Panel |
- Call on October 1
- ThinkTank Session on Risk Assessment
- Pilot Criteria
- Legal/Policy Mandate (Y/N)--(i.e., Magnuson Reauthorization Act or NMFS regulation)
- Level of Assurance Needed: Based on
- Likelihood of Harm (low, med, high)
- Impact of Harm (high, med, low)
- Executive Sponsorship (low, med, high)
- Cycle Time Improvement (low, med, high)
- Compliance Impact (Y/N) Can we manage fisheries according to our plan without the electronic transfer of data?
- Volume of Transactions (low, med, high)
- Level of Assurance
- Category of Harm
- Likelihood of Harm
Panel |
- Email Reminder on October 15
- Email to remind participants of the need to gathering the necessary information for the Implementation Plan Outline(s) such as
- Timeline
- Milestones
- Staffing