| | | |
1000 ERROR: Phone Number is required | Phone number is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web service requires a phone number, and no data was provided. | Enter a phone number. |
1001 ERROR: Phone Number must be in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx | The phone number was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the phone number is entered with letters in place of digits. | The phone number is stored in the format (aaa) eee-nnnn xxx... where aaa is the area code, eee is the exchange, nnnn is the number, and xxx... is the extension. Extension is optional. The system will accept the phone number in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. Valid entry format masks are (999) 999-9999, 999-999-9999, 999.999.9999, and (999)999-9999. The phone number does not match one of these valid formats. | Enter the phone number in the standard format, using digits. |
1002 ERROR: Phone Number is too long | More than 32 characters were entered in the phone number field. | Phone numbers are limited to 32 characters, up to 15 for the formatted phone number and the rest for the extension. Too many characters were entered for the extension. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the phone number field. | Enter the phone number in the standard format, and limit the extension to the allowable number of characters. |
1003 ERROR: Fax Number must be in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx | The fax phone number was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the fax phone number is entered with letters in place of digits. | The fax phone number is stored in the format (aaa) eee-nnnn xxx... where aaa is the area code, eee is the exchange, nnnn is the number, and xxx... is the extension. Extension is optional. The system will accept the fax phone number in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format. Valid entry format masks are (999) 999-9999, 999-999-9999, 999.999.9999, and (999)999-9999. The fax phone number does not match one of these valid formats. | Enter the fax phone number in the standard format, using digits. |
1004 ERROR: Fax Number is required | Fax phone number is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web service requires Fax phone number, and no data was provided. | Enter a fax phone number. |
1005 ERROR: Fax Number is too long | More than 32 characters were entered in the fax phone number field. | Fax phone numbers are limited to 32 characters, up to 15 for the formatted phone number and the rest for the extension. Too many characters were entered for the extension. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the fax phone number field. | Enter the fax phone number in the standard format, and limit the extension to the allowable number of characters. |
1008 ERROR: Email Address is invalid | Email address is not valid. | The Email address entered has invalid characters or is otherwise invalid. | Enter a valid email address. |
1009 ERROR: Email Address is required | Email address is required information and must be entered. | The page, window, or web services requires Email address, and no data was provided. | Enter an email address. |
1010 ERROR: Email Address is too long | More than 120 characters were entered in the email address field. | Too many characters were entered for the email address. This error can also occur if other data was entered in the email address field. | Check the email address to make sure it was entered correctly. If the email address has more than 120 characters check with your email provider customer service representative to see if a shorter alias can be used. |
1011 ERROR: Email Address must be in the format uuuu@ssss.ddd | The email address was entered in a format that was not recognized. | Email addresses must contain a mail account name, followed by the @ sign, followed by a mail domain. The mail domain must contain at least one dot. The mail address entered did not conform to this format. | Check the email address to make sure it was entered correctly. Some internal mail systems do not require the @ sign and mail domain, or may have a mail domain without a dot. The eLandings system cannot use these email addresses. Check with your network administrator for an Internet email address to use. |
1012 ERROR: Userid is required | UserID is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to login and did not provide your UserID, you were trying to create a new UserID and did not provide a value for the new ID, or you were requesting a password without entering the user ID. | Enter a UserID. |
1013 ERROR: Userid cannot be all numbers | UserID cannot be all numbers. | You were trying to create a new UserID and entered a number for the new ID. Alternately, you were trying to login and misentered numeric data in the UserID field. | Enter a correct existing UserID to login, or enter a non-numeric UserId to create a new one. |
1014 ERROR: Userid is already in the database | The UserID value you are trying to create for a new user is already in use for an existing user. | You were trying to create a new user account and the UserID value you entered is already used by another account. | Make sure you or someone else has not already requested an account for the user. Otherwise, choose a different UserID for the user. |
