. | Verify the search criteria, and enter the correct values. Reports will not display, if they were created with an operation that is not authorized for the current user. If you are not sure of all of your search criteria, only enter the search criteria that you are sure of to broaden your search results. | ||||||
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| When IFQ reports are submitted on the eLandings system the reports are sent to the NMFS RAM IFQ system and the transaction results are returned so that IFQ receipts can be printed. This is a system error message for error situations in the NMFS RAM IFQ system that were not anticipated by the system designers. When this error occurs further progress with the current transaction is not possible (trying the same thing again isn't likely to help). | We didn't anticipate an error of this type, so we don't have foreknowledge of what caused it. | Contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. In some cases the system problem can be resolved and the IFQ report can be submitted like normal. In other cases manual IFQ landing reports must be made by phone to the NMFS Enforcement Data Technicians. | ||||||
| When searching by report ID, the system checks all reports for the authorized operations. The report IDs are a numeric value and are generated in sequence as reports are created. | The report ID entered was not found in the list of reports for the authorized operations. | Verify the report ID, and enter the correct value. Reports will not display, if they were created with an operation that is not authorized for the current user. If you are not sure of the report ID, use the other search criteria to help narrow the results. | ||||||
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| The report on the server was redisplayed. | ||||||||
| The report was cancelled. | ||||||||
| The report was displayed. | ||||||||
| The itemized catch was allocated to one fish ticket. | ||||||||
| The itemized catch was allocated to the number of fish tickets on the landing report. | ||||||||
| The IFQ reports were previously generated. | ||||||||
| The allocation was undone. | ||||||||
| The report was previously submitted. | ||||||||
| The report was submitted.0 | ||||||||
| The IFQ reports were previously submitted. | ||||||||
| The IFQ reports were submitted. | ||||||||
| The permits were previously allocated. | ||||||||
| Please enter the following information on the website. | ||||||||
| The number of decimal places to display for weights is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between zero and four. | The number of decimal places to display for weights was not entered. | Enter a number between zero and four. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than one digit to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than four. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between zero and four. | ||||||
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| The system does not allow a number greater than four to be entered. | A value greater than four was entered. | Enter a number between zero and four. | ||||||
| The number of decimal places to display for price is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between zero and four. | The number of decimal places to display for price was not entered. | Enter a number between zero and four. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than one digit to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than four. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between zero and four. | ||||||
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| The system does not allow a number greater than four to be entered. | A value greater than four was entered. | Enter a number between zero and four. | ||||||
| The number of CFEC Permit Lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of CFEC Permit Lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of IFQ Permit lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of IFQ Permit lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of Statistical Area Worksheet lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of Statistical Area Worksheet lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of Itemized Catch lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of Itemized Catch lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of Grading/Pricing lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of Grading/Pricing lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of Production Report lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of Production Report lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| The number of Discard lines to display for input is required information and must be entered. The system expects a value between one and 99. | The number of Discard lines to display for input was not entered. | Enter a number between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered. The system does not allow an entry of more than 99. | A value has been entered that is not numeric. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
| The system expects a value that is greater than zero. Any numeric value between one and 99 will be accepted. | A value less than one has been entered. | Enter a numeric value between one and 99. | ||||||
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| Please print, sign, and submit your form to the proper authorities. | ||||||||
| The old password entered does not match the existing password in the database. | The password entered is not valid. | Verify that the caps-lock button is not pressed, and enter your password. If you do not remember your password, request your password to be emailed to you from the eLandings website login, or contact eLandings support staff. | ||||||
| The system requires you to enter the new password twice to verify that the password is entered as was intended. | The new password entries do not match. | Verify that the caps-lock key was not pressed, and carefully enter the new password twice. | ||||||
| The password has been changed. | ||||||||
| Please enter your user ID to login. | ||||||||
| The user of the user ID supplied has been logged in. | ||||||||
| The previous user has logged off. | ||||||||
| No user was logged in. | ||||||||
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| The system expects the report ID entered to be a whole, positive, numeric value. Report IDs are generated in sequence as reports are created. | The report ID entered is not a whole, positive, numeric value. | Verify the report ID, and enter the correct, numeric value. | ||||||
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| A fishing From Date is required when reporting a landing. | The From Date was left blank. | Enter a valid From Date. | ||||||
| The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. The from date field was not entered with one of the following formats: mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y. | The from date field was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the from date field is entered with letters in place of digits. | Verify the from date field, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the from date field entered to be in the future. | A date that is in the future has been entered in the from date field. | Verify the from date field, and enter the correct date. | ||||||
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| A fishing To Date is required when reporting a landing. | The To Date was left blank. | Enter a valid To Date. | ||||||