1015 ERROR: Userid cannot be more than 40 characters | More than 40 characters were entered in the userid field. | Too many characters were entered for the UserID. This error can occur if other data is misentered in the UserID field. | Check the UserID to make sure it was correctly entered. If creating a new user choose a shorter UserID. |
1016 ERROR: PSW_TYPE Password is required where: PSW_TYPE is The type of password, either old or new, or blank. | Password is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to login and did not provide your password. Alternately, you were creating a new user account and did not provide a password. | Enter a password. |
1017 ERROR: PSW_TYPE Password must be at least MIN_LEN characters where: MIN_LEN is The minimum length of the field PSW_TYPE is The type of password, either old or new, or blank. | Less than 6 characters were entered in the password field. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered less than 6 characters in the password field. | Enter a valid password. |
1018 ERROR: PSW_TYPE Password cannot be longer than MIN_LEN characters where: MIN_LEN is The minimum length of the field PSW_TYPE is The type of password, either old or new, or blank. | More than 16 characters were entered in the password field | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered more than 16 characters in the password field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the password field. | Enter a valid password. |
1019 ERROR: PSW_TYPE Password cannot be all numbers where: PSW_TYPE is The type of password, either old or new, or blank. | A password was entered that is all numeric digits. For security reasons, passwords cannot be numbers as these are too easy to guess by trial and error. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered a password that was all numeric digits. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the password field. | Enter a valid password. |
1020 ERROR: User ID cannot be used as a part of Password | A password was entered that is the same as the UserID, or contains the UserID. For security reasons, this is not allowed, because it makes the password too easy to guess. | When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered a password that was the same as the userid, or matched the userid with extra characters on the end or beginning. | Enter a valid password. |
1021 ERROR: New password cannot be the same as old password | When changing a password, the new password and the old password were the same, so the password would not have changed. | When trying to change a password the value entered was the same as the old password. | Enter a new, valid password. |
1022 ERROR: User Name is required | User name is required information and must be entered | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a name for the user. | Enter a name for the user. The name should be the person's name, not a company name. |
1023 ERROR: User Name cannot be longer than 32 characters | More than 32 characters were entered in the user name field. | You were trying to create or edit a user account, and entered too much data in the user name field. You can also get this error if you misentered other data in the user name field | Enter the correct user name. It should be the person's name, not a company name. Abbreviate if necessary. |
1024 ERROR: Agency name is required | Agency name is required information and must be entered. | You were trying to create an agency user account and did not provide the agency name. | Enter the correct agency abbrevation, such as ADFG, NMFS, or IPHC in the agency name field. |
1025 ERROR: Agency AGENCY_NAME is not valid where: AGENCY_NAME is The agency abbreviation. | The agency name entered is not a recognized agency name. | Agency names are stored in the system code manager. The value you entered was not in the system's code set. | Check that the agency name you entered was a correct agency abbreviation, such as ADFG, NMFS, or IPHC. If you have another agency name you believe should be valid check with eLandings system support. |
1026 ERROR: Processor company name is required | The processor company name is required information, and must be entered. | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a company name for the user. | Enter a company name for the user. The processor company name should be the primary company where the user is an employee or hired contractor, even if they will be entering landing reports for multiple operations, as in the case of custom processing. |
1027 ERROR: Processor company cannot be longer than 32 characters | More than 32 characters were entered in the processor company name field | When trying to create or edit a user account the processor name was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the processor company name field. | Check that the processor company name is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. |
1028 ERROR: Parent company name is required | The processor parent company name is required information, and must be entered. | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a parent company name for the user. | Enter a parent company name for the user. The parent company name should be the parent company of the primary company where the user is an employee or hired contractor, even if they will be entering landing reports for multiple operations, as in the case of custom processing. |
1029 ERROR: Parent company cannot be longer than 32 characters | More than 32 characters were entered in the parent company name field | When trying to create or edit a user account the parent company name was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the parent company name field. | Check that the parent company name is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. |
1030 ERROR: City is required | City is required information and must be entered | You were trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a city. | Enter the city. |
1031 ERROR: City cannot be longer than 50 characters | More than 50 characters were entered in the city field | When trying to create or edit a user account the city was too long. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the city field. | Check the city name for the user is correct. Abbreviate if necessary. |
1032 ERROR: State is required | State is required information and must be entered. | When trying to create or edit a user account and did not provide a state. | Enter the state. |
1033 ERROR: State must be a two character state code | The state entered was not a valid two character State code. | When trying to create or edit a user account the state code was not valid. Typically this is because you entered more than the two character state abbreviation. You can also get this error by misentering other data in the state field. | Enter the correct two character abbrevation for the State. |
1034 ERROR: Security question is required | The security question is required information, and must be entered. | The security question is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter a security question that the user will know the answer to, but that would be difficult for anyone else to answer. |
1035 ERROR: Security question cannot be longer than 500 characters | More than 500 characters were entered in the security question field | When trying to create a user account the security question was too long. | Enter a shorter security question. The question should be one that the user will be unlikely to forget the answer to, but that anyone else would have a hard time answering correctly. |
1036 ERROR: Secret answer is required | The secret answer is required information, and must be entered | The secret answer is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. It is the answer to the security question. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter the answer to the security question. |
1037 ERROR: Secret answer cannot be longer than 500 characters | More than 500 characters were entered in the secret answer field | When trying to create a user account the secret answer was too long. | Enter a shorter secret answer, abbreviating if necessary. The security question that the secret answer answers should be one that the user will be unlikely to forget the answer to, but that anyone else would have a hard time answering correctly. |
1038 ERROR: Port Code is required | The port code is required information and must be entered. Port codes are the ADF&G alphanumeric port codes. NMFS port codes and IFQ numeric port codes cannot be entered, the system will translate the entered ADF&G port code to the correct NMFS and IFQ values where needed. | Port code is required for most operations, all landing reports, and at-sea production reports. | Enter a valid three character ADF&G port code. The valid port codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. |
1039 ERROR: Port Code PORT_CODE is invalid. This must be the three letter alphabetic port code where: PORT_CODE is The ADF&G alphabetic port code. | The port code entered is not a valid ADF&G port code. Port codes are the ADF&G alphanumeric port codes. NMFS port codes and IFQ numeric port codes cannot be entered, the system will translate the entered ADF&G port code to the correct NMFS and IFQ values where needed. | The port codes are stored in the database. The value entered does not match any of the stored port codes. | Enter a valid three character ADF&G port code. The valid port codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. |
1040 ERROR: Vessel ADF&G Number is required | The ADF&G vessel number is required information and must be entered. ADF&G vessel numbers are five digit numbers issued by the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC). | Vessel ADF&G numbers are required for at-sea and tender operation setups, landing reports, and at-sea production reports. | Enter a valid ADF&G vessel number. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. |
1041 ERROR: ADF&G Vessel Number VESSEL_NUM is not valid where: VESSEL_NUM is The ADF&G Vessel number, issued by CFEC. | The ADF&G vessel number entered was not found in the database. | The vessel ADF&G numbers are stored in the database. They are issued by CFEC, and are updated daily. The vessel ADF&G number can be at most 5 characters. | Enter a valid ADF&G vessel number. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. If you are sure the vessel number is the correct one for the vessel, contact eLandings system support. |
1042 ERROR: Processor Code is required | The ADF&G processor code is required information and must be entered. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | ADF&G processor code is required for landing reports, for shoreside plant production reports, and for the setup of most types of operations. | Enter a valid ADF&G processor code. |