| The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. The to date field was not entered with one of the following formats: mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y. | The to date field was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the to date field is entered with letters in place of digits. | Verify the to date field, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the to date field entered to be in the future. | A date that is in the future has been entered in the to date field. | Verify the to date field, and enter the correct date. | ||||||
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| Operation type is required information and must be entered. | An operation type was not selected in the drop-down list. | Verify your operation type, and select the correct value drop the drop-down list. | ||||||
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| The operation name is required information and must be entered to complete your operation registration. The system does not allow an operation name more than 32 characters long. | The operation name was not entered. | Verify the operation name, and enter it on the register operation page. | ||||||
| The system does not allow an operation name more than 32 characters long. | The operation name entered is greater than 32 characters long. | Verify the operation name and abbreviate, if necessary to shorten the name. | ||||||
| Please enter the XML file to import. | ||||||||
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| The operation ID entered was not found in the database. The system expects whole numeric values and that are not a negative. | The operation ID entered is not valid. | Verify the operation ID, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The action you attempted is available only after an operation has been specified. An operation in eLandings is a set of codes (Processor Code, Federal Permit Number, Registered Buyer Number, Port, etc.) that identify a seafood harvesting business operation for the purposes of electronic reporting. Your eLandings User ID may be authorized to represent one or more operations. | You may be authorized to represent multiple operations and you haven't specified which operation you are representing at this time. In this case, you should have an Operations drop-down list providing multiple choices. Or, you may not have been authorized yet, or you may have been authorized but the operation for which you are authorized is not yet enabled. In both of these cases, the Operations drop-down list will be empty. | Either find the Operations drop-down list and select an operation, or, if the drop-down list is empty, contact an administrator for the operation you represent. | ||||||
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| The system requires a port code to be entered when using an operation type of plant/receiver, custom processing owner, at-sea processor, or buyer station. | The port code was not entered. | Verify the operation type, and select the correct value. If the operation type is correct, enter the correct port code. | ||||||
| The combination of processor code, federal permit number, registered buyer number and/or RCR number for the landing report does not match one of your user ID's authorized operations. | You tried to search for a landing report by report id that does not match one of your authorized operations. This can happen if you put in the wrong landing report id. You can also get this message if you tried to submit a landing report from the processor workstation and the landing report has a processor code, federal permit number, registered buyer number and/or RCR number combination that does not match one of your authorized operations. You can also get this message if you try to import a landing report with numbers that do not match one of your authorized operations. | If you are importing an XML file, check the codes and numbers in the file to make sure they are correct. If you are sure you should be able to view the landing report whose ID you entered, have your eLandings administrative user check to make sure you are authorized for the operation that applies to the report. They can authorize your user id for that operation. Otherwise, contact eLandings technical support to have them determine what you need to access the operation. | ||||||
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| There are certain identifiers that eLandings manages to ensure unique database keys. These include Report IDs and Fish Ticket Numbers. This error indicates that an identifier is being submitted which was not issued to the submitter. | If an identifier is requested from the eLandings Training instance, and then submitted to the eLandings Production instance, this error will result. | Submit data only with identifiers issued to the submitter. | ||||||
| The operation registration must be approved before landing reports can be made with this operation. | ||||||||
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| The system requires a login before reports menu or user profile can be accessed. | A link to reports menu or user profile was selected before login information was entered and processed. | Enter your user ID and login information and select the login button before you access the reports menu or user profile. | ||||||
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| The IPHC Regulatory Area is missing for that IFQ Report. | One or more of the statistical reporting areas entered, have ambiguous IPHC Regulatory Areas that must be resolved. | Edit the IFQ Report for the Fish Ticket that has the ambiguous reporting area. In the Area column, use the drop down box to select the correct IPHC Regulatory Area. For example Statistical Reporting Area '375630' may have an IPHC area of '2C' or '3A'. Use the drop down box to select the correct option. Then Save. | ||||||
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| Retained weight for IFQ reports must be a whole number. The system automatically edits out commas (used for values greater than 999), but does not handle decimal points and fractional values, even if the number to the right of the decimal point is zero. | A non-numeric value was entered. This message can also be given if a fractional value (i.e. a number with a decimal point) is entered | Enter a whole number. | ||||||
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| Dead loss weight for IFQ reports must be a whole number. The system automatically edits out commas (used for values greater than 999), but does not handle decimal points and fractional values, even if the number to the right of the decimal point is zero. | A non-numeric value was entered. This message can also be given if a fractional value (i.e. a number with a decimal point) is entered | Enter a whole number. | ||||||
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| The IFQ reports were deleted. Select the Generate IFQ Reports button to regenerate the reports. | ||||||||
| The IFQ reports were saved. Select the Submit IFQ Reports button to submit. | ||||||||
| Your user profile has been successfully updated. Please review selections. | ||||||||
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| This is a search related message that can occur when searching for a Processor User. | No Processor User was found by using the Federal Permit Number, Processor Code, Registered Buyer Number or Registered Crab Receiver Number that was entered on the Processor User Search Panel. | Verify that the search criteria used is correct and that you have not typed something in error. Try again. If you are certain that the Processor User exists but is not turning up in the search, there may be a database problem. Call Restricted Access Management at (907) 596-7474 | ||||||