1043 ERROR: Processor Code PROC_CODE is not valid where: PROC_CODE is The ADF&G Processor Code, also know as the F-code. | The ADF&G processor code entered was not found in the database. ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits. | The ADF&G processor codes are stored in the database. They are issued by ADF&G, and are updated daily. To be valid the proc code must be in the database. | Enter a valid ADF&G processor code. If you are sure the proc code you entered is correct, contact eLandings system support. |
1044 ERROR: Security question is invalid | The security question is required information, and cannot contain special characters that are restricted due to scripting concerns. | The security question is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter a security question that the user will know the answer to, but that would be difficult for anyone else to answer. Do not use special characters. |
1045 ERROR: Secret answer is invalid | The secret answer is required information, and cannot contain special characters that are restricted due to scripting concerns. | The secret answer is used if the user forgets their password and must request it be reset by an agency user. It is the answer to the security question. For security reason, each user needs a security question and answer on file. | Enter the answer to the security question, without using special characters. |
1046 ERROR: Federal Permit Number is required | The Federal Permit number is required information for production reports and some landing reports. Federal Permit Numbers may be Federal Fisheries Permit numbers or Federal Processor Permit Numbers. | The Federal Permit number is require for some landing reports, for production reports, and for the setup of some types of operations | Enter a valid FFP or FPP number. |
1047 ERROR: Federal Permit Number FED_PROC_NUM is not valid where: FED_PROC_NUM is The Federal Processor Permit Number. | The Federal Permit number is required information for production reports and some landing reports. Federal Permit Numbers may be Federal Fisheries Permit numbers or Federal Processor Permit Numbers. The Federal Permit Numbers are stored in the database and the entered number is compared to the database records. | The Federal Permit number entered was not found in the database. | Enter a valid FFP or FPP number. |
1050 ERROR: Registered Buyer Number is required | Registered buyer number is required information and must be entered, if the species is either halibut or sablefish. A default value is set by your user agreement registration, and if there is more than one registered buyer number number associated with your user agreement, select the correct one. | Registered buyer number number was switched to a blank value. | Verify that the registered buyer number number is set to the correct value, and select the correct value. |
1051 ERROR: Registered Buyer Number REG_BUYER_NUM is not valid where: REG_BUYER_NUM is The NMFS Restricted Access Management Division registered buyer number for halibut and sablefish IFQ. | The registered buyer number entered was not found in the database. | The registered buyer number entered is not valid. You may have mistyped the registered buyer number; or the permit was issued after the last database update (within the last few hours). | Verify your registered buyer number, and enter the correct value. If this is unsuccessful, you may call NMFS Data Technicians: 1-800-304-4846, option 1. |
1054 ERROR: Registered Crab Receiver Number is required | Registered crab receiver number is required information and must be entered for a crab landing report. A default value is set by your user agreement registration, and if there is more than one registered crab receiver number associated with your user agreement, select the correct one. | Registered crab receiver number was switched to a blank value. | Verify that the registered crab receiver number is set to the correct value. Select the correct value. |
1055 ERROR: Registered Crab Receiver Number RCR_NUM is not valid where: RCR_NUM is The NMFS Restricted Access Management Division registered crab receiver number for crab IFQ. | The registered crab receiver number entered was not found in the database. | The registered crab receiver number entered is not valid. You may have mistyped the registered crab receiver number; or the permit may have been issued after the last database update (within the last few hours). | Verify your registered crab receiver number, and enter the correct value. If this is unsuccessful, you may call NMFS Data Technicians: 1-800-304-4846, option 1. |
1059 ERROR: Landing report with no line items cannot be submitted | The system does not allow initial or final reports to be submitted without line item information. Line item information includes stat areas, species codes, condition codes, weight, number of animals, pot lifts, and disposition codes; number of animals and pot lifts are not always required or applicable. When a sold disposition code is entered, line item information also includes size/grade, sold weight, and price per pound; size/grade is not required. | There is no information for line items and submit an initial or final report was selected. | Verify line item information, and enter the correct values. |
1060 ERROR: Trip Number is required | Trip number is required information and must be entered. The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Trip number was not entered. | Verify the trip number, and enter the correct value. |
1061 ERROR: Trip Number must be numeric | The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | The trip number entered is not a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Verify the trip number, and enter the correct whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. |
1062 ERROR: Trip Number TRIP_NUMBER is invalid where: TRIP_NUMBER is The trip identifing number for the vessel. | The system requires a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | The trip number entered is not a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. | Verify the trip number, and enter a whole numeric value between one and 10,000,000,000. |
1063 ERROR: Report Type is required | | | |
1064 ERROR: Report Type REPORT_TYPE is invalid where: REPORT_TYPE is The landing report type such as C for Crab or G for groundfish. | | | |
1065 ERROR: Gear Code is required | The gear code is required information and must be entered. Gear codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The gear code was not entered. | Verify the gear code, and enter the correct value. |
1066 ERROR: Gear Code GEAR_CODE is not valid for crab where: GEAR_CODE is The numeric gear code. | The ADF&G gear code must be valid for crab if the report type is a Crab Landing Report. Gear Codes can be looked up on the eLandings website. | The ADF&G gear code entered is not correct for the gear used, or the wrong landing report type was chosen. | Verify the ADF&G gear code, and enter the correct code. Verify that the correct landing report type is being used. |
1067 ERROR: Gear Code GEAR_CODE is not valid where: GEAR_CODE is The numeric gear code. | The ADF&G gear code entered was not found in the database. The ADF&G gear code is a numeric value one or two digits long. Leading zeroes are not required, but may be entered. Gear codes can be found on the eLandings website. | The ADF&G gear codes are stored in the database. | Verify the gear code, and enter a valid ADF&G gear code. |
1068 ERROR: Crew Size is required | Crew size is required information and must be entered. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size was not entered. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. |
1069 ERROR: Crew Size must be a whole number | The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | Data other than numbers have been entered in the crew size field. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. |
1070 ERROR: Crew Size cannot be less than one. Crew Size includes the skipper | The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size entered is less than one. | Verify the crew size, and enter the correct value. |
1071 ERROR: Crew Size cannot be greater than MAX_SIZE where: MAX_SIZE is The maximum number of characters that can be stored in the database for the field. | The system does not allow crew size to be greater than 500. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 500. | The crew size entered is greater than 500. | Verify the crew size, and enter a valid numeric value, between one and 500. If you are sure of your crew size, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. |
1072 WARNING: Crew Size is greater than MAX_SIZE . Is that right? where: MAX_SIZE is The maximum number of characters that can be stored in the database for the field. | This warning is generated when the crew size is between the maximum expected number of 99 and the maximum number of 500. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings. | The Crew Size entered is between the maximum expected number of 99 and the maximum number of 500. | Verify that the Crew Size is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the crew size is not correct, enter the correct crew size and select Save. |
1073 ERROR: The number of Observers Onboard is required | The number of Observers Onboard is required information and must be entered. The system expects a whole numeric value between zero and 20. | Number of Observers Onboard was not entered. | Verify the number of Observers Onboard, and enter the correct value. If no observer was onboard, enter zero. |
1074 ERROR: Observers Onboard must be a whole number | The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 20. | The observers onboard entered is not numeric. | Verify the observers onboard field, and enter the correct value. |
1075 ERROR: Observers Onboard cannot be less than zero. | The system does not allow the number of observers onboard to be less than zero. | A negative number was entered, such as: -1, -5, and -20. | Verify the amount of observers onboard, and enter the correct value. |
1076 ERROR: Observers Onboard cannot be greater than MAX_SIZE where: MAX_SIZE is The maximum number of characters that can be stored in the database for the field. | The system does not allow amount of observers onboard to be greater than 20. The system expects a whole numeric value between one and 20. | The amount of observers onboard entered is greater than 20. | Verify the amount of observers onboard, and enter the correct value. If you are sure of the amount of observers onboard, contact eLandings support to resolve the problem. |