| This is a search related message that can occur when searching for an Agency User. | No Agency User was found by using the Name or User ID that was entered on the Agency User Search Panel. | Verify that the search criteria used is correct and that you have not typed something in error. Try again. You might also try searching by Agency and looking for the user's name within that Agency. If you are certain that the Agency User exists but is not turning up in the search, there may be a database problem. Call Restricted Access Management at (907) 596-7474 | ||||||
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| The report date is required information and must be entered. | The report date was not entered. | Verify the report date, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. The report date field was not entered with one of the following formats: mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y. | The report date was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the report date is entered with letters in place of digits. | Verify the report date, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system does not allow the report date field entered to be in the future. | A date that is in the future has been entered in the report date field. | Verify the report date, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
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| An input is required for 'Number Of Observers In Plant' even if there where no observers. | The 'Number Of Observers In Plant' was left blank. | Input the number of observers. If there were no observers, input '0' (zero). | ||||||
| An input is required and it must be a whole number (0,1,2, etc) | An invalid input was made. Examples of invalid inputs are letters, fractions, decimal numbers (2.0 is invalid). | Input a whole number (0,1,2, etc) | ||||||
| There cannot be a negative (less than zero) number of observers. | A minus sign was mistakenly input. | Remove the minus sign and input the correct number of observers. | ||||||
| The maximum number of observers allowed to be input is 20. | A number greater than 20 was input. | Reduce the number of observers to 20 or less. | ||||||
| It is unusual to have more than 3 observers in a plant. This is a warning message to confirm that the number of observers input is correct. | A number greater than 3 was input. A confirmation warning is issued for inputs from 4 to 20. | If the input is correct, click 'Save Ignoring Warnings'. Otherwise correct the number of observers. | ||||||
| When submitting a production report either the 'No Production' box (flag) needs to be checked or at least one production detail line is required. | A production report has been submitted without any production detail lines AND the 'No Production' box (flag) has not been checked. | Either input the production detail line(s) or check the 'No Production' box, whichever is correct for this production report. | ||||||
| If production detail line(s) have been input, then the 'No Production' box (flag) should not be checked. If there is no production to report, and the 'No Production' box (or Flag) is properly checked, then there should be no production report detail lines entered. | The 'No Production' box is checked when production detail lines have been input. | Either remove the production detail line(s) or uncheck the 'No Production' box, whichever is correct for this production report. | ||||||
| When searching by report ID, the system checks all reports for the authorized operations. The report IDs are a numeric value and are generated in sequence as reports are created. | The report ID entered was not found in the list of reports for the authorized operations. | Verify the report ID, and enter the correct value. Reports will not display, if they were created with an operation that is not authorized for the current user. If you are not sure of the report ID, use the other search criteria to help narrow the results. | ||||||
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| The system checks all the reports for every search criteria entered, and when no reports match all the search criteria, there will be no results. | The search criteria entered does not match any reports for the authorized operations. Some users may have restricted operations. | Verify the search criteria, and enter the correct values. Reports will not display, if they were created with an operation that is not authorized for the current user. If you are not sure of all of your search criteria, only enter the search criteria that you are sure of to broaden your search results. | ||||||
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| The system requires the CFEC permit associated with a fish ticket that has line items. The fish ticket numbers are assigned to the CFEC permits. The line items are found on another part of the website, which allows you to designate itemized catch and pricing/grading information. | A request to save the landing report was sent, after a CFEC permit line was removed that has line items. | Verify the CFEC Permit Worksheet information. If it is correct, select cancle, remove all line items associated with the fish ticket number you are no longer using, go back to the CFEC Permit Worksheet, and remove the CFEC permit. If you are missing a necessary CFEC permit, reenter the information or press cancle (other changes will be lost). | ||||||
| An operation is defined by having a unique combination of any of the following codes: ADF&G Processor Code, Federal Processor Permit Number, Federal Registered Crab Receiver Number (for rationalized crab fisheries), Federal Registered Buyer Number (for halibut/sablefish IFQ fisheries). These codes appear in a landing report or production report as defaults when you choose your operation. | A combination of codes was entered for ADF&G Processor Code, Federal Processor Permit Number, Registered Crab Receiver Number, Registered Buyer Number that does not match an established elandings operation. This error appears when an operation has not been created for the codes that were entered. | Verify the accuracy of the codes and re-enter. Or remove (blank out) the Registered Buyer or Crab Receiver if it doesn't belong. If the error persists, a new operation may need to be established. Create the new operation in eLandings. Otherwise call Customer Support at 1-800-304-4846, option #2. | ||||||
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| Grading and pricing information may only be be entered for itemized catch with a disposition of 'Sold'. | A value was entered in Grading and/or Pricing for a catch that does not have a disposition of 'Sold'. | Remove grading and/or pricing information for all catch entries that do not have a disposition of 'Sold' | ||||||
| Operation ID is required information and must be entered. | Operation ID was not entered. | Verify the operation ID that you wish to add, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The operation ID was not found in the database. The system expects whole numeric values and that are not a negative. | The operation ID entered is not valid. | Verify the operation ID, and enter the correct value. | ||||||
| The system requires physical operation information to be entered when using an operation type of custom processing owner, tender, or buying station. | The physical operation information was not entered. | Verify the operation type, and select the correct value. If the operation type is correct, enter the correct physical operation information. | ||||||
